HBM 04a: Neuroanatomy Flashcards
List the major subdivisions of the frontal lobe:
- Motor strip
- Supplemental motor area
- Broca’s
- Prefrontal cortex
Our (X) cortex defines us, as individuals/human beings).
X = prefrontal cortex
(X) is involved in control over biological drives.
X = orbitofrontal cortex
(X) is involved in reward circuit (activated in drug addicts).
X = orbitofrontal cortex
(X) is involved in planning future action.
X = dorsolateral convexity
Medial cortex of frontal lobes is primarily involved in:
control of movement
Decrease in left prefrontal region results in:
Decrease in right prefrontal region results in:
Increased mood
Activation of left prefrontal region results in:
Positive mood
Activation of right prefrontal region results in:
Wernicke’s aphasia occurs with lesion in which area(s)?
Left-sided lesion in temporal lobe
Temporal lobes function in:
- Memory
- Learning
- Emotion
- Auditory processing
Limbic lobes play key role in: (one-word answer)
Which specific structure is involved in coordination of anger/aggression?
Kluver Bucy syndrome results from damage to (X). What are symptoms?
X = amygdala
- Decrease aggression, fear, ability to recognize anger in others
- Increased sexuality
If (X) is damaged, it can lead to poor new learning ability.
X = hippocampus
Volume of (X) structures, such as (Y), are reduced in patients with schizophrenia.
X = limbic structures Y = hippocampus and amygdala
List structures included in Papez circuit.
- mammillary bodies to
- anterior thalamic nucleus to
- cingulate gyrus to
- hippocampus via
- fornix back to
- hypothalamus
(X) lobes are responsible for sensation/body image.
X = parietal
Gerstmann’s syndrome results from (X) lesion. What are symptoms?
X = left parietal lobe
Finger agnosia, alexia, agraphia, acalculia, right/left confusion
The path for vision goes through (frontal/temporal/parietal) lobes.
Temporal and a bit of parietal
(X) structure is very important for connecting motor and sensory functions.
X = basal ganglia
The basal ganglia receives info from (X) and projects it to (Y) via (Z).
X = cerebral cortex Y = frontal lobe Z = thalamus
Translation of a desire to move into actual movements requires which key structure(s)?
Basal ganglia
Which structures make up the basal ganglia?
- Striatum (caudate nucleus and putamen)
- Pallidum (globus pallidus)
- Substantia Nigra
- Subthalamic nucleus
Which syndrome/symptoms can be produced by overactivity of striatum?
Parkinson’s symptoms
Which syndrome/symptoms can be produced by damage to substantial nigra?
Parkinson’s symptoms
Which syndrome/symptoms can be produced by under activity of striatum?
Huntington’s disease
Which syndrome/symptoms can be produced by shrinkage of caudate nucleus?
Huntington’s disease
Which syndrome/symptoms can be produced by damage to caudate nucleus?
Tourette’s syndrome