HBM 03: Development Flashcards
Development is hierarchical, which means:
Increases in complexity
T/F: Development is evenly paced.
False - some slow spots, some bursts in development
T/F: fetuses show patterns of behavior that parallel those they’ll show after birth.
(X)% births are C-sections.
X = 31.8
Premature birth is defined by:
Under 37 weeks gestation (VERY premature is under 32 weeks)
Apgar score tests/stands for:
Appearance (color)
Grimace (reflex, cough)
Activity (muscle tone)
What does the Apgar score predict?
Likelihood of survival
Highest Apgar score is (X). Score with imminent survival threat is (Y).
X = 10 Y = under 4
Limbs extend when child startled is which reflex?
Moro reflex
Instant moves head toward thing touching cheek is which reflex?
Rooting reflex
Persistence of infant reflex past (X) months might indicate (Y) dysfunction.
X = 12
Y = neurological
(X)% of mothers experience baby blues
X = 50-75
First marker of social responsiveness, (X), is seen at what age?
X = social smile
1-2 mo
At what age is there a special responsiveness to mother?
4-6 mo
Stranger anxiety starts around what age?
9 mo
Object permanence starts developing, along with (X), at what age?
X = separation anxiety
1 yo
A child who is withdrawn, doesn’t seek comfort when distressed, limited positive affect, and unexplained irritability may suffer from:
Reactive attachment disorder
A child who actively interacts with unfamiliar adults, shows inappropriate behavior, and doesn’t hesitate to go with unfamiliar adults may suffer from:
Disinhibited social engagement disorder
Motor characteristics at 0-2 mo:
Lifts head lying prone; follows objects with eyes
Motor characteristics at 2-3 mo:
Lifts shoulders lying prone
Motor characteristics at 4-6 mo:
Turns over; reaches and grasps objects with hand
Motor characteristics at 7-11 mo:
Sits unassisted, crawls, pulls to stand, pincer grasp, transfers objects between hands
Motor characteristics at 12-15 mo:
Walks unassisted
Around what age is an infant “babbling” (repeating single sounds)
4-6 mo
At what age is infant responding to name?
7-11 mo
At what age is infant responding to simple instructions and using gestures?
7-11 mo
At what age is child saying the first words?
12-15 mo
Motor characteristics at 1.5 yo
Stacks 3 blocks, throws ball, climbs stairs (two feet on one step), scribbling
Motor characteristics at 2 yo
Stack 6 blocks, kicks ball, draws line, utensils to eat, undress
Motor characteristics at 3 yo
Stacks 9 blocks, climbs stairs with alternate feet, draws circle, scissors and tricycle, dresses
Rapprochement is (X) and occurs around what age?
X = moving toward then away from mom
1.5 yo
Parallel play is seen at what age?
2 yo
Gender identity development at what age?
3 yo
Toilet training at what age?
3 yo
At what age is speech understood primarily by family?
2 yo
At what age does child speak in complete sentences?
3 yo
Nighttime struggles often begin at what stage/age range?
3-6 yo
At what age is finality of death understood?
About 6 yo
Internalized sense of right and wrong is developed at what age?
6 yo
At what age is conservation of mass skill developed?
7 yo
Joke telling and reading begin at what age?
6 yo
A child repeatedly urinates/defacates in clothes, bed, floor at 6 yo. Which disorder might he have?
Elimination disorder (enuresis or encopresis)
Enuresis is diagnosed at (X) age and may be triggered by:
X = >5 yo
Stressful events (i.e. Starting school, moving, family problems)
Enuresis can be treated by:
- Bell and pad technique (classical conditioning)
2. Dry bed training (awakened to pee, then rewarded)
Early adolescence age range:
11-14 yo
Middle adolescence age range:
15-17 yo
Late adolescence age range
18-20 yo
Conduct disorder is (more/less) severe than oppositional defiant disorder.
Management of ADHD includes:
- Psychosocial/educational interventions
2. Pharmacological treatment
Ritalin is a (X), used to treat:
X = CNS stimulant
Meds to treat ADHD aim to impact which NT?
Increase dopamine concentration in brain
Tourette syndrome is found to associated with dysfunctional regulation of which NT in which part of brain?
Dopamine in caudate nucleus
At which age can child recognize a few colors?
3 yo
If possible, elective surgery should be postponed until child is at least what age?
6-7 yo
Which stage is best characterized by challenging rules and feeling invulnerable?
Middle adolescence