Health and Safety Flashcards
What is the Health & Safety at Work Act?
- Primary legislation – main piece of legislation governing health and safety
- It places a duty on all employers “to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work” of all their employees.
Who are the HSE?
- Health & Safety Executive
- Regulate and enforce the Health & Safety at work Act.
- Inspect premises and they have the power to enter a site without warning and close it down.
What are the Construction and Design Management Regulations (CDM 2015)?
Seeks to improve H&S in construction by placing specific duties on duty holders on a construction project.
• 3 core aims:
○ Focus the project team on H&S throughout lifecycle of a building
○ Improve planning and management of projects to identify dangers early
○ Places responsibilities upon those best placed to deal with H&S duties
What is the Principal Designer’s role?
- To inform the client of their duties.
- To plan, manage and monitor the pre-construction phase.
- To help compile pre-construction info, provide info to designers and contractors
- To prepare the H&S file and to update it.
- To check designers have skills for the role.
What are the responsibilities of the client under CDM Regs?
•Make suitable arrangements for managing a project, including making sure:
o other duty holders are appointed as appropriate
o sufficient time and resources are allocated
•Make sure:
•relevant information (including pre construction) is prepared and provided to other duty holders
•the principal designer and principal contractor carry out their duties
•welfare facilities are provided
•ensure that the principal contractor or contractor prepares a construction phase plan before that phase begins
•ensure that the principal designer prepares a health and safety file for the project
•For notifiable projects clients must:
o Notify HSE in writing with details of the project
o Ensure a copy of the notification is displayed in the construction site office
What are the duties of the principal contractor?
Plan, manage, monitor and coordinate health and safety in the construction phase of a project. This includes:
o liaising with the client and principal designer
o preparing the construction phase plan
o organising cooperation between contractors and coordinating their work
• Make sure:
o suitable site inductions are provided
o reasonable steps are taken to prevent unauthorised access
o workers are consulted and engaged in securing their health and safety
o welfare facilities are provided
What are the duties of the designers?
When preparing or modifying designs, eliminate, reduce or control foreseeable risks that may arise during:
o Construction
o the maintenance and use of a building once it is built
• Provide information to other members of the project team to help them fulfil their duties.
What are the duties of the contractor?
- Plan, manage and monitor construction work under their control so it is carried out without risks to health and safety.
- For projects involving more than one contractor, coordinate their activities with others in the project team – in particular, comply with directions given to them by the principal designer or principal contractor.
What is the PM’ s role?
- No duties under regulations however could be in contract
- Ensure team are aware of duties and that H&S is championed on the project.
- Ensure client complies with CDM regulations
- Implement risk prevention
- Check own competence
- Review H&S on site
When is a project notifiable?
- last more than 30 days and more than 20 workers
* or exceed 500 person days of construction work
When are incidents reportable?
- A death
- Specific injury (fracture, amputation etc)
- If you have to have over 7 days off work
When are incidents recordable?
• If you have over 3 days off work
What other H&S standards are you aware of?
PPE at work act
Working at Height Act
Risk Assessments
Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012
Tell me about the PPE at Work Act
o Access and provide suitable PPE to employees and visitors
o Maintain and replace
o Instruction and training
Tell me about the Working at Height Act
o Avoid where possible
o Appropriate supervision
o Suitable selection of equipment
o Appropriate protection
Talk me through risk assessments
o Identify o Who and how harmed o Evaluate and decide on precautions o Record findings o Review and update as necessary
Tell me about the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012
o Examples of asbestos: chrysotile and amosite
o Remaining asbestos can be left in place if in good condition and won’t be exposed
o Duty to manage – if you’re responsible for maintenance of non-domestic premises
o the majority of cases, work with asbestos needs to be done by a licensed contractor
o Training is mandatory for anyone liable to be exposed to asbestos fibres at work.
What is a H&S file and what is in it?
- Records information for client / end user containing relevant H&S information
- Residual risks that were not designed out
- Informs future construction
- Required on all projects involving more than one contractor
- Client ensures HSF prepared by PD - needs to be regularly reviewed and updated
- PC plays secondary role ensuring fit for purpose at end of project
- Includes - description of works, residual risk register, key structural info, hazardous material, cleaning & maintenance, location and marking of significant services (infra works)
What is in a H&S plan?
