Head And Neck Flashcards
A cancellous layer containing vascular spaces - sandwiched between the inner and outer tables of cortical bone
Diploic space
Paired foramina or areas of thin bone close to the midline in the parietal bones
Parietal foramina
Formed by two frontal bones that unite at the
Metopic suture
Paired parietal bones joined in the midline by
Sagittal suture
Frontal bones join the parietal bones at the
Coronal suture
Junction of coronal and sagittal sutures
Occipital bone joins the parietal bone at the
Lambdoid suture
Lambdoid and sagittal sutures joins at the
Outer layer of the dura
Intersection of the sutures between the frontal, sphenoidal, parietal and temporal bones
Point where the squamosal suture meets the lambdoid suture
Thin, depressed bone separating the anterior cranial fossa from the nasal cavity
Cribriform plate
Deep fossa seen superior of the sphenoid body
Sella turcica/pituitary fossa
Supports the frontal lobe
Anterior cranial fossa
Contains temporal, pituitary gland and most of the foramina of the brain
Middle cranial fossa
Largest and deepest fossa, contains the cerebellum, pons and medulla
Posterior cranial fossa
Triangular defect between the greater and lesser wing
Transmits cranial nerves
Best seen on what view
Superior orbital fissure
V1(orbital),III, IV and VI
Occipitofrontal view(20 deg)
Posterior to SO fissure, runs from the middle cranial fossa to the pterygopalatine fossa
Transmits cranial nerve
Foramen rotundum
V2 (maxillary)
Posterolateral to the foramen rotundum, runs from middle cranial fossa to infratemporalnfossa
Transmit cranial nerve
Best seen on
Foramen ovale
V3 (mandibular) and accessory meningeal artery
Submentovertical (SMV) projection
Posterolateral to the foramen rotundum
Transmits artery
Best seen on
Foramen spinosum
Middle meningeal artery
SMV skull projection
Ragged bony canal posteromedial to the foramen ovale at the apex of the petrous bone
What passes?
Foramen lacerum
Internal carotid artery
Run from the posterior cranial fossa through the posterior wall of the petrous bone into the inner ear
Transmits cranial nerve
Best seen on
Internal auditory meatus and canal
VII and VIII and internal auditory artery
AP of the skull
Irregular opening situated at the posterior end of the junction of the occipital and petrous bones
Transmits the cranial nerves
Jugular foramen
9,10, 11 and internal jugular vein
Anterior to foramen magnum and medial to the jugular fossa
Transmits cranial nerve
Hypoglossal canal
12th cranial nerve
Runs from posterior cranial fossa to the spinal canal
Best seen on
Foramen magnum
Medulla oblongata
SMV projection
Pituitary fossa dimensions
11-16 mm
8-12 mm
J shaped, omega or hour glass sella, normal variant
Elongated pituitary fossa with prominent sulcus chiasmaticus
Grooves for the transverse sinus are readily seen on the
Townes projection
Metopic suture normally disappears by
2 y.o
Suture between the anterior part of the occipital bone and the sphenoid bone
Sphenooccipital synchondrosis
Posterior fontanelle
Closes by 6-8months
Anterior fontanelle
Lateral fontanelle
2 pairs second to third month
-first year
-2 years
-narrowed to 3mm
-assume the serrated appearance
Fastest period of growth of the skull vault
Adult proportions
1st year of life
7 y.o
Midline structure situated behind the third ventricle
Pineal gland
Forms the eminence of the cheek, also known as the malar bone
Linear lucencies in the nasal bones that run vertically are grooves for the _____
Ethmoidal nerves
Four sided pyramidal bony cavity
Transmits the optic nerve and ophthalmic artery
Optic foramen
Bony orbit
- Superior -
- Lateral -
- Medial -
- Inferior -
- orbital plate of the frontal bone and lesser wing of sphenoid
- zygomatic bone and greater wing
- maxillary, lacrimal and ethmoid
- Orbital process of the maxillary bone
Bone between orbit and ethmoids that is paperthin
Lamina papyracea
Fibrous covering that lines the bony cavity of the orbit
Xray beam hitting the curving greater wing of sphenoid at a tanget
Innominate line
Normal optic foramen is less than __
Suppies the lower part of the nasal cavity
Greater palatine artery
Supplies the superior part of the nasal cavity
Anterior and posterior ethmoidal branches of the ophthalmic artery
Common site for anterior epistaxis
Littles area(anterior and inferior part of the nasal septum)
Enlargement of the
1. Anterior cells
2. Posterior cells
- Agger nasi cells
- Haller’s cells
Bearing the pituitary gland with the optic chiasm
Sella turcica
Largest of the paranasal sinuses
Maxillary sinus
Four processes of the maxillary
Alveolar (bears the teeth)
Palatine (roof of mouth)
Medial wall of the sinus is continued superiorly as a bony projection
Uncinate process
Frontal (& ethmoid) sinuses are not visible until the age of ____
Adult proportions at
2 y.o
14 y.o
Pneumatization of sphenoid happens at age ____
3 y.o
Sinus that first to appear
(Alveolar process 6 y.o)
TMJ (attachment)
Anterior band
Posterior band
Lateral pterygoid muscle
Temporal bone (translational zone)
Total count
Milk/decidous teeth
Permanent teeth
Hardest and most radioopaque substance in the body
The symphysis menti fuses at what age?
2 y.o
First permanent molar erupts at
6 y.o
Gives panoramic image of both dental arches
Dental pantomogram
Tongue parts
Arise from the inner surface symphysis menti
Arise from hyoid bone
Passes styloid
Hyo and chondroglossus
Largest of the salivary glands
Parotid gland
Length of parotid duct/stensen duct
5cm long
Length if submandibular duct (wharton)
Continuous with the dura mater and lines the bony cavity of the orbit
Globe (outermost)
Anterior transparent
Posterior opaque
Covers the sclera from the limbus
Tenon’s capsule
Four rectus muscle arise from a common tendinous ring called
Annulus of Zinn
Globe (middle layer)
Posterior -
Anterior -
Uveal tract
ciliary body and iris
Alters the shape of the lens
Ciliary muscle
Innermost -
Bifurcation of common carotid