Abdomen Flashcards
What is the discount code for Brainscape Pro?
Small intestine made of what three parts?
Duodenum, ileum, jejunum
Pancreas makes two important things
Bicarbonate to neutralize pH, enzymes to breakdown proteins, (released into the duodenum) lipases and carbohydrases
Fat broken down by….
Spleen does..?
spleen filters blood, recycles heme, recycles globins
Head of pancreas lies in the arms of the…?
Ligamentum teres was what in embryological development
Umbilical vein
What discs is the Transumbilical Line at?
What quadrants does the Transumbilical Plane separate?
Upper quadrant and lower quadrant
The Transumbilical Plane is above or below the umbilicus?
What is the vertical line separating the rectus abdominus muscles? (Goes down the midline and through umbilicus)
Linea Alba
What are the horizontal lines that separate each of the recti abdomini?
Tendinous insertions
What is the line that separates the oblique muscles from the rectus abdominus? (Sort of runs mid-clavicular)
Semilunar Line
What is the layer of attachment for rectus abdominis called?
Tendinous insertion
Where does the spermatic cord comes out? (Where aponeurosis splits, common herniation site.)
Superficial inguinal ring
What comes through the Superficial Inguinal Ring?
Spermatic cord
What are the three layers of muscles oblique muscles in the abdomen?
External Oblique, Internal Oblique, Transversus Abdominus
Which two aponeurosis makes up the Rectus Sheath?
Aponeuroses of the transversus abdominis and oblique muscles (external and internal)
Which two muscles does the Rectus Sheath contain?
Rectus Abdominis Muscle and Pyramidalis Muscle.
What are the two divisons of the lamina of the Rectus Sheath?
Anterior and posterior laminae.
What and where is the Arcuate Line?
Horizontal line where all three aponeurosis of abdominal muscles are in front of the Rectus Abdominus. Before the line there is 1.5 layers on either side of Rectus Abdominus which had made up the Ant & Post Rectus Sheath. Also, Divides the upper 3/4 of abdominal wall from lower 1/4.
The Linea Alba is on which sheath?
Midline where embryo fuses right and left sides during lateral body folding. In middle of rectus sheath where both sides join. All aponeurosis join at Linea Alba.
What is good about the Linea Alba and surgery?
Best place to make an incision for abdominal surgery and not risk hitting any nerves
The Round Ligament of Uterus is found in men or women?
Women only
In the abdomen which two vessels are inside the rectus sheath?
Superior and Inferior Epigastric
The Illioinguinal Nerve is a branch of which spinal nerve?
The Inguinal Ligament connects what to what?
Anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) and Pubic Tubercle
Superficial Inguinal Ring is made up of two components called…?
Lateral Crus and Medial Crus
The inguinal canal’s start is called the ___ ____ ___ and the end of the canal is called the ____ ____ ____
Start=Deep Inguinal Ring; End=Superficial Inguinal Ring
What is an Indirect Inguinal Hernia?
indirect inguinal hernia when enter at deep inguinal ring and exits superficial inguinal ring. Goes “indirectly” through wall of transversus abdominus, int and ext obliques. Can enter the scrotum in males.
Who most frequently gets an indirect inguinal hernia?
Male children
In males where can an indirect inguinal hernia end up? Where can it end up in females?
Males=Scrotum; Females=Labia majora
What is an indirect inguinal hernia made of?
Fat (most common), can also be small or large bowel (uncommon)
Which muscle covers the spermatic cord?
Cremaster muscle
What is the reflex of the cremaster muscle?
Retract testicle
Which ring is the start of the Inguinal Canal?
Deep Inguinal Ring
Which inguinal ring of the end of the Inguinal Canal?
Superficial Inguinal Ring
The Lateral Crus and Medial Crus make up what?
Superficial Inguinal Ring
How many layers of fascia cover the spermatic cord?
Three, including the cremaster muscle
What does the Cremaster Reflex do and to who?
In males. Causes testicles to retract.
Direct Inguinal Hernias occur through what triangle?
