Head and Neck Flashcards
What is the discount code to upgrade to Brainscape Pro?
The TMJ has a special sort of joint. What is it called?
Biarticular joint synovial joint. Only one.
What is the trochlear nerve and what does it do?
CN 4. It is the motor nerve for the Superior Oblique Muscle in the eye which rotates the eye.
What is the action of the Suprahyoid Muscles?
Elevate hyoid bone and widen esopgagus
Muscles of facial expression are innervated by which cranial nerve?
Cranial Nerve 7 the facial nerve.
Which cranial nerves have parasympathetic innervations?
3, 7, 9, 10
What are the three divisions of CN 5?
V1=Ophthalmic (sensory only)V2=Maxillary (sensory only)V3=Mandible (motor and sensory)
What are the 4 major muscles of mastication?
Masseter, Temporalis, Medial and Lateral Pterygoid.
Which cranial nerves are responsible for taste on the anterior and posterior portions of the tongue?
Anterior 2/3= CN 7 (facial nerve); Posterior 1/3= CN 9 (glossopharyngeal) 7 looks like T so anterior Taste=7
What are the 4 Suprahyoid muscles?
Digastric, Mylohyoid, Stylohyoid, Geniohyoid DGMS (I dig ‘ems’)
There are five different types of joints. C1 doesn’t have this but C2 on down does. What is it?
Intervertebral joints.
C3 through C7 have these processes for what?
Foramens in transverse processes for the Vetebral artery
What movement does C2 allow for?
Rotation of head “NO” movement. Abduction and adduction of head.
The facial expression muscles are innervated by which cranial nerve?
CN 7 facial nerve
What action does the genioglossus muscle have?
Sticks tongue out. CN 12 innervation.
Which cranial nerves are responsible for sensory on the anterior and posterior portions of the tongue?
Anterior 2/3= CN V3 (linguinal nerve)Posterior 1/3= CN 9 (glossopharyngeal nerve)
C2 through C6 have this process but C1 does not
Bifid spinous process
C2 also known as…?
The muscles of mastication are innervated by which nerve?
Mandible division of trigeminal nerve. CN V3.
What is job of the sinus?
Sinuses protect brain from temperature changes. Also assists with voice resonance.
Which are the four muscles of the Suprahyoid group?
1 Digastric, 2 Mylohyoid, 3 Stylohyoid, 4 Geniohyoid. DGMS (I dig ‘ems!)
What are the 5 layers of the scape? (Hint: SCALP)
1 Skin, 2 Subcutaneous Connective Tissue, 3 Aponeurosis of frontalis muscle, 4 Loose areolar tissue, 5 Periosteum
What is lacking in C1 that other “typical” vertebrae have?
No body, no bifid spinous process
Which are the two lateral cervical muscles?
Trapezius and SCM. Innervated by CN 11 “spinal accessory nerve”
What is the job of the body of the vertebrae?
Bear weight
What are the four Infrahyoid bones?
Omohyoid, Sternohyoid, Sternothyroid, Thyrohyoid O.S.S.T.
What does the Vetebral Arch protect?
Spinal cord
CN 5 are the muscles of what?
Muscles of mastication
What are the three foramens on the face and what exits from them?
Supraorbital foramen (V1/supraorbital nerve), infraorbital foramen (V2/infraorbital nerve), mental foramen (V3/mental nerve)
What is the job of the four Infrahyoid muscles?
Depresses hyoid bone and larynx during swallowing and speechO.S.S.T
C1 is also known as the…?
What is the name of the tissue that separates the cerebellum and cerebrum?
Tentorium cerebelli
What is the name of the tissue that separates the right and left hemispheres?
Falx cerebri
What is the name of the muscle that controls the upper eye lid? Which nerve?
Lavator palpibrae superioris. CN3 Oculormotor
The inferior oblique moves the eye which way?
Up and out
The superior oblique moves the eye which way?
Down and out
Which cranial nerve innervates the Superior Oblique muscle?
CN 4 Trochlear
Which cranial nerve innervates the lateral rectus muscle?
CN 6 Abducens nerve
CN 3 Oculomotor nerve innervates all but these two?
