Back/Upper Limbs Flashcards
What is the discount code to upgrade to Brainscape Pro?
What are the 5 major superficial muscles of the back?
Latsismsis dorsi, trapizius, rhomboid major, rhomboid minor, levator scapulae
What are the 2 intermediate back muscles?
Serrates posterior superior, serrates posterior inferior
What are the 5 deep posterior back muscles?
1 Splenius capitis, 2 semispinalis capitis, 3,4,5 erector spinae (ILS…I Love Spine)
What are the three erector spinae muscles?
Iliocostalis (lateral) attaches to ribs, Longissmus (in between), Spinalis (medial, next to spine)
There are two divisions of a spinal nerve root. What are they, where are they, and what does each do?
Ventral nerve root- motor (Efferent) Dorsal nerve root- sensory (Afferent) Comes off the spinal cord->ventral/dorsal->nerve root->dorsal/ventral rami
What are the three layers of muscle in the back?
Superficial, middle, deep
Where do you find kyphosis?
Thoracic spine
What looks like a “hatchet shape” or the nose of a moose?
Spinous process of lumbar vertebra
Lumbar Vetebral foramen has what kind of shape?
Like a triangle
Where does the spinal cord stop and what does it become?
Spinal cord stops at L2 and turns into a bunch of fibers called “corda equina” aka horses tail
What attaches one vertebra to another?
The crossing fiber system of the annulus fibrosus
What is the cushion between vertebra?
Annulus fibrosus. Full of water but dries out with age and person loses height.
The annulus fibrosus is full of what?
When the annulus fibrosus dries out what happens to a person?
Lose height
The nucleus pulposus has what sort of consistency?
Jello like
The nucleus pulposus is located between what and within what?
Between two vertebra and within the annulus fibrosis
Spinal nerves come out from where?
Intervertebral foramen
What comes out of the intervertebral foramen?
Spinal nerves
What are the most common sites of the nucleus pulposus to press on a nerve?
L4 and L5 most common site of nucleus pulposus pressing on nerve. Can be numbness or tingling
Lumbar puncture most commonly done where?
In between L4 and L5
What ligament holds clavicle to the first rib?
Costoclavicular ligament
What joint holds the upper limb onto the trunk?
SternoVicular ligament
What is the “roof” joint over the glenohumeral joint?
Acromioclavicular joint
Which muscle covers the subscapular space?
What is the shoulder end of the clavicle called?
Acromial end. Articulates with scapula.
The acromial end of the clavicle articles with…?
What is the “head end” of the clavicle called?
Sternal end
What does the sternal (head) end of the clavicle articulate with?
Manubrium of sternum
What is function of Erector Spina?
Extension of Vetebral column
Erector Spina made of three muscles
Iliocostalis, Longissimus, Spinalis
Dorsal spinal roots carry what?
Sensory information. Afferent back to spinal cord.
Posterior aka…?
Dorsal root also has ____ which ventral root doesn’t have
Anterior aka…?
Ventral root carries what?
Afferent means?
Toward spinal cord
Efferent means?
Away from spinal cord
Afferent goes ___ and carries what?
Goes in and carries sensory innervation
Efferent goes ___ and carries what?
Goes out and carries motor innervation
What is the structure from the spinal cord to the rami?
Spinal cord->Ventral or Dorsal Nerve Root->Spinal Nerve-> Dorsal or Ventral Primary Ramus (DPR/VPR)
Posterior Rami aka
Dorsal Primary Rami
Anterior Rami aka
Ventral Primary Rami
Spinal nerve gives two branches called?
Dorsal Primary Rami (DPR) and Ventral Primary Rami (VPR). Dorsal means back, ventral means front (anterior). Both have sympathetic fibers in them from the sympathetic ganglion (only from T1 to L2)
Do spinal nerves cross the midline?
Where is the axilla?
What are the boundaries of the triangular space? What’s in the triangular space?
Pec major, pec minor, serratus anterior, subscapularis. Nothing we are concerned about.
The cephalic vein is located where?
In the deltopectoral groove
Where does the cephalic vein drain toward and connects to?
Toward head, connects to the subclavian vein
What is the first section of the brachial plexus called? Two possible answers.