Hesselbach’s Triangle
What age group and gender tends to get a Direct Inguinal Hernia?
Older men
Why is it important for the tested to be counter-cooled?
To prevent sterilization of gametes
What does the Pampiniform Plexus do in men?
Surrounds the testicular arteries and works as a countercurrent heat-exchange system to cool the arterial blood before it enters the testis, prevents gamete sterilization due to high heat
The Arcuate Line marks the transition of what to what?
Transition in formation of anterior and posterior lamina of rectus sheath
Hesselbach’s Triangle is associated with which type of inguinal herniation?
Direct Inguinal Herniation
Fermoral hernia occurs most often in men or women?
At what stage of life in the gubernaculum found?
Embryonic development, around 2-3 months
What is the job of the gubernaculum?
Aids in the descent of the gonads (tested and ovaries)
In men what does the gubernaculum become and what is its job?
Anchors the testes to the inferior scrotum, preventing testes from floating away
In women what does the gubernaculum become and what is its job?
Becomes the round ligament and also ovarian ligament. Anchors ovaries and uterus in the pelvis.
At what stage in life is the processus vaginalis found and in who?
Embryonic development (around 12 weeks), in both men and women
What is the job of the processus vaginalis?
Descends before testes and becomes the tunica vaginalis (covers the testes). In women it becomes the Canal of Nuck and can allow a herniation.
If the processus vaginalis fails to obliterate what can happen?
What quadrants is the liver in?
Right upper quadrant (most), left upper quadrant (only left lobe)
What are the three parts of the Small Intestine?
SI made of duodenum, jejunum, ileum.
What is the job of the Small Intestine?
Where all absorption of nutrients happens. Duodonem is very short and doesnt get a chance to do much. Jejunum and Illeum.
What quadrant is the gall bladder in?
Upper Right Quadrant
What does the gallbladder store? What makes it?
Bile, made from the liver
What connects the Gallbladder to the Common Bile Duct?
The Cystic Duct
What makes up the Common Hepatic Duct?
Right and Left Hepatic Ducts
The Common Hepatic Duct and the Cystic Duct become what?
Common Bile Duct
The Common Hepatic Duct goes into what?
Common Bile Duct
What quadrant is the spleen in?
Left Upper Quadrant (LUQ)
What does the spleen do?
Filters blood, recycles heme, recycles globins
What quadrant(s) is the pancreas in?
Both the Left Upper Quadrant and Right Upper Quadrant
What shape/letter is the duodenum in?
What does “duodenum” mean in Latin?
12 inches
What is the end of the Illeum and begins the large intesting (colon)?
Where is the appendix?
What are the parts of the colon/large intestine?
Ascending Colon, Transverse Colon, Descending Colon, Sigmoid Colon, Rectum
What is the sphincter at the end of the stomach?
Pyloric Sphincter
What are the four parts of the duodenum?
Superior, Descending, Horizontal, Ascending
Which part of the duodenum are peritoneal and which three are retroperitoneal?
Peritoneal=Superior Part; Retroperitoneal=Descending, Horizontal, Ascending Parts
The Ascending Colon turns at what point?
Hepatic Flexure aka Right Colic Flexure
What is the name of the colon when it turns at the hepatic flexure (aka right colic flexure)?
Transverse Colon
Where does the Transverse Colon turn?
Splenic Flexure (aka Left Colic Flexure)
At the Splenic Flexure (aka left colic flexure) what does the Transverse Colon become?
Descending Colon
What is the Ileocecal Junction?
Where the Ileum becomes the Cecum, from small to large intestine
What does “retroperitoneal” mean?
Means organs on posterior wall of abdomen but covered on front/anterior side by peritoneum
Suprarenal Glands also known as?
Adrenal glands
What shape are the kidneys?
Bean shaped
What artery supplies the kidneys?
Renal arteries
What do the ureters connect?
Connect kidneys to bladder
Arteries that supply the GI system come off what main artery?
Are the arteries of the GI system coming off the aorta paired or unpaired?
Which vein drains the anterior abdomen?
