Health and lifestyle Flashcards
What is a balanced diet?
Eating food containing the right nutrients in the correct quantities.
What is a carbohydrate?
The nutrient that provides energy.
What does fibre do?
Fibre provides bulk to food to help it keep moving through the digestive system.
What are lipids?
Nutrients which provide a store of energy and insulate the body.
What are minerals?
Essential nutrients needed in small amounts to keep you healthy.
What is a nutrient?
A essential substance that your body needs to survive, provided by food.
What is a protein?
A nutrient used for growth and repair.
How do you test for starch?
Add iodine solution. If the food turns blue-black, starch is present.
How do you test for lipids?
Rub the food on filter paper. If paper turns transparent, lipids are present. In a food solution, add ethanol instead.
How do you test for sugar?
Add Benedict’s solution. If solution turns orange-red, sugar is present.
How do you test for protein?
Add copper sulphate solution and sodium hydroxide solution. The food contains protein, if solution turns purple.
What is the measurement for energy?
What is starvation?
The extreme case of not eating enough.
What does obese mean?
Extremely overweight.
What is deficiency?
The lack of minerals that causes poor growth.
What is the digestive system?
A group of organs that work together to break down food.
What is digestion?
The process where large molecules are broken down into smaller molecules.
What is bile?
Substance that breaks fat into small droplets.
What is carbohydrase?
The enzyme that breaks carbohydrates into sugar molecules.
What are catalysts?
Substances that speeds up a reaction without being used up.
What are enzymes?
A special protein that can break large molecules into small molecules.
What is protease?
The enzyme that breaks down protein into amino acids.
What is lipase?
Enzyme that breaks down lipids into fatty acids and glycerol.
What is a drug?
A chemical substance that affects the way your body works.
What is addiction?
A need to keep taking a drug to feel normal.
What are recreational drugs?
Drugs taken for enjoyment.
What are medicinal drugs?
Drugs that have a medical benefit to your health.
What are withdrawal symptoms?
Unpleasant symptoms a person with a drug addiction suffers from when they stop taking a drug.
When you drink alcohol, what happens to your body?
The ethanol, from the alcohol, goes into your bloodstream. It then travels to the brain, where it affects the nervous system.
What is ethanol?
The drug found in alcoholic drinks.
What is a depressant?
A drug that slows down the body’s reactions by slowing down the nervous system.
What is FAS?
Fetal Alcoholic Syndrome
This affects the way a baby’s brain works. This occurs when a pregnant women drinks alcohol. The ethanol can get into the baby’s bloodstream and damage virtual organs.
When pregnant what does drinking alcohol increase the risk of?
Drinking alcohol, while pregnant, increases risks of: Miscarriage Stillbirth Premature birth Low-weight-birth babies
What is passive smoking?
Breathing in other people’s smoke.
What is a stimulant?
A drug that speeds up the body’s reactions by speeding up the nervous system.