“Roots” or “Ventral Rami”
The subclavian artery comes off of what major artery?
The rhomboids get their oxygenated blood from which artery?
Dorsal scapular artery (deep branch)
The dorsal scapular artery (deep branch) supplies which muscles?
What two muscles does the suprascapular artery supply?
Supraspinatus and Infraspinatus
What does the axillary artery become when it leaves the neck?
Brachial artery
What artery does the brachial artery come from after the neck?
Axillary artery
What is the order or arteries from aorta to brachial?
The Internal Thoracic Artery gives off what other arteries?
Intercostal arteries
What arteries are used in CABG?
Intercostal arteries
Which arteries do the intercostal arteries come from?
Internal Thoracic Arteries
The brachial artery has two branches called?
Radial artery, ulnar artery
The radial and ulnar arteries come from which artery?
Brachial artery
The radial and ulnar arteries join to form what?
Palmar Arches
The palmar arches are formed by what two artery?
Radial artery and Ulnar artery
What are the five major sections of the brachial plexus?
Roots, Trunks, Divisions, Cords, Branches
What is the mnemonic for the brachial plexus?
Ricki T. Drink Cold Beer=Roots, Trunks, Divisions, Cords, Branches
Rootlets become….?
A spinal nerve is the joining of what two parts?
Dorsal root and Ventral root
A spinal nerve exits from what space?
Intervetebral foramina
How many trunks are in the brachial plexus? Name them.
Three: Upper, Middle, Lower
Which spinal nerves are associated with each of the three trunks of the brachial plexus?
Upper: C5-C6. Middle: C7. Lower: C8-T1
The brachial plexus is formed by which part of the spinal nerves and which specific spinal nerves?
Anterior rami (divisions) of the cervical spinal nerves C5, C6, C7; C8; and the first thoracic spinal nerve T1.
Each trunk of the brachial plexus turns into how many divisions?
Two branches. One division travels anteriorly and the other posteriorly.
The anterior and posterior divisions of the brachial plexus go into what region?
The anterior and posterior divisions of the brachial plexus enter the axilla and become what three things?
Cords: Lateral Cord, Middle Cord, Posterior Cord
Which brachium does the median nerve innervate?
Anterior brachium
Posterior antebrachium/forearm innervated by?
Radial nerve
The radial nerve innervates which region?
Posterior brachium, posterior antebrachium
Posterior brachium innervated by?
Radial nerve
Musculocutaneous nerve innervates which two areas?
Anterior brachium and lateral forearm
Anterior brachium and lateral forearm innervated by which nerve?
Musculocutaneous nerve
Axillary nerve innervates which two muscles?
Teres minor and deltoid. (Axillary does Tm.D.)
Teres minor and deltoid innervated by which nerve?
Axillary (Axillary does Tm.D.)
Median nerve innervates which region?
Median nerve innervates anterior antebrachium/forearm EXCEPT 1.5 muscles (Flexor Carpii Ulnaris, medial half of Flexor Digitorum Profundus) digits 4 and 5
Ulnar nerve innervated everything in hand except?
Thenar eminence, first two lumbercules
What does a lumbercle do?
Flexes the metacarpal phalangie joint (MCP joint)
What flexes the MCP joint?
How many lumbercles do we have?
Which lumbercles are innervated by the median nerve?
Lumbercles 1 and 2 on digitis 2 and 3
Which digit doesn’t have a lumbercle?
Which lumbercles are innervated by ulnar nerve?
Lumbercles 3 and 4 on digits 4 and 5
Lumbercles 1 and 2, and thumb’s thenar muscles innervated by?
Median nerve (they make an M shape)
Pulling thumb away from plane of hand is what sort of motion
When thumb touches other digit tip to tip this movement is called?
What moves fingers?
Not muscles in the fingers but rather the tendons in the fingers attaches to muscles in forearm and hand
Are there muscles in fingers?
No. Only tendons, arteries, veins, and nerves.
The forearm is divided into two compartments called…..?
Anterior compartment (flexors), Posterior compartment (extensors)
The muscles in the anterior compartment of the forearm/antebrachium are extensors or flexors?
The muscles in the posterior compartment of the forearm/antebrachium are extensors or flexors?