Portal Vein, which goes through the liver
The Portal Vein drains what and where?
Anterior abdomen, viscera (organs), goes into liver
The Portal Vein drains which organs?
Spleen, stomach, pancreas, intestines
Portal Vein delivers blood to what organ?
The Parietal Peritoneum lines what and is where?
Lines abdominal cavity, on body wall
The Visceral Peritoneum is on what?
Actual organ
The Peritoneum is made up of what two layers?
Parietal Peritoneum and Visceral Peritoneum
Where and what does the IVC drain from the abdomen?
IVC does back wall and limbs.
Does the IVC have a direct connection with organs of the anterior body?
No direct connection with organs of anterior body which does absorption, but does have a direct connection with kidneys.
In the abdomen which organ has a direct connection with the IVC?
Which region of the abdomen does the IVC drain?
Posterior abdomen
Which region of the abdomen does the IVC and Portal Vein each drain?
IVC drains posterior abdomen, Portal Vein drains anterior abdomen
Where is the Peritoneal Cavity?
Between the Parietal and Visceral layers of the peritoneum
The Greater Curvature of the Stomach connects to which Omentum?
Greater Omentum
The Lesser Curvature of the Stomach connects to which Omentum?
Lesser Omentum
Lesser Curvature of the Stomach is connected to the Liver by what?
Lesser Omentum
What does a vesicle hold?
Which artery wraps around the pancreas?
Superior Mesenteric Artery
The Retrovesicle Pouch aka?
Pouch of Douglas
What two organs does the Retrovesicle Pouch cover?
Covers rectum and urinary bladder. aka pouch of douglas. cul-de-centesis.
Where is the Teniae Coli?
Along the middle of the colon (large intestine)
What was the umbilical vein in embryology called in adults? Where?
Ligamentum Teres, which is on the Falciform Ligament
How many layers does the Greater Omentum have?
What is the shape of the Greater Omentum (think of a kitchen)?
What is the superior attachment of the Greater Omentum (aka where does it come from)?
Transverse colon
What are the two arterie and veins for the Rectus Abdominus?
Superior and Inferior Epigastric Artery and vein
What are the three Umbilical Folds called?
Lateral Umbilical Fold, Medial Umbilical Fold, Median Umbilical Fold
Which artery & vein are in the Lateral Umbilical Fold? What muscle do they supply/drain?
Inferior Epigastric Artery & Vein. Rectus Abdominus
The Inferior Epigastric Artery and Vein are in which fold?
Lateral Umbilical Fold
What artery is obliterated in the Medial Umbilical Fold?
Umbilical Artery
How many Umbilical Arteries present in embryonic development?
Where is the obliterated umbilical artery located?
Medial Umbilical Fold
What obliterated part is present in the Median Umbilical Fold?
Obliterated Urachus
Where is the Obliterated Urachus found?
Median Umbilical Fold
What is the Obliterated Urachus?
Top/closure of the bladder
What does mesentery mean?
“Double layer of peritoneum that encloses the intestines and attached them to the posterior abdominal wall” (radiopedia)
What is the ouble layer of peritoneum that encloses intestines and attache them to the posterior abdominal wall?
The Mesentery
What is the shape of the Falciform Ligament and where is it found? What other ligament is on it?
Attaches umbilicus to liver. Sickle-shape. Ligamentum Teres.
What is in the mesentery?
Arteries, veins, and lymphatics. Nerves also, but they run along the arteries.
All aponeurosis join where?
Linea Alba
Omental Bursa is what and where? AKA?
A potential space. aka lesser sac. space behind stomach, below liver, floor is transverse mesocolon, in front of pancreas.
Where is the Lesser Omentum from and to?
From peritoneum of stomach to liver is lesser omentum. AKA hepatogastric ligament
What and where are haustra?
aka saculations=circular muscle on colon circumferential contraction
What and where are Taeni Coli?
Longitidional muscle on colon and does longitudinal contaction. Gives LI more surface area for better fluid absorption
The Omental Bursa is what kind of space?
Potential Space
Unpaired arteries supply what system?