Superior Oblique, Lateral Rectus
The inferior oblique muscle moves the eye which way and has which cranial innervation?
Up and Out, CN 3 Oculomotor
The tympanic membrane connects to what three bones?
Malleus, Incus, Stapes (Think “MISs, can you hear me?”)
What is CN 1?
Olfactory nerve. Smell.
What is CN 2?
Optic nerve, plugs into the eyes
What is CN 3?
Oculomotor nerve, controls movement of the eyes for eye muscles except for the Lateral Rectus and Superior Oblique
Which CN controls the eyelid?
CN 3, via the levator palpebrae muscle
Which nerve innervates the Infrahyoid muscles such as the sternohyoid?
Anna Cervicalis, a spinal cervical nerve
Which nerve(s) provide sensory and motor for the obicularis oculi?
CN 7= motor CN V1=sensory
What kind of blood does the common carotid carry?
Name the two main branches of the carotid artery
Internal Carotid, External Carotid
Where does the internal carotid bring blood to?
Inside the skull, to the brain
Where does the external carotid bring blood to?
What lies deep to the external jugular vein?
What is superficial to the external jugular vein?
What two muscles does the external jugular vein lay in between?
Platysma (superficial), SCM (deep)
What is medial to CN X (Vagus Nerve)?
Common carotid artery
What is lateral to CN X (vagus nerve)?
Internal jugular vein
Does the vagus nerve carry sympathetic signals?
What is the motor nerve and function of the obicularis oris?
CN 7 (Facial nerve), sphincter of mouth
What is the nerve and function of the platysma?
Facial nerve (CN 7), makes a grimace
The Superficial Temporal Vessels are a lesser branch of what major artery?
External carotid
What does the parotid duct carry?
What muscle does the parotid duct pierce?
What nerve goes through the foramen rotundum?
V2, maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve
What nerve goes through the foramen ovale?
V3, mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve
What nerve goes through the Superior Orbital Fissure?
CN 3, CN 4, V1 ( ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve), CN 6
What nerve does V1 become when it exits the Superior Orbital Fissure?
Frontal nerve
What exits through the foramen spinosum?
Middle meningeal artery
CN 9, 10, and 11 exit through which foramen?
Jugular foramen
Concha are also called…?
Which nerves innervate the pharynx?
Sensory =CN 9 Glossopharyngeal nerve Motor= CN 10 Vagus nerve
What is the muscle of the tongue?
Which muscle pulls out tongue?
Motor nerve to tongue?
Hypoglossal CN 12
If tongue hypoglossal is cut on the right side and person stick out tongue which way will it go?
Right side, toward the cut
What is the role of the tonsils?
As immune organs
What plate is below the olfactory bulb?
Cribiform plate
Naso and Oropharynx use which nerve for sensory?
CN 9
What is the only muscle that uses CN 9 for motor innervation?
Sympathetic fibers travel on what vessels?
Sympathetic fibers on arteries can do what to the arteries?
Constrict them
External branch of vagus nerve motor innervates which muscle?
Motor nerve to tongue?
CN 12
Sensory to tongue?
Anterior 2/3=V3; Post 1/3= CN 9
Name of nerve out of mental foramen?
Mental nerve. Mentalis muscle.
The inferior alveolar nerves supply sensation to the…?
Lower teeth
The inferior alveolar nerve is a branch of which nerve?
Branch of the mandibular nerve V3.
What are the motor and sensory nerves for the pharyngeal plexus?
Motor= 10 Sensory= 9
Pharynx and larynx motor innervated by which nerve?
Vagus nerve CN 10
Esophagus has which nerve for motor and sensory?
CN 10 Vagus Nerve
The cavernous sinus is in other side of which sinus?
Sphenoid sinus
What is the name of the orifice that is involved in equalizing pressure with the middle ear?
Pharyngeal orifice
Which nerve innervates the vocal cords?
CN 10 Vagus Nerve
Most sinus empty into which meatus?
Middle meatus
Which part of the face does the maxillary artery supply?
Central face
Which artery comes off the maxillary artery?
Middle meningeal artery
What binds both sides of the mylohyoid?
Median raphe. Binds both sides like a seam.
Which muscle makes wall of cheek?