What is the crow’s beak?
Corocoid process, under clavicle
The short head bicep attaches to which process?
Corocoid process
The musculocutaneous nerve pierces and innervates what muscle in the anterior brachium?
Which nerve innervates the shoulder?
Axillary nerve
The interosseus membrane connects which bones?
Radius and ulna
The radius and ulna are connected by what membrane?
Interosseus membrane
Antebrachium is from what to what and is also called…?
Elbow to wrist. Forearm.
What the are compartment of the antebrachium?
Anterior and posterior compartment, AKA ant (flex) and post (extend)
Which nerve innervates posterior compartment of antebrachium/forearm?
Radial nerve
Which artery and vein for posterior comparment of antebrachium/forearm?
Posterior interosseus artery and vein
The anterior antebrachium is also called what?
Flexor compartment
Which nerves innervate the anterior antebrachium/forearm?
Median nerve and the “lazy” ulnar nerve
Which is the “lazy” nerve in the anterior antebrachium/forearm?
Ulnar nerve, only does 1.5 muscles
What arteries and veins in the anterior antebrachium/forearm?
3 arteries (radial, ulnar, anterior interosseus which is very deep)
The anterior antebrachium has how many arteries and nerves?
2 nerves (median and ulnar), 3 arteries (radial, ulnar, anterior interosseus which is very deep)
The posterior antebrachium has how many arteries and nerves?
1 vein (posterior interosseus vein), 1 artery (posterior interosseus artery/PIA), 1 nerve (radial nerve)
All the muscles of the antebrachium are involved in movements 3 areas?
Wrist, thumb, and fingers
The anterior forearm muscles start from?
Medial epicondyle (which flexes)
Flexors are from ____ epicondyle and extensors are from ____ epicondyle
Flex=Medial epidondyle. Extend=Lateral epicondyle. MFA, PEL.
Carpi are the ____ bones and how many?
Wrist, 8 of them
How many carpi bones are there?
What is the carpi bone mnemonic?
SLTPTTCH (some lovers try positions that they can’t handle)
Which carpi bone is under the thumb?
Trapezium, rhymes with thumb
How many flexor carpi muscles are there?
Two. Flexor Carpi Radialis (FCR), Flexor Carpi Ulnaris (FCU)
What are the three most superficial muscles coming from the medial epicondyle?
Flexor Carpi Radialis (FCR), Flexor Carpi Ulnaris (FCU), Ponator Teres (PT)
To flex the wrist which two muscles are used?
Flexor Carpi Radialis (FCP), Flexor Carpi Ulnaris (FCU)
How many flexor poliicis muscles are there?
Two. Longus and brevis.
Which region/compartment does the flexor poliicis longus (FPL) come from?
Anterior antebrachium
The flexor brevis is located where?
Thenar eminence of the hand, by the thumb
Policis means?
How many flexor digitorum muscles are there?
Two, flexor digiforum superficialis (FDS) and flexor digitorum profundus (FDP)
The median nerve is located inbetween which two muscles?
Flexor digiforum superficialis and flexor digitorum profundus
What is the job of the flexor digiforum superficialis (FDS) and flexor digitorum profundus (FDP)?
Flex fingers to the wrist
Which muscle pronates the hand?
Pronator quadratus
Which muscle pronates/rotates the radius?
Pronator teres
What is the job of the extensor carpi?
Extends wrist
Where are the two extensor capri muscle locates?
Posterior antebrachium
How many extensor carpi radialis muscles are there?
Two: longus, brevis
How many extensor carpi muscles are there total?
Three: Radialis longus, radialis brevis, ulnaris
The brachioradiaulis does and which nerve innervates it?
Acts as flexor of elbow but innervated like extensor by radial nerve
The brachioradiaulis does is in which compartment?
Posterior antebrachium. Job is to flex (an anterior job) but it’s innervation is radial (posterior nerve). It’s “confused”.
Abductor pollicis longus does what?
Pulls thumb into abduction (away from plane of hand)
How many extensor pollicis muscles are there?
Two: extensor pollicis brevis (EPB) and extensor pollicis longus (EPL)
How many extensors are there for the wrist and for the thumb?
Describe the abductor pollicus sandwich?