GI System
Small Intestine absorbs what? Large Intestine absorbs what?
SI=Nutrients; LI=Water
What is the Taeniae Coli?
Longitudional muscle along the large intestine
What does the Transverse Mesocolon go to and carry?
To Transverse Colon, carries Middle Colic Artery and Vein
How many thirds is the Jejunum and Ilieum of the Small Intestine?
Jejunum is 2/3 of SI, Ilieum is 1/3 of SI. Cannot tell when one becomes another.
Can you tell when the Jejunum becomes the Ileum?
No. At roughly 2/3 from duodenum the Jenunum becomes the Ileum
The Lesser Omentum aka Hepatoduodenal Ligament connects what to what?
Connects liver to stomach
The Duodenum is in front or behind the Transverse Colon?
What shape and length is the Duodenum?
C-shaped, 12 inches
What are the two sacs of the abdominal cavity called?
Lesser Sac and Greater Sac
What is in the Lesser Sac (aka Omentum Bursa)?
Nothing other than potential space
The Lesser Sac is made of what types of peritoneum? (Hint there are 2 peritoneums)
Two Visceral Peritoneums. Not everything has a visceral and parietal peritoneum.
What is the opening of the Lesser Sac called?
Vestible of Omentum Bursa
Omentum Bursa aka?
Lesser Sac
What connects the Lesser Sac to the Greater Sac?
Omental Foramen aka Foramen of Winslow
What two organs is the Peritoneal Cavity between?
Between liver and diaphragm
What is the Vesticouterine Pouch between?
Between bladder and uterues
Rectouterine Pouch aka?
Pouch of Douglas
Who is the Rectouterine Pouch only in?
Only women
Who is the Rectovesicle Pouch only in?
What test is done on the Rectovesicle Pouch?
in women only. cul-de-centesis
Is the Urinary Bladder intraperitoneal or extraperitoneal?
The Stomach is what kind of muscle?
Smooth muscle
Which nervous system runs the stomach?
What is the most superior part of the stomach called?
What part of the stomach does heart burn happen in?
Cardia of Stomach
Where in the stomach does the Greater Omentum connect?
Greater Curvature
Where does the Lesser Omentum connect in the stomach?
Lesser Curvature
What two things does the Lesser Omentum connect to?
Lesser Curvature of Stomach to Liver
What is the first part of the peritoneum?
What are the three layers of muscle of the stomach?
1 outer longitudinal layer, 2 middle circular layer, 3 inner oblique fibers
Longitudinal Folds in the stomach are called?
What and where are rugae?
Longitudional Folds in the stomach
What enzymes digest proteins?
What is chyme a mixture of?
Mixture of food and water
The Pyloric Canal houses which sphincter?
Pyloric Sphincter
What does the Pyloric Sphincter do?
Point where food passes from stomach to duodenum
What does “coffee ground blood” mean with a gastric ulcer?
Slow bleed. Blood is old and has been worked on by stomach enzymes
The liver is covered in what kind of peritoneum?
Visceral Peritoneum
The “bare area” of the liver pushes up against what structure?
The Right and Left Triangular Ligaments attach what organ to what structure?
Liver to diaphragm
Ligamentum Teres aka?
Round Ligament
Where is the Obliterated Umbilical Vein?
On the Ligamentum Teres aka Round Ligament
Omental Foramen aka?
Foramen of Winslow
The IVC is on which wall of the liver?
Back wall
Portal Vein receives blood from which organs and intestines?
From digestive organs. All small intestine and 3/4 of large intestine
The Right and Left Hepatic Ducts become what?
Common Hepatic Duct
The Cystic Duct join the Common Hepatic Duct and becomes what?
Common Bile Duct
The Common Bile Duct is made from what two ducts?
Common Hepatic Duct + Cystic Duct
The Cystic Duct comes off what organ?
The Cystic Duct joins what other duct?
Common Hepatic Duct, becomes Common Bile Duct
Blood enter the liver through which vein and exits through which vein?
