HE Flashcards
Opportunity for repeated practice of behavioral tasks.
Skill inoculation
Accuracy, appropriateness of the medium, appropriateness of the level of difficulty are factors to consider when choosing the content
Specify what the learner will be able to do as a result of being exposed to one or
more learning experiences. It must be achieved before the goal.
Supports the learning process through seeing and hearing.
B. Multimedia learning
C.Instructional material
D.All of the above
Blended learning is a combination of e-learning (online) and traditional learning teaching methods (lecture)
A student nurse would like to conduct health teaching to a pregnant mother on * how to hold the baby while the mother is on breastfeeding?
It is the most useful method where the process of doing a procedure is shown and the skills or techniques are practiced through return demonstration?
Trial and error method of teaching whereby an artificial or hypothetical experience * is created that engages the learner in an activity that reflects real-life conditions but without the risk-taking consequences of an actual situation.
Involves the degree to which feelings or attitudes are incorporated into one’s personality or value system.
Affective learning
The speed at which information is presented.
Which of the following is not an example of audiovisual aids?
Posters allow learners to apply knowledge and psychomotor skills through observation, examination, manipulation, handling, assembly, and disassembly.
Includes both software and hardware used in the presentation.
Delivery System
An agreement negotiated between the student and the teacher in order to change the student’s behavior and improve their opportunities to learn.
Learning contract
Any place where health professionals engage in teaching for disease prevention, health promotion, and health maintenance and rehabilitation.
Instructional setting
A health educator showing thorough knowledge of the subject matter and demonstration of the proper skills in teaching is an effective teacher because he/she shows:
Professional competence
By sharing with learners an opinion or conveying a message through body language about how well they performed.
Augmented feedback
Used to convey simple short messages and reinforce important topics
The overall plan for a teaching-learning experience that involves the use of one or several methods of instruction to achieve the desired learning outcomes.
Instructional strategy
Learner-centered communicates the plan to others, keeps learners on track, organization, ensures a deliberate process, tailors teaching to learner needs, focuses attention on the learner, orients teacher and learner
Learning objectives
A blueprint for action to achieve the goal and the objectives that have been agreed upon by the educator and the learner. include purpose, content, methods and tools, timing, and evaluation of instruction.
Teaching plan
The instructional method by which learners actively participate in an unrehearsed dramatization.
Role playing
Instruction is considered as one aspect of teaching which involves communicating information.
One in which the delivery of health care is the primary or sole function of the institution, organization, or agency.
Healthcare setting
Audio-visual materials instill visual memories and known to increase understanding and retention
Critical for learning but is often not specifically addressed. This is the domain that deals with attitudes, motivation, willingness to participate, valuing what is being learned, and ultimately incorporating the values of the discipline into a way of life.
Affective domain
Defined as a highly structured method by which the teacher verbally transmits information directly to a group of learners for the purpose of instruction.
Specific single unidimensional behavior. short term should be achievable at the conclusion of one teaching session or within a matter of days of the teaching session.
Learning from a cognitive perspective is an active process in which the learner constructs meaning based on prior knowledge & view of the world.
Describing what the instructor will do, including more than one behavior in a single objective, forgetting to include all three characteristics, using performance terms subject to many interpretations
Common goal mistakes
The conscientious use of the current best evidence in making decisions about client care; most EB models gather evidence from systematic reviews of clinically relevant, randomized controlled trials upon which to base practice decisions, especially about the treatment.
Evidence- based practice
The present period of time, in which sweeping advances in computer and information technology have transformed the economic, social and cultural life os society
Informaton age
Scientific inquiry applied to specific programs or activity to determine processes, outcomes, and/or their relationship.
Evaluation research
The ability to access, evaluate, organize, and use information from a variety of sources.
Information literacy
A flexible telecommunication method of instruction using video or computer technology to transmit live, online or taped messages directly between the instructor and the learner, who are separated from one another by Time and /or location
A. Distance Learning
The gap between those individuals who have access to information technology resources and those who do not.
Digital divide
A computer network of information serves around the world that is connected to the internet, it is a technology-based educational resource that was created as a virtual space for the display of information.
World Wide Web
The process of systematically collecting data to determine the relative magnitude, importance, or value of needs, problems, and strengths of the learner to decide a direction for action.
Data gathering
Keep teachers and students organized with digital resources for class discussion, document management, homework submission, and course scheduling.
Course management system
A message that can be sent via the computer at the convenience of the sender and the message will be read when the receiver is online and ready to read it; messages that can be sent and responded to any time, day or night.
One of the newest forms online communication, also known as Weblogs or Web diaries, is an increasingly popular mechanism for individuals to share information and /or experiences about a given topic that includes images, media objects, a link allowing for public responses.
Blended learning is a web-based learning environment that allows instructors and students to interact through the computer without worrying about time or place.
A classroom equipped with multimedia devices to enhance the learning experience.
In adaptive learning, students learn lessons at home with the help of videos or other instructional materials and spend their valuable classroom time doing assignments with help from their instructor.
Informal Learning occurs outside a traditional school
A systematic assessment to determine the extent to which all activities for an entire department or program over a specified time period have accompanied the goals originally established.
Program evaluation
An interactive online service organized around a specific topic that gives users the ability to submit and receive information and learning materials.
Learning platform
Adaptive learning provides every student with a laptop or tablet to make learning more individualized, increase independence and extend academics beyond the classroom
An automated mailing list software program that copies messages and distributes them to all subscribers.
The provision of nursing, medical, and other types of technology-facilitated healthcare services to clients at a distance.
The purpose of conducting data analysis is two-fold:
1. to organize data so that they can provide meaningful information, such as through the use of tables and graphs
2. to provide answers to evaluation questions
A method for evaluation of an individual’s learning over time.
Using game design and mechanics to drive motivation and increase engagement in learning.
Instructional Technology is a program or tool to present learning materials in creative ways that match every student’s individual learning style, from typical lectures to fun games and quizzes.
Evaluation and assessment planning should be concurrent
The content, pace, structure, and goals of instruction vary depending on the student’s learning habits
Personalized learning
Asynchronous Learning is a real-time learning situation in which immediate, two-way communication between instructor and participants is possible.
Instructional Technology Digital materials available for reuse and repurposing in teaching, researching, and learning. These materials are made available through open licenses that allow them to be used through means not permitted under copyright, so the flow of knowledge is boundless.
A systematic assessment taking place immediately after the learning experience to determine the degree to which learners have acquired the knowledge or skills taught during a teaching-learning session.
Output evaluation
In planning any evaluation, the first and most crucial step is to determine the scope of the evaluation.