Health and Safety Flashcards
What is the RICS document in regard to Health and Safety
RICS Professional Standard: Surveying Safely (Effective Feb 2019)
What does Surveying Safely Cover? (4 Points)
1) Safe Systems of Work
2) Safe Work Equipment
3) Safe Person
4) Risk assessments
What is the Key Health and Safety Docment?
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 , as amended
What is a “Safe Person”?
Introduced Surveying Safety
All individuals have a responsible for their own and their colleagues safety in the workplace.
What are your responsibilities under the H&S at work act 1974? (6 Points)
Take responsibility for own H&S and that of anyone under your supervision.
Co-operate with employer to minimise risk to self, colleagues and others potentially affected by actions.
Report actual or perceived breaches in good time
Carry out risk assessment.
Wear PPE
Undertake staff training
What is a Hazard?
Hazard - Something with the potential to cause harm
What is a Risk?
Risk – likelihood of someone being harmed
What is a Risk Assessment?
Legal requirement for organisations with more than 5 staff, to carry out documented heath and safety risk assessment
What is included in a Risk Assessment?
1) Identify hazards present
2) Identify people at risk
3) Evaluate the risk
4) Record findings
5) Review it regularly
6) Advise those potentially affected
What are the Six Pack H&S Regulations?
1) Management of H&S at work
2) Display Screen Equipment
3) Manual Handling Equipment
4) Personal Protective Equipment
5) Provision and Use of Work Equipment
6) Workplace H&S, and welfare
What legislation covers fire safety? 2 Points
Fire Safety Act 2021 which amended the Regulatory Reform Order 2005
When is a EWS1 Required
When buildings are higher than 18m tall or 6 storeys
What are some Risk you may be exposed to as a Surveyor? ( 4 Points)
- Asbestos
- Subtances and Chemicals
- Driving
- Trip Hazards
What steps would you take if you found Asbestos on a inspection? (3 Points)
1) Instruct an asbestos survey to identify and manage ACMs
2) Management Plan
3) Asbestos Register- Recommend to review6 months
What is in a Asbestos Management Survey (3 Points)
- Site plan showing the location of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) and areas not inspected
- Monitoring Schedule
- Emergency Procedures