Enter from Potal Vein, exit through IVC
What are the 3 unpaired arteries out of the aotra? What direction do they run?
1 Celiac Artery, 2 Sup. Mesenteric Art, 3 Inf Mesenteric Artery. Come straight out anteriorally.
What kind of folds does the Duodenum have?
Circular Folds
The Accessory Pancreatic Duct goes into the Duodenum through what?
Minor Dueodenal Papilla
The Main Pancreatic Duct enters the Duodenum through what?
Major Duodenal Papilla
What is the Gallbladder filled with and where does it come from?
Bile, from liver
What does the Gallbladder release and where?
Bile, into second part of Duodenum
What is the only two-way duct in the body?
Cystic Duct
The Gallbladder is filled with what? Where is it made and how does it get to Gallbladder?
Filled with bile made in liver. Bile goes down common bile duct and then turns around up to and into the Cystic Duct then fills gallbladder with bile.
What two places can a gallstone be found?
Either of the hepatic ducts or the Common Bile Duct
Bile goes to which part of intestine?
2nd part of the duodenum (first 12 inches of small intestine)
Bile gets into Gallbladder through which duct?
Common Bile Duct
Which papilla allows in bile to duodenum?
Major Duodenal Papilla
Sphincter Muscle is what kind of muscle?
Smooth muscle!
Sphincter of Hepatopancreatic ampulla aka
Spincter of Oddi
What shape is the Splenic Artery?
What shape if the Splenic Vein? Where is it?
Straight and smooth. On back wall of pancreas.
What are the 3 branches off the Celiac Trunk?
1 Splenic Art, 2 Left Gastric Art, 3 Common Hepatic Art
What are the three “guts”?
Foregut, Midgut, Hindgut
Which artery supplies which of the three guts?
Celiac Art/Trunk=FOREGUT, Superior Mesenteric Art= MIDGUT, Inf Mes Art=HINDGUT
What is the arterial supply of the Foregut?
Celiac Art/Trunk=FOREGUT
What is the arterial supply of the Midgut?
Superior Mesenteric Art
What is the arterial supply of the Hindgut?
What gut does the Celiac Art/Trunk supply?
Celiac Art/Trunk=FOREGUT
Which gut does the Superior Mesenteric Artery supply?
Which gut does the Inferior Mesenteric Artery supply?
The Cysitc Artery supplies which organ?
The Cystic Artery can come off which arteries?
Cystic Art can come off Common Hepatic Art or the Proper Hepatic Art or Right Hepatic Art
What arteries supply the pancreas and duodenum?
Superior and Inferior Superior Pancreticduodenal Arteries
The Right Gastromental Artery anastomoses with what other artery?
Left Gastromental Artery
The Gastromental Arteries have branches that go to which two places?
branches that go to omentum and stomach
Three branches off Celiac Trunk are?
Splenic Art, Left Gastric Art, Common Hepatic Art
The Splenic Artery runs above or below the Pancreas?
Above the Pancreas
The Superior Mesenteric Artery is in front or behind the Duodenum?
In front of Duodenum
What are the branches of the Superior Mesenteric Artery that supply the Small Intestine called?
Intestinal Branches
The Small Intestine receives arterial blood from what arteries?
Intestinal Branches of Superior Mesenteric Artery
What is the last branch of the Superior Mesenteric Artery?
Middle Colic Artery. Goes to middle of transverse colon. will anastomose with branches of Inf Mes Art.
The Middle Colic Artery goes where?
Middle of transverse colon
Which artery goes to the right colon?
Right Colic Artery
The Ileocolic Artery is a branch of what artery and supplies what?
Branch of Sup. Mesenteric Artery, supplies Cecum Ileum and Colon
The Cecum and Appendix are a part of which gut? Which artery supplies them?
Midgut and supplied by Sup Mes Art, comes out of umbilicus. Cecum and Appendix and Ascending Colon are part of Midgut.
Major Calyx in kidney drains into what?
Renal Pelvis
Right suprarenal vein drains into why while Left Suprarenal Vein drains into what?