Inbetween extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB), extensor pollicis brevis (EPB)
What is the extensor indicies?
Only index finger, extends index finger
Which muscle extends digits 2, 3, 4, and 5?
Extensor digitorum
The extensor digiti minimi works on which finger?
What goes through the triangular interval?
Radial nerve, deep brachial artery
The radial nerve goes through what space?
Triangular interval
The radial nerve innervates what?
Innervates posterior brachium and the posterior antebrachium (tricepts and extensors in posterior antebrachium )
Radial nerve innervates which muscles?
Carpis, policies, digitorums. Posterior brachium and antebrachium.
Which vein connects the cephaic v and basilic v?
Median cubital vein (where blood is usually drawn)
What is the “bridge” on the scapular notch?
Transverse scapular ligament
What does “navy goes under bridge” mean?
Suprascapular nerve goes under the transverse sapcular ligament but the artery and vein go above
Digital arteries run along what?
Lateral and medial sides of the fingers
The posterior antebrachium is also called what?
Extensor compartment
Muscles attached to the medial epicondyle flex or extend?
Flex (MFA)
Muscles attached to the lateral epicondyle flex or extend?
Extend (PEL)
What is the action of the Deltoid?
Shoulder adbuction, flexion, and extension
What is the action of the Pectoralis Major?
flexion/extension of humerus
What is the action of the Pectoralis Minor?
stabilze scapula
What is the action of the Biceps Brachii Long Head?
flexes elbow
What is the action of the Biceps Brachii Short Head
flexes elbow
What is the action of the Coracobrachilis?
adducts humerus
What is the action of the Brachialis
flexion at elbow
What is the action of the Supraspinatus?
abduction of arm
What is the action of the Infraspinatus?
external rotation
What is the action of the Subscapularis?
internal rotation, adduct humerus
What is the action of the Teres Minor?
external rotation
What is the action of the Teres Major?
internal rotation, adduct humerus
What is the action of the Triceps Brachii long head?
extends antebrachium and shoulder
What is the action of the Triceps Brachii lateral head?
extends antebrachium and shoulder
What is the action of the Triceps Brachii?
extends antebrachium and shoulder
What is the action of the Trapezius?
rotation, retraction, elevation, and depression of scapula
What is the action of the Rhomboid Major?
retracts scapula
What is the action of the Rhomboid Minor?
retracts and rotates scapula
What is the action of the Rectus capitus posterior minor?
extends neck
What is the action of the Rectus capitus posterior major?
ipsilateral rotation of neck
What is the action of the Obliquus capitis superior?
extends head
What is the action of the Obliquus capitis inferior?
rotation of head/neck
What is the action of the Latissimus Dorsi?
adducts, extends, and internally rotates arm. “Lat Dorsi does A.E.I.”
What is the action of the Serratus posterior inferior?
depress, lower ribs, expiration
What is the action of the Serratus posterior superior?
elevates ribs, inspiration
What is the action of the Splenius capitis?
extend, rotate, laterally flex head
What is the action of the Levator Scapulae?
elevated scapula, rotates glenoid cavity inferiorly
What is the action of the Splenius capitis?
extend, rotate, laterally flex head
What is the action of the Levator Scapulae?
elevated scapula, rotates glenoid cavity inferiorly
What is the action of the Semispinalis capitis?
extension of head
What is the action of the Iliocostalis ?
extends, laterally flex spinal column
What is the action of the Longissimus ?
flex head/neck, extend vertebral column
What is the action of the Spinalis?
flex head/neck, extend vertebral column
What is the action of the Serratus anterior?
protracts and stabilizes scapula, rotation
What are the six superficial muscles of the posterior forearm/antebcrahium?
1 Brachioradialis, 2 extensor carpi radialis longus, 3 extensor carpi radialis brevis, 4 extensor digitorum, 5 extensor digiti minimi, 6 extensor carpi ulnaris. (B.B.L.D.M.U)
What are the five deep muscles of the posterior forearm/antebrachium?
Supinator, extensor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis, abductor pollicis longus, extensor indicies. (SLBLI)
What is the blood supply to the posterior forearm/antebrachium?
Posterior interosseus artery (PIA)
What is the nerve innervation for the posterior forearm/antebrachium?