- Completed before starting on site
- Sets out management and prevention of risks
- Must be updated
- Method statement
- Fire plan
- Emergency routes
What H&S factors have you considered in the design / designed out?
- Required fire escape routes and widths – Fitzroy roof
- Ramps – balustrading for certain heights
- Opening mechanism of rooflights and windows to ensure maintenance
- Mansafe system / roof access
- Cleaning and maintenance strategy for the client
Why are architects reluctant to take on the PD role?
- Extra duties and responsibilities
- Don’t have expertise in house
- Impact on PI
What risks are you looking for onsite and have you reported anything?
• PPE (problem with supply?) • Safe storage of materials • Whether the site is secure • Whether site is showing all the relevant H&S Act documentation on site i. Reported ii. Escalated iii. Wait until resolved iv. Followed up to find out why occurred and make sure it doesn’t happen again (ie increased H&S briefing, training, toolbox talked etc)
What is COSHH?
- Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 2002
- Prevent or reduce workers to exposure to hazardous substances
- PPE is last line of defence
What is RIDDOR?
• Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
If someone is off sick for more than 7 days = reportable
What is the role of the CSCS cards? How do they ensure safety, are they a fad? Why not if not?
- Ensures staff on my site have the relevant H&S principles/ good working practices.
- CSCS is not only mechanism, H&S further enforced by toolbox talks, induction processes, general training, task specific risk assessments, daily briefings.
- Provides basic standard of knowledge to build on
Tell me about an F10 notification
Notifying HSE of works
○ Responsibility of client, but can be done by PD
○ Project is notifiable when lasts longer than 30 days and has more than 20 workers on site
○ Exceeds 500 person working days
Must be displayed on site
Tell me about a construction phase plan (CPP)
○ Required under CDM
○ Prepared by PC
○ Used to plan and manage construction projects in a safe manner
○ Legal document and must be done before works commence
○ Responsibility of client to ensure its done
Includes: project description, project management, H&S, risk register, key info on H&S i.e. inductions, fire, emergencies etc
What is an Operation and maintenance manual?
○ A file that contains all the information required for the operation, maintenance, decommissioning and demo of a building
○ Part of handover documentation, prepared by contractor
○ Includes manufacture literature, as-built drawings and commissioning sheets
○ Size and complexity depends on job
○ Typical contents: project description, as built’s, service plans, asset reg, instructions for O&M, guarantees & warranties, fire, electrical & gas certification
○ BBD could also be issued for incoming tenants
What is the RICS guidance on H&S?
Surveying Safely (Guidance note)
○ Sets out good practice for managing H&S as an RICS member of firm
○ Sets out personal responsibilities - safe person concept
○ Corporate responsibilities
○ Working safely
○ Assessing risk & examples of risk - i.e. asbestos, working at height, fire safety
○ Welfare requirements
○ Procedures for visiting site
○ Risk assessment /method statements
○ Management of H&S when procuring a contractor - think PQQ for Fitzroy - H&S questions to ensure competence, check the correct insurances & levels in place
Tell me about the health and safety issue on Blossom Street? What did you do?
- On Blossom Street, I was managing some fit out works for a marketing suite.
- A health and safety inspection highlighted several issues with the way the principal contractor was working
- I instructed the works to stop
- Areas to be made safe
- Held a meeting with the principal contractor and health & safety advisor to review the risk areas before letting the works recommence.
What issues were there on BS?
- Health & safety board was not displayed
- Site not secure - doors left open
- Trip hazards - lose wires
What H&S responsibility did you have on BS as PM?
- Upon completion of the works, I carried out an inspection of the works to sign off practical completion.
- I agreed with the PC that they would submit the HSF within a week of completing the works for the Client’s H&S advisor to review and comment.
- The completed HSF was completed within a month of practical completion.
What is included in the H&S file?
· The HSF includes: o Description of works o Residual risk register o Key structural info o Hazardous material o Cleaning & maintenance o Location & marking of significant services (infra works)
When should the H&S file be provided?
Stage 6 - handover
All info to be handed back to the client at (or within one month) of practical completion.
What was your role on Blossom Street in the CDM meetings?
- Led regular monthly meetings with the PD & PC to coordinate and manage the design and construction
- Reviewed and updated the residual risk register
- Ensured relevant H&S documentation was prepared such as the construction phase plan, HSF & O&Ms