Right=IVC, Left=right renal vein then IVC
Renal pyramid connects to Major Calyx via what?
Minor Calicies
stopped at lecture 3 slide 18 on 3.16.16 at 11:40pm. make sure to include slide 18
stopped at lecture 3 slide 18 on 3.16.16 at 11:40pm. make sure to include slide 18
What three veins make up the Portal Vein?
Sup Mesenteric V + Inf Mesenteric V + Splenic V
Which vein does the Inf Mesenteric Vein join before it goes into the Portal Vein?
Splenic Vein
The Inferior Mesenteric Vein comes from which gut?
From hindgut
The Superior Mesenteric Vein comes from which gut?
The Superior Mesenteric Vein comes from ___gut and the Inferior Mesenteric Vein comes from the ___gut
SMV from Midgut; IMV from Hindgut
The Inf Mesenteric Vein fuses with which other vein before going into the Potral Vein?
Splenic Vein
What are the names of the two branches of the Portal Vein? What do they supply?
Right Portal Vein, Left Portal Vein. Supply right and left lobes of liver.
The Inf Mesenteric Vein fuses with the Splenic Vein and runs along which side of the Pancreas?
Back side of Pancreas
What is the job of the Portal Vein?
Deliver blood to the Liver for cleansing.
After the Liver has completed cleansing blood where does the blood go to?
The Midgut, Hindgut, and Foregut all go to which major vein?
Portal Vein to liver then IVC after cleansing
Is there a normal variation in the three veins that form the Portal Vein?
Yes. Sometimes the Inf Mes Vein joins the Splenic V and Sup Mes V where they join. Normal variation.
The Greater Sac is the same as ____ cavity.
Peritoneal Cavity
The Lesser Sac is an extension of what cavity?
Extension of Peritoneal Cavity
Which two sacs make up the Peritoneal Cavity? What connects the two sacs?
peritoneal cavity= greater + lesser sacs. connected by Foramen of Windslow aka Omental Foramen
If the liver is unable to accept blood through the Portal Vein what can happen to the Esophageal Veins?
They form esophageal varicies which bleed into stomach and cause vomiting of bright red blood
Foramen of Windslow aka Omental Foramen connects what to what?
Greater Sac to Lesser Sac
Large Intestine aka what?
What are the main parts of the colon starting from the Cecum?
Ascending colon->Right Hepatic/Colic Flexure->Transverse Colon->Left Splenic/Colic Flexure->Descending Colon->Sigmoid Colon->Rectum
What and where is the Mesocolon?
Mesocolon is the mesentery of the Transverse Colon. Attached to back wall at second part of duodenum, across pancreas, and just below the spleen
How many ways can blood return to the IVC is the liver is diseased and blood cannot go through the Portal Vein?
What are the four collateral pathways to the IVC if Portal Vein is blocked?
1 Esophageal veins, 2 Periumbilical veins, 3 Ascending Lumbar Veins, 4 Superior Rectal Veins
What is Caput Medussae? When does it occur?
Occurs during Portal Hypertention. Distended and engorged veins running from the Umbilicus across the abdomen. Like the snakes of Medussa’s head.
What and where are Esophageal Varicies?
In Portal Hypertension. Happen in lower part of esophagus near stomach. Person will puke bright red blood as no time for stomach to work on the blood before puking.
Is the Ascending Lumbar Vein peritoneal or retroperitoneal? Does it run in front or behind the Ascending Colon?
Retroperitoneal. Runs behind Ascending Colon.
What is the flow from the Superior Rectal Vein to the IVC during Portal Hypertension? What does it cause?
Superior Rec V->Middle Rec V->Inferior Rectal V->IVC. Cause hemmeroids.
Hemorrhoids can be caused by what vein being blocked?
Portal Vein blocked causing collateral flow through Superior Rectal Vein to get blood to IVC
Which guts does the Vagus Nerve provide parasympathetic innervation for?
Foregut and Midgut only. Not Hindgut!
Does the Vagus Nerve provide parasympathetic innervation for the Hindgut?
