Head and Neck Anatomy 4 Flashcards
State the structures that form the …. wall of the orbit
- Medial
- Lateral
Medial wall of orbit = Ethmoidal air cells + nasal cavity
Lateral wall of orbit = Temporal fossa
State the 2 nerves involved in the corneal reflex
Label the foramen
State the communication with the infraorbital foramen
Infraorbital foramen - infratemporal fossa
All recti muscles attach to ____ hemispheres
All oblique muscles attach to ____ hemispheres
All recti muscles attach to ANTERIOR hemispheres
All oblique muscles attach to POSTERIOR hemispheres
All recti muscles originate from ____ ring near apex of orbit and surrounds ____ canal and ____ ____ fissure
All recti muscles originate from FIBROUS ring near apex of orbit and surrounds OPTIC canal and SUPERIOR ORBITAL fissure
Name the 3 IOM (state whether each muscle is under sympathetic/parasympathetic control)
- ciliary muscle (part of ciliary body) - parasympathetic and sympathetic
- sphincter pupillae - parasympathetic
- dilator pupillae - sympathetic
State the movement related to each EOM
When the eye is abducted by LATERAL RECTUS, the eye is broguht in line with the superior and inferior rectus muscles
- Superior rectus muscle - ____ the eye
- Inferior rectus muscle - ____ the eye
When the eye is abducted by LATERAL RECTUS, the eye is broguht in line with the superior and inferior rectus muscles
- Superior rectus muscle - ELEVATESS the eye
- Inferior rectus muscle - DEPRESSES the eye
When the eye is abducted by MEDIAL RECTUS, the eye is broguht in line with the superior and inferior oblique muscles
- Superior oblique muscle - ____ the eye
- Inferior oblique muscle - ____ the eye
When the eye is abducted by MEDIAL RECTUS, the eye is broguht in line with the superior and inferior oblique muscles
- Superior oblique muscle - DEPRESSES the eye
- Inferior oblique muscle - ELEVATES the eye
State the vessels that provide blood supply and blood drainage of the eye.
Blood supply - ophthalmic A
Blood drainage - ophthalmic V
- Branches of ophthalmic A (____ and ____ ethmoid A) runs through canals
- Branches into ____ ____ A –> supplies eyeball and runs with ____ N
- Branches of ophthalmic A (ANTERIOR and POSTERIOR ethmoid A) runs through canals
- Branches into CENTRAL RETINAL A –> supplies eyeball and runs with OPTIC N
- Drains into ____ sinus –> superior and inferior ____ sinuses
- Drains the ____ and ____ + structures in the orbit
- Drains into CAVERNOUS sinus –> superior and inferior PETROSAL sinuses
- Drains the FOREHEAD and SCALP + structures in the orbit
State the 5 structures that make up the lacrimal apparatus
- lacrimal gland
- excretory ducts
- lacrimal canaliculi
- lacrimal sac
- nasolacrimal duct
State the structure that converys the tears to the surface of the eye
superior conjunctival fornix
Label the diagram
Explain the flow of tears from the lacrimal gland to the nasal cavity
- lacrimal gland
- excretory ducts throguh superior conjunctival fornix
- puncta
- lacrimal canaliculi
- lacrimal sac
- nasolacrimal duct
- nasal cavity
Name the 2 important structures in and around the eye.
- meibomian (tarsal) glands
- superior tarsal (muller’s) muscle
- Modified ____ gland located along the ____ of the eyelid
- Function =
- Modified SEBACEOUS gland located along the RIMS of the eyelid
- Function = Produces meibum (oily substance) that prevents evaporation of the eye’s tear film
- ____ muscle adjoining the ____ ____ ____ muscle
- Has ____ nervous supply, innervated by ____
- Function =
- SMOOTH muscle adjoining the LEVATOR PALEPBRAE SUPERIORIS muscle
- Has AUTONOMIC nervous supply, innervated by SCG (SUPERIOR CERVICAL GANGLION)
- Function = Raises upper eyelid along with LPS (partial ptosis if injury to sympathetic trunk)
State the functions of the concha
- Increases surface area for humidification of air
- Traps dust, particles and bacteria to prevent infection
State the structures that communicate with
1. Superior nasal meatus
2. Middle nasal meatus
3. Inferior nasal meatus
State the blood supply of the
1. Lateral wall of nasal cavity
2. Nasal septum
Lateral wall of nasal cavity - lateral nasal branches of artery
Nasal septum - septal branches of arteries (gives rise to sphenopalatine A that supplies the hard palate with nasopalatine N)
- maxillary A –> sphenopalatine A
- ophthalmic A –> anterior ethmoidal A + psoterior ethmoidal A
State the innervation of the
1. Lateral wall of nasal cavity
2. Nasal septum
Lateral wall of nasal cavity - lateral nasal branches of nerves
Nasal septum - septal branches of nerves (nasopalatine N)
State the vessels involved in blood drainage of the nasal cavity
ophthalmic V –> drains into cavernous sinus
maxillary V –> drains into pterygoidplexus
State the artery that runs with nasopalatine N
sphenopalatine A –> incisive fossa –> hard palate supply
Label the 4 sinuses
State the venous contents od the pterygopalatine fossa
- infraorbital V
- pterygoid pelxus in infratemporal fossa
State the arterial contents of the pterygopalatine fossa
- infraorbital A
- sphenopalatine A (runs with nasopalatine N)
- other branches of maxillary A
State the nerves located in the pterygopalatine fossa
- CN V2 (maxillary division of trigeminal N)
- pterygopalatine ganglion (for lacrimal gand)
State the VENOUS, ARTERIAL and NERVOUS contents of the pterygopalatine fossa
1. infraorbital V
2. pterygoid plexus of infratemproal fossa
1. infraorbital A
2. sphenopalatine A
3. other divisions of maxillary A
1. CN V2 (maxillary division of trigeminal N)
2. pterygopalatine ganglion (for lacrimal gland)
State the 7 communications of the pterygopalatine fossa (SIP F PPP)