Head and Face Flashcards
(O, I, A)
O: Occipital & temporal bones
I: Galea aponeurotica
A: Draws scalp posteriorly; elevation of eyebrows
(O, I, A)
O: Galea aponeurotica
I: Fascia & skin of eyes and nose
A: draws scalp anteriorly
(O, I, A)
O: Galea aponeurotica
I: Fascia superior to ear
A: Elevates the ear
(O, I, A)
Anterior: Galea aponeurotica & anterior temporal bone
Superior: Galea aponeurotica & superior temporal bone
Posterior: Posterior temporal bone
Anterior ear
Superior ear
Posterior ear
Draws ears anteriorly
Draws ears superiorly
Draws ears posteriorly
Orbicularis oculii
(O, I, A, N)
O + I: (Same origin and insertion)
3 parts: Orbital, palpebral, & lacrimal
Frontal, maxilla,& lacrimal bones - forms an oval sphincter encircling the eye
A: Closes & squints the eye
N: CN VII (7)
Facial nerve
Corrugator Supercilii
(O, I, A, N)
O: Inferior Frontal bone
I: Fascia superior to eyebrow
A: Draws eyebrow inferior & medially
N: CN VII (7)
Facial nerve
Levator Palpebrae Superioris
(O, I, A)
O: Sphenoid
I: Tissue of upper eyelid
A: Elevates upper eyelid
(O, I, A)
O: Fascia and skin of Nasal bone
I: Fascia and skin medial to the eyebrow
-Draws medial eyebrow inferiorly (aids in squinting)
-wrinkles the skin of the nose upward
(O, I, A)
O + I:
Transverse: Maxilla → opposite side nasalis of upper cartilage
Alar: maxilla @ nostrils → alar cartilage of nose
-Constricts the nostril
-Flares nostril(alar)
Depressor Septi Nasi
(O, I, A)
O: Maxilla - incisive fossa
I: Cartilage & septum of the nose
A: Constricts nostrils
(by pulling septum down)
Levator Labii Superioris
Alaeque Nasi
(O, I, A, N)
O: Maxilla- frontal process
I: -lateral part of upper lip
-cartilage of nose
A: Flares nostril & Elevates upper lip
N: CN VII (7)
Facial nerve
Levator Labii Superioris
(O, I, A)
O: Maxilla
-inferior orbital margin
I: Lateral part of upper lip
A: Elevates upper lip
Levator Anguli Oris
(O, I, A, N)
O: Maxilla
-canine fossa
I: Angle of the mouth @ the
A: Elevates angle of the mouth
N: CN VII (7)
Facial nerve
Zygomaticus Minor
(O, I, A)
O: Zygomatic bone
I: Upper lip
A: Elevates upper lip
Zygomaticus Major
(O, I, A)
O: Zygomatic bone
I: Angle of mouth - modiolus
A: Elevates angles of the mouth