Head- bones Flashcards
Skull overview
- Sutures
- External bony landmarks
- Fossae
- Paranasal sinuses
Sutures: sagittal suture coronal suture pterion lambda bregma nasion External bony landmarks: mastoid process zygomatic arch external occipital protuberance angle of mandible nasal septum and conchae paranasal sinuses external auditory meatus rim of bony orbit foramen magnum Fossae: anterior cranial middle cranial posterior cranial temporal infratemporal
ramus –> condylar process articulates with the temporal bone to form temperomandibular jt; coronoid process attachement for temporalis; outer surface attachment for masseter
condylar process
coronoid process
mandibular notch
alveolar process/margin
digastric fossa
mandibular foramen - inf alveolar nerve & artery
mylohyoid line
mental foramen - inf mandibular nerve & artery
mental protuberance
genial tubercles (collectively known as the mental spine)
basi-occiput condylar/lateral part (2 of these) squamous part occipital condyles - connection to vertebral column - atlanto occiptal jt pharyngeal tubercle - attachment of pharyngeal raphe foramen magnum jugular foramen - glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory nerves external occipital protuberance - nuchal ligament, trapezius attach superior nuchal line inferior nuchal line hypoglossal canal - hypoglassal nerve transverse sinus sulcus superior sagittal sinus sulcus grooves for the dural sinuses internal occipital protuberance internal occipital crest jugular foramen
frontal bone
parts- squamous, orbital, nasal
articulations: sphenoid, ethmoid, parietals, nasals, maxillae, lacrimals, zygomatics
temporal bone
styloid process
external auditory meatus
tympanic plate
mastoid notch
zygomatic process
mandibular fossa- articulation with mandible
carotid canaL- ICA
foramen lacerum- greater petrosal nerve
jugular foramen - internal jug vein, CN 9&10&11, Post men art
internal auditory meatus- cn 7 &8
Parietal bone
superior temporal line
inferior temporal line
frontal process
temporal process
frontal process zygomatic process orbital surface infraorbital foramen - infraorbital branch of maxillary cn5 nerve palatine plate/process alveolar process
greater wings lesser wings body sella turcica pituitary/hypophyseal fossa
anterior clinoid processes
posterior clinoid processes
foramen ovale - mandibular n, accessory menengeal, lesser petrosal nerve, emissary vein
foramen rotundum- maxillary branch of trigeminal nerve
foramen spinosum- middle meningeal vess, meningeal branch of mandibular nerve
medial pterygoid plate lateral pterygoid plate hamulus pterygoid fossa spine foramen ovale foramen spinosum
Crista galli - attachment for falx cerebri Cribiform plate Perpendicular plate Middle conch Superior conch
Vomer, nasal, lacrimal, palatine bones