The Foregut and the Midgut receive parasympathetic innervation from which nerve?
Which gut does the Vagus Nerve not provide parasympathetic innervation to?
Does the Hindgut receive Vagus Nerve parasympathetic innervation?
Which nerves provide Hindgut parasympathetic innervation?
S2, S3, and S4 which form a pelvic splanchnic nerve
The Vagus Nerve innervates the Foregut and Midgut by going to the ____ ____ and synapsing where?
Celiac Trunk area and synapses in wall of organs
S2, S3, and S4 keep the ____ off the ____
Shit off the floor
Which four organs do S2, S3, and S4 go to?
Parts of colon, rectum, bladder, and genitalia
Prevetebral Ganglia aka?
Preaortic Ganglia
Where does the Splanchnic Nerve synapse?
Synapses in Prevetebral Ganglia aka Preaortic Ganglia.
Prevetebral Ganglia (aka Preaortic Ganglia) are located where on the aorta?
In front
Which are the Sympathetic spinal nerves?
Which are the Parasympathetic spinal nerves for the hindgut?
S2, S3, S4
Parasympathetic nuclei in S2, S3, and S4 for what kind of nerves and go where?
Pelvic Splanchnic Nerves and goes to parts of colon, rectum, bladder, genetalia.
Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nerves travel along what?
How many Celiac Ganglions are there?
Are the three Celiac Gangli sympathetic or parasympathetic?
What connects the sympathetic spinal nerves to the celiac ganglia?
Greater Splanchnic Nerve (combo of T5-T9)
The Greater Splanchnic Nerve is a combination of which sympathetic spinal nerves?
What does the Greater Splanchnic Nerve come from and connect to?
From Sympathetic Trunk and connects to the Celiac Ganglion
What does the Celiac Ganglion connect? What type of innervation?
Splanchnic Nerves and organs for sympathetic innervation
S2, S3, and S4 join together and form what?
Pelvic Splanchnic Nerves
The Pelvic Splanchnic Nerves connect what to what?
S2, S3, and S4 to organs of the hindgut (rectum, colon, testes, bladder)
What is the order/flow of the sympathetic nerves from spinal nerve to organ?
Spinal nerve->Ganglia->Splanchnic Nerve->Ganglia or Plexus->organ
The Celiac Plexus goes to which gut and along what structures?
To foregut along arteries
Which Plexus goes to the Foregut?
Celiac Plexus
The Superior Mesenteric Plexus goes to which gut and along what structures?
To midgut along arteries
Which plexus goes to the Midgut?
Superior Mesenteric Plexus
The Inferior Mesenteric Plexus goes to which gut and along what structures?
Hindgut along arteries
Which Plexus goes to the hindgut?
Inferior Mesenteric Plexus along arteries
The Thoracic Splanchnic Nerves become which two Ganglia?
Celiac Ganglion and the Superior Mesenteric Ganglia
The Lumbar Splanchnic Nerves go to which ganglia?
Inferior Mesenteric Ganglia
The Thoracic Splanchnic Nerves eventually innervate which gut?
The Lumbar Splanchnic Nerves eventually innervate which gut?
The Superior Mesenteric Plexus is associated with with gut?
The Inferior Mesenteric Plexus is associated with with gut?
What is a Ganglia?
Where nerve cell bodies are and where 1st order neurons synapse. Relay point between CNS (brain & spine) and PNS (everything else).
What is a nerve plexus?
Many interconnected ganglia. Where sympathetic fibers (splanchnic nerves) synapse at root of vessel and second order neurononal fibers will follow arteries
Where do 1st Order Neurons synapse?
On a ganglia
Where do parasympathetic Second Order Neurons synapse?
Wall of organ (not 100% about this, someone correct me if I’m wrong)
What are the three unpaired arteries off the aorta?
C.S.I. (Crime Scene Investigations) Celiac Trunk, Superior Mesenteric Art, Inf Mesenteric Art
What are the three main branches off the Inf Mesenteric Art?
Left Colic Art, Sigmoid Art, Superior Rectal Art
What does the Left Colic Art supply?