Radial nerve
What are the four muscles of the anterior forearm/antebrachium?
Flexor Carpi Radialis (FCR), Flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU), Pronator teres (PT), palmaris longus (PL)
What is the single middle layer muscle of the anterior forearm/antebrachium?
Flexor Digitorum Superficialalis (FDS)
What are the three muscles of the deep layer of the anterior forearm/antebrachium?
flexor digitorum profundus (FDP), flexor pollicis longus (FPL), pronator quadratus (PQ)
What are the two nerve innervations of the anterior forearm/antebrachium?
Median nerve, except the ulna (medial) part of FDP and FCU, which are supplied by the ulna nerve.
What is the arterial blood supply for the anterior forearm/antebrachium?
Ulnar artery and radial artery
What is the “tennis elbow” muscle?
What does pollicis or pollux mean?
What does teres mean?
Which compartment of the forearm/antebrachium is for flexation and which other one is for extension?
Flexion=anterior; Extension=posterior
Which compartment in the brachium is for flexion?
Anterior compartment
Which compartment of the brachium is for extension?
The anterior compartment of the brachium is supplied by which artery?
The posterior compartment of the brachium is supplied by which artery?
Deep Brachial
The anterior compartment of the brachium is innervated by which nerve?
The posterior compartment of the brachium is innervated by which nerve?
The FCP and medial half of the FDP in the anterior forearm/antebrachium are innervated not by the median nerve but instead by…?
Ulnar nerve
In the anterior forearm/antebrachium the ulnar nerve only innervates which 1.5 muscles?
The FCP and medial half of the FDP
Which finger does the lumbercle numbering start at?
Index finger. Thumb doesn’t have a lumbercle and thumb is usually #1 so start counting at index as #1 lumbercle. Only four lumbercles total.
Which three muscles flex the elbow?
1 Bicep brachii short head, 2 bicep brachii long head, 3 brachialis
Which two muscles adduct humerus/internal rotation?
1 Subscapularis, 2 Teres Major
Which two muscles extend antebrachium and shoulder?
1 Tricepts brachii short head, 2 Tricepts brachii long head
Which two muscles flex head/neck and extend vetebral column?
1 Longissmus, 2 Spinalis
What is the acronym for the two chambers of the antebrachium/forearm?
MFA=Medial Condyle, Flexors, Anterior Chamber; PEL=Posterior Chamber, Extensors, Lateral Condyle
What are the two processes on the proximal end of the ulna?
Olecranon process, Coronoid process
Antebrachial suppination is controlled by what muscle?
Antebrachial pronation is controlled by which muscle?
Teres pronator
Where is the trochlear notch?
Proximal end of the ulna. It’s where the trochlea of the humerus fits into. Olecranon process and Coronoid process on either side of the notch.
What bone fits into the trochlear notch?
Trochlear bone of the humerus
What bone fits into the head of the radius?
Capitellum of the humerus
What membrane holds together the radius and ulna?
Interosseus membrane
What muscles are attached to the lateral epicondyle?
PEL. Posterior compartment, Extensor muscles, Lateral epicondyle
What muscles are attached to the medial epicondyle?
MFA. Medial epicondyle, Flexor muscles, Anterior chamber
Is the head of the humerus on the proximal or distal end?
Proximal. Head of humerus is at wrist.
Is head of radius at proximal or distal end?
Proximal. Head of radius is where humerus plugs in.
What makes up the thenar eminence?
Muscles at base of thumb
Where is the hypothenar eminence?
Muscles at base of pinky. (Hypo means under or small and pinky is the small finger.)
Which two muscles are innervated by the suprascapular nerve?
Infraspinatus and Supraspinatus
What does “Navy go under” describe?
The suprascapular nerve in the scapular notch going under the tranverse scapular ligament while the vein and artery go above the ligament
What muscle does the thoracodorsal nerve innervate?
Latissmis dorsi
What three muscules does the dorsalscapular nerve innerate?
Rhomboid minor, Rhomboid major, Levator scapulae
What two muscles does the axillary nerve innervate?
Teres minor, deltoid
The subscapularis muscle is innervated by which two nerves?