Which muscle does the carotid duct go through?
What is the only muscle that CN 9 Glossus nerve provides muscle innervation for?
What binds both sides of the mylohyoid?
Median raphe. Binds both sides like a seam.
Which muscle makes wall of cheek?
Which muscle does the carotid duct go through?
What is the only muscle that CN 9 Glossus nerve provides muscle innervation for?
What are the two pharyngeal elevators?
1 Salpingopharyngeus, 2 Palatopharyngeus
These are also known as the “false vocal cords”
Vestibular ligament
The term “abducts” means to…?
The term “adducts” means to…?
Does the cricothyroid muscle tighten or loosen the vocal folds?
What movement does the posterior cricoarytenoid muscle do?
Abducts (opens) the vocal folds
What action does the lateral cricoarytenoid muscle have on the vocal folds?
Adducts (closes) the vocal folds
Which branch of V3 innervates the lower teeth?
Inferior alveolar nerve
Which nerve is sensory innervation to anterior tongue?
Linguinal nerve, branch of V3
Which nerve is motor innervation to tongue?
CN 12 Hypoglossal Nerve
C1 allows for what kind of motion of head?
“Yes” motion. Extension and flexion of the head.
What is the job of the pharyngeal constrictors?
Contracts to help push food down esophagus
What is the innervation of the pharyngeal constrictors?
Vagus nerve
What is the roof of the nasal cavity?
Cribiform plate of the ethmoid bone
What are the three regions of the pharynx?
Nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx
Which paranasal sinus connects to the sphenethmoidal recess?
Sphenoid sinus
Which paranasal sinus connects to the Superior Meatus?
Posterior ethmoidal sinus
Which paranasal sinus connects to the middle meatus?
Hiatus semilunaris (from frontal, anterior ethmoid all, and maxillary sinuses)
Which paranasal sinus connects to the inferior meatus (below the inferior concha)?
Nasolacrimal duct
What is the superior end of the respiratory and digestive tubes?
The Pharynx
The pharynx starts at ___ and ends at the ___
Starts at base of skull (pharyngeal tubercle) to the inferior border of the cricoid cartilage (C6)
The paranasal sinuses drain to….?
The nasal cavity
What is a choanae?
The opening from the nasal cavity into the nasopharynx
The maxillary artery supplies what region of the face?
Center of face
Middle pharyngeal constrictor attached to what?
Greater horn of hyoid
Inferior pharyngeal constrictor attaches to the
Thyroid cartilage
Stylopharyngeus between which two muscles?
Superior and middle pharyngeal constrictors
Superior pharyngeal constrictor attaches to the
What comes out of stylomastoid foramen?
CN 7 facial nerve
Anterior part of the brain receives blood from which artery?
Internal Carotid Artery
The Internal Carotid Artery in the brain becomes what two main branches?
Middle Cerebral Artery, Anterior Cerebral Artery
The posterior brain received blood supply from what artery?
Basilar artery (from the Vetebral arteries)
In the brain the Internal Carotid Artery and the Posterior Cerebral Artery are connected by what?
Posterior Communicating Artery
The Vetebral arteries become what in the brain?
Basilar arteries
The basilar artery has two main branches which are called?
Superior Cerebellar Arteries, Posterior Cerebral Arteries
Where is the Crista Galli and what does it attach to?
Bone that projects from the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone. Where the falx cerebri attaches anteriorly to the skull. The olfactory bulbs lie on either side of the crista galli on top of the cribriform plate.
Which nerves go through the Superior Orbital Fissure?
CN 3, 4, V1, and 6
CN 1 sits on which plate and which bone?
Cribiform plate of ethmoid bone
CN 2 exits where?
Optic Canal
CN 3,4, V1, and 6 exit where?
Superior orbital fissure
V1 exits where?
Superior orbital fissure
V2 exits through?
Foramen rotundun
V3 exits through?
Foramen ovale
CN 7 and 8 exit through?
Internal acoustic meatus
CN 9, 10, and 11 exit through?
Jugular foramen
Can 12 exits through?
Hypoglossal canal
The Posterior Digastric muscle is innervated by which nerve?
CN 7 Facial
The Anterior Digastric Muscle is innervated by which muscle?