Descending colon
Which gut does the Inf Mesenteric Art supply?
What are the two main branches off the aorta below the Inf Mes Art?
Right and Left Common Iliac Arteries
What is the first unpaired artery off the abdominal aorta?
Celiac Trunk/Artery
What are the 3 main branches of the Celiac Trunk?
Left Gastric Artery, Splenic Artery, Common Hepatic Artery
The Common Hepatic Artery is off of which unpaired artery on the abdominal aorta?
Celiac Trunk
The Common Hepatic Artery gives rise to what large and small arteries?
Large is Proper Hepatic Artery, small is Right Gastric Artery
Which artery supplies the Foregut?
Celiac Trunk/Artery
The Celiac Trunk/Artery supplies which gut?
What are the three guts in descending order?
Foregut, Midgut, Hindgut
What makes up the Portal Triad?
Proper Hepatic Artery, Common Bile Duct, Portal Vein
The Proper Hepatic Artery, Common Bile Duct, Portal Vein make up what?
Portal Triad
The Jejunal and Ileal Arteries (aka Intestinal Arteries) come from which major unpaired artery on the abdominal aorta?
Superior Mesenteric Artery
The Suprarenal Arteries supply the Adrenal Glands and also what other structure?
What is the Diaphragm for $200, Alex
What are the three places a Ureter can be compressed?
1 Renal Pelvis narrow at ureter, 2 Common Ilieac Art, 3 entry of ureter into bladder most commonly when bladder is full
What is the shape of the Renal Pelvis?
How many Suprarenal Veins are there on each side and what do they dump to the heart?
One on right, more on left. Dump adrenalin to heart via IVC
The Suprarenal Veins dump Adrenalin to the heart via what vein?
How many Suprarenal Veins are there on the right?
Just one
How many Suprarenal Veins are there on the left?
More than one, has branches
Where does the Right Suprarenal Vein send its blood to?
IVC directly
Where does the Left Suprarenal Vein send it blood to?
To Left Renal Vein, then to IVC
Where do the Right and Left Suprarenal Veins receive their blood from? What does this blood contain?
Adrenal glands which contain adrenalin
What happens in the Renal Cortex?
Where filtration happens and where glomeri are.
Where does renal filtration happen?
Renal Cortex
Where are the Glomureli?
Renal Cotex
What covers the kidney?
Fibrous Capsule
What does the Fibrous Capsule do?
Covers kidney
What is at the Renal Hilum?
Where things go in and out. Renal art, renal vein, renal pelvis
What two things make up the Renal Pyramid?
Cortex + Medulla
What is the Renal Pelvis made of?
Major callicies (which are themselves made of minor callicies)
What makes up a Major Calix (aka Superior Calix)?
Minor Callicies
The Renal Pelvis is the opening to what?
What is the opening of the Ureter in the kidney?
Renal Pelvis
What movement keeps urine moving even in space?
What makes up the parasympathetic innervation of the ureters?
Upper ureter=Vagus Nerve; Lower Ureter=S2, S3, S4
Several Renal Major Callicies make up what structure?
Renal Pelvis
What is the function of the Renal Pelvis?
Acts as a funnel for urine to flow into ureter
The Renal Callicies are made up of what type of muscle?
Smooth muscle
Renal Callicies engage in what sort of muscular movement?
Peristalsis to keep the urine flowing
Where does the SMA and IMA anastomose?
Middle and left colic arteries
What is the mneumonic for the IMA?
LESS. L=Left Colic, E=Eliminate (nothing), S=Sigmoid, S=Superior Rectal
What is the mneumonic for the Celiac Trunk?
Left Hand Side. L=Left Colic, H=Common Hepatic Artery, S=Splenic Artery
Mneumonic for the Superior Mesenteric Artery
IN My Room I’m In Jail. IN=Inferior Pancreaticduodemal, M=Middle ColIc, R=Right Colic, I=Ileocolic, I=Ileal Branches, J=Jejunal branches
Which sphincter prevents GURD?
Esophageal Spincter