Head/Neck Muscles Flashcards
Corrugator Supercillii
-Group: Muscle of Fascial Expression
-Origin: Superciliary Arch (medial end)
-Insertion: Skin (Deep surface above the middle of the supraorbital margin)
-Actions: “frowning muscle”
*eyebrow downward and inward
-Antagonists: Frontalis
-Verbal Action: “Angry” expression
*superior to the orbicularis oculi
*deep to the frontalis
Depressor Anguli Oris
-Group: Muscles of Fascial Expression
-Origin: Mandible (oblique line)
-Insertion: Angle of the Mouth
-Action:Depresses the angle of the mouth
-Verbal Action: “frown”
*Superficial to the Depressor Labii Inferioris
*Inferior to the Risorius
-Group: Muscles of Fascial Expression
-Origin: Mandible (Incisive fossa)
-Insertion: Skin of Chin
*Raises and protrudes lower lip
*wrinkles skin of chin
-Verbal Action: “pout”
*just beneath skin of chin
Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi
-Group: Muscles of Fascial Expression
-Origin: Nasal Bone
-Insertion: Nostril, Upper Lip (mouth and nose)
-Action: Raises and Protrudes the Upper Lower Lip
*elevates upper lip
*Levator Labii Superioris (elevates lower lip)
*Zygomatic Minor (elevates lower lip)
-Verbal Action: “disgust”
*Medial to the Levator Labii Superioris
*Medial and Inferior to the Orbicularis Oculi
*immediately Lateral to the Nasalis
*atttaches between the 2 parts of the nasi
Levator Anguli Oris
-Group: Muscles of Fascial Expression
-Origin: Maxilla (Canine Fossa)
-Insertion: Angle of the Mouth (blending with the Orbicularis Oris)
*Depresses the nasolabial furrow
*Elevates angle of the mouth
*Zygomatic Major (elevates angle of the mouth)
-Verbal Action: “snarl”, “Dracula” expression
*Deep to Zygomaticus Minor
-Group: Muscles of Fascial Expression
*Maxilla (Alveolar process),
*Mandible (buccinator ridge),
*pterygomandibular joint
-Insertion: Orbicularis Oris (at angel of the mouth)
-Action: Compresses the cheeks
-Verbal Action: “Blow a bubble”
*immediately lateral to the Orbicularis Oris
*Deep to Risorius and Zygomaticus Major
*Attaches into Mandible
-Group: Muscles of Fascial Expression
-Origin: Galea Aponerutica (frontalis), Nuchal Line & Temporal bone (occipitalis)
-Insertion: Muscles/Skin of eyebrow, root of nose (frontalis), Galea Aponerutica (occipitalis)
*raises eyebrows (frontalis)
*wrinkles forehead (frontalis)
-Antagonists: Corrugator Supercilii
-Verbal Action: “surprise” expression
*superficial to the Corrugator Supracillii
*superior to the Orbicularis oculi (frontalis)
*superior to the trapezius (occipitalis)
-Group: Muscles of Fascial Expression
-Origin: Masseter (fascia)
-Insertion: Skin at Angle of Mouth
-Action: Retracts angle of the mouth
-Synergists: Zygomaticus Major
-Verbal Action: “fake smile”
*Superficial and Medial to the Masseter
*Superior to the Depressor Anguli Oris
*Immediately lateral to the Orbicularis Oris
*Superficial to the Buccinator
Zygomatic Major
-Group: Muscles of Fascial Expression
-Origin: zygomatic bone (in front of the temporal process)
-Insertion: Angle of the mouth
-Action: Elevates angle of mouth up and wide
*Levator Anguli Oris
-Verbal Action: “smile”
*Superficial to Buccinator
-Group: Muscles of Mastication
-Origin: Zygomatic Bone (arch)
-Insertion: Mandible (Ramus, Angle)
-Action: Elevates mandible, Protracts Mandible
*Temporalis (elevates mandible)
*Medial Pterygoid (elevates mandible)
-Verbal Action: “close jaw”
*superficial than Temporalis
*Deep and Lateral to the Risorius
*Superficial to Pterygoid
-Group: Muscles of Mastication
-Action: Elevates mandible at the temporomandibular joint
*Masseter (elevates mandible)
*Medial Pterygoid (elevates mandible)
*Digastric (depresses mandible)
* Mylohyoid
-Verbal Action:
*Deep to the arch of the temporal bone
*Deeper than masseter
*Deeper than Temporoparietalis
*Deep to the Auricularis muscles
-has a central tendon
Zygomaticus Minor
-Group: Muscles of Fascial Expression
-Origin: Zygomatic bone (malar surface)