Upper and lower subscapular nerve
The lower subscapular nerve innervates which two muscles?
Teres major and subscapularis (which is also innervated by the upper subscapular nerve)
What is the rotator cuff acronym?
S. I. T. S. Supraspinalis, Infraspinatus, Teres minor, Subscapularis
What are the four muscles of the rotator cuff and their movements?
Supraspinalis (abduction), Infraspinalis (ext/lateral rotation), Teres minor (ext/lat rotation), Subscapularis (int/medial rotation
Which vein is blood often drawn from?
Median cubital vein
Which muscles abduct the fingers?
DAB=Doral Interosseus ABducts digits from midline
Which muscles adduct the fingers?
PAD=palmars adduct
The ulnar nerve innervates which fingers in the hand?
Half of digit 4 and all of 5
Which flexor acts upon the PIP?
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis (FDS)
Lumbercles 1 and 2 are innervated by the ____ nerve while 3 and 4 are innervated by the _____ nerve
Lumbercles 1 and 2=medial nerve Lumbercles 3 and 4= ulnar nerve FLEX MCP JOINT!
What is the job of the lumbercles?
Lumbercles start on a tendon and insert on where on fingers?
Sides of fingers
When the opponens pollicis contracts which action does it cause?
When contracts pulls thumb across hand.
Which ligament attaches to the hook of the hamate bone?
Transverse carpal ligament
Which muscle adducts the thumb?
Adductor policis
The adductor pollicis is innervated by which nerve?
Ulnar nerve
Which tendon are 10% of people missing because they are mutants?
Palmaris Longus Tendon (PLT). 10% of people don’t get a BLT.
What is the name of the thing that holds in tendons and nerves as they enter the hand?
Flexor retinaculum (transverse carpal ligament)
Which nerve can be compressed by the flexor retinaculum and cause numbness and weakness?
Median nerve
The thenar eminence is on which side of the hand?
Thumb/digit 1 side
The hypothenar eminence is on which side of the hand?
Pinky/digit 5 side
What is the only artery that supplies the posterior brachium and antebrachium?
Posterior Interosseus Artery (PIA)
The posterior brachium and posterior antebrachium are innervated by which nerve?
What are the two extensors of the thumb?
Extensor pollicis brevis, Extensor pollicis longus
Which tendon extends the pinky finger (digit 5)?
Extensor digiti minimi
The brachioradialis does what motion on the antebrachium? What is weird about it?
Flexes the antebrachium but uses the radial nerve which is an “extensor” nerve
The extensor digitorum goes to the end of the …..?
End of the digits
What are the three muscles that extend the wrist?
Extensor carpi ulnaris, extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor carpi radialis longus
Which are the 1.5 muscles that the ulnar nerve innervates?
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris (FCU) and half of Flexor Digitorum Profundus (FDS) for digits 4 and 5. Median nerve does everything else.
Which muscle pronates just the wrist?
Pronator quadratus
Which muscle/tendon allows flexing of the very tip of the thumb?
Flexor pollicis longus (FPL, Florida Power, and Light)
What is the common head of the flexors?
Medial Epiconcyle. Remember the MFA (Museum of Fine Arts) acronym. M=Medial, F=Flexors, A=Anterior chambers
Which compartment is the brachioradialis in? Which nerve innervates it?
Brachioradialis is a Flexor muscle in anterior compartment but gets innervation from radial nerve in posterior compartment.
What is the most common broken bone in the wrist?
Scaphoid bone. Called “FOOSH”. Fall on outstretched hand.
Fracture of the scaphoid bone can heal poorly because of what reason?
The scaphoid has a poor blood supply and can become necrotic
What kind of joint is the trapezium bone in the wrist?
trapezium, near the thumb. very unsual type of joint called a “Saddle Joint” allowing a gigantic range of motion more than others
Do any of the carpi bones articulate with the ulna?
No. Not a single one.
Does the head of the ulna attach to any of the carpi bones?
No. None. Not a single one.
Which elbow ligament hooks the radius to the humerus?
Radial Collateral Ligament (RCL)
What fits into the coronoid fossa?
Coronoid process
Which ligament hooks the humerus to the ulna?
Ulnar Collateral Ligament (UCL)
Which is Cindi’s favorite ligament?
Annular Ligament of Radius. goes around neck of radius. cindi’s favorite ligament. swinging kids by hands.
What is the articulation point between the ulna and humerus?
trochlear notch=articulation between ulna and humerus. No action at this joint other than flexion & extension. No medial or lateral movement.
The trochlear notch has only these two types of movement but not these other two
Only has flexion and extension, no lateral of medial movements.
The biceps attach to which tuberosity?
Radial tuberosity
Which tuberosity does the coracobrachialis attach to?
The ulnar tuberosity
Which is the “true shoulder joint”?
Glenohumeral joint
Which artery supplies supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles?
Suprascapular artery
What is the movement of the subscapularis muscle?
Rotates humerus medially (like al cheit)
What is the movement of the serratus inferior?
Moves ribs down and in, increases intrathoracic pressure, causing exhale. Accessory muscle of breathing.
What is the movement of the rhomboids?
Rhomboids retract and can slightly elevate scapula medially.
Where is the supraspinatus and what is it’s function? (Likely a test question!)
On supraspinatus fossa. Abducts glenohumeral joint which abducts arm. QUESTION LIKE THIS ON TEST!
What are the three nerves involved in the rotator cuff?
Suprascapular nerve x2, Axillary nerve, Subscapular nerves
What is the acronym for the rotator cuff muscles?
SITS. Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres minor, Subscapularis
What are the muscles, nerves, and movements of the rotator cuff muscles?
Muscles: SITS (Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres minor, Subscapularis); Nerves: SSAS (Suprascapular, supracapular, axillary, subscapulars); Movement: AB, ER, ER, IOR (Abduction, Ext Rot, Ext Rot, Int Rot)
What is the function of a bursa?
Reduce friction
What is important about the triangular space?
Nothing comes out and we dont care about it.
Where is the triangular interval?
Inbetween triceps. Radial nerve with muscular branches to lateral head, medial head. Artery called “profunda brachii”.
Which artery brings blood to the deltoid muscle?
PCHA. Posterior circumflex humeral artery.
Which nerve innervates the Latissmus Dorsi?
Thoracodorsal nerve
The subscapularis muscle is innervated by which two nerves?
Upper and lower subscapular nerve
Navy goes under bridge refers to which nerve?
Suprascapular nerve
How many cords are there in the brachial plexus? What are their names?
Three. Lateral, Medial, And Posterior.
What nerves does the posterior cord give off?
Axillary and Radial nerves
Which nerves do the Lateral and Medial Cords give off?
Musculocutaneous, Median, and Ulnar nerves (MMU)
What are the two acronyms for the rotator cuff muscles and their actions?
SITS and AEEI. Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres minor, Subscapularis. Abduction, External Rotation, External Rotation, Internal Rotation. (Think about the vowels A,E,I,O,U when remembering AEEI.)
Where is the “Saddle Joint” found?
trapezium, near the thumb. very unsual type of joint called a “Saddle Joint” allowing a gigantic range of motion more than others
Triceps brachii have what function?
Extend the elbow joint. Long-head assists in extension of the shoulder joint.
What are the three heads of the triceps brachii? What compartment are they in?
In posterior brachium. Long, medial, and lateral heads.
What is the trapezius movement acronym?
Trapezius is RRED. Rotation, retraction, extension, depression of scapula.
Which muscles in the have does the median nerve innervate?
The LOAF muscles: Lumbricals 1 and 2, Opponens Pollicis, Abductor Pollicis Brevis, Flexor Pollicis Brevis
Borders of quadrangular space
Long head of tricep, teres minor, teres major, humerus
What goes through the quadrangular space?
Axillary nerve, Posterior Circumflex Humeral Artery
What is the nerve innervation of the erector spinae muscles?
Dorsal primary rami
Which two muscles does the Posterior humeral circumflex artery supply?
Deltoid and Teres Minor
Muscles ending in -“capitis” have what function, nerve, and artery?
Extend head, occipital nerve, occipital artery
Muscles ending in “-cervicus” have what movement, nerve, and artery?
Extend cervical vertebra, primary rami of cervical nerves, superior intercostal arteries
Which nerve innervates the erector spinae?
Dorsal primary rami nerves