-Insertion: Orbicularis Oris of the upper lip
-Action: Deepens nasolabial furrow
*Levator Labii Superioris (elevates upper lip)
*Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi (elevates upper lip)
-Verbal Action: “sadness” expression
*medial to zygomatic major
*superficial to Levator Angular Oris
*Lateral to Levator Labii Superioris
-Group: Muscles of
-Origin: Sternum (manubrium), Clavicle (medial 1/3)
-Insertion: Temporal Bone (mastoid process), Nuchal Line
*Neck Flexion
*Head Extension
*Neck lateral Flexion
*Neck Rotation
*Elevates Sternum and Clavicle
*Upper Trapezius (lateral Flexion and rotation)
*Opposite Longus Colli (flex the neck)
-Verbal Action:
* “Keep still and poke your head out”
* “Lie down and look behind you”
* “Bring your ear to your shoulder”
* “Stand still and take a deep breath”
* “Rotate your head to your left or right eyebrow”
* “Bow your head to pray”
*deeper to the Platysma
*Superficial to Anterior Scalene and Omohyoid
*Superficial to the levator Scapulae
Anterior Scalene
-Group: Scalene Group
-Origin: C3-C6 (transverse process)
-Insertion: rib 1 (anterior art)
*Neck Lateral Flexion
*Neck Rotation
*Neck Flexion
*Elevates 1st Rib
-Verbal Action:
*Deeper to Sternocleidomastoid
* Deeper to Omohyoid
*Superficial the the brachial plexus of nerves
*Directly Lateral to the Longus Group
Middle Scalene
-Group: Scalene Group
-Origin: C2-C7 (transverse process)
-Insertion: Rib 1 (anterior)
*Neck Lateral Flexion
*Neck Rotation
*Neck Flexion
*Elevates 1st Rib
-Verbal Action:
* Deeper to Omohyoid
*Superficial the the brachial plexus of nerves
*Largest Scalene
*Directly Lateral to the Longus Group
*Attaches to the highest cervical spine
* Superficial the the brachial plexus of nerves
Posterior Scalene
-Group: Scalene Group
-Origin: C4-C6 (transverse process)
-Insertion: Rib 2 (Lateral Surface)
*Neck Lateral Flexion
*Elevates 2nd Rib
*Upper Trapezius (laterally flex the neck)
-Verbal Action:
* Deeper to Omohyoid
*Superficial the the brachial plexus of nerves
*Directly Lateral to the Longus Group
*Smallest Scalene Muscle
-Group: Suprahyoid Muscles
-Origin: Temporal Bone (Styloid process)
-Insertion:Hyoid Bone
-Action:Elevation and Retrusion of the Hyoid Bone
*sternohyoid (depresses the hyoid)
-Verbal Action: “swallow”
-Group: Suprahyoid Muscles
-Origin: Mandible (anterior belly), Mastoid Notch of Temporal bone (posterior belly)
-Insertion: Mandible (Mylohyoid line)
*Depression of the Mandible
*Raising of the Mouth (swallowing)
*Masseter (elevates mandible)
-Verbal Action: “swallow”
*superficial to the Mylohyoid
-aka 2 bellies
-Group: Suprahyoid Muscles
-Origin: Mandible (Mylohyoid line)
-Insertion: Hyoid bone & Median of raphe between muscles
*Depression of Mandible
*Retrusion of Mandible
*Raising floor of mouth (swallowing)
-Verbal Action: swallow, open mouth
*Superficial to Geniohyoid
*deep to the Digastric
-Group: Suprahyoid Muscles
-Origin: Mandible (mental spine)
-Insertion: hyoid bone (anterior surface)
*Depression of Mandible
*Retrusion of Mandible
*Raising floor of mouth (swallowing)
-Verbal Action:
*Deeper than Mylohyoid
Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor
-Group: Suboccipital Group
-Origin: Occipital bone (medial inferior nuchal line)
-Insertion: C1/Atlas (tubercle on posterior arch)
-Action: Head extension
-Verbal Action: “Look Up”
*Immediately Deep to Semispinalis Capitis
Rectus Capitis Posterior Major
-Group: Suboccipital Group
-Origin: Occipital Bone (lateral inferior nuchal line)
-Insertion: C2/Axis Spinous process
*Head Extension
*Head Rotation
*Lateral Flexion
-Verbal Action: “look up”
*Immediately Deep to Semispinalis Capitis
Lamina Groove
a furrow on either side of the spine
Deglutition Muscles
- Omohyoid
- Sternohyoid
- Sternothyroid
- Thyrohyoid
Suboccipital Muscles
- rectus capitis posterior major
- rectus capitis posterior minor
- obliquus capitis superior
- obliquus capitis inferior