Hawthorne, fielders, pavlov and skinnerian.... Flashcards
What is organizational culture?
A set of beliefs and behaviours estblished by leaders and the communicated and reinforced through different methods that guides managers and employees behaviours
What is PESTLE and what it stands for?
Pestle is a tool used to asses the macro environmental factor withing a company. Political,Economic,Social,Technological, Legal, Ecological
An organization is structured, lead and manages can be throught like an iceberg, on the surface you have social events, symbols and places or work.. things you can see, UNDER THE SURFACE you have policies, unwritten rules, relationship values, managment styles, attitudes and feelings.
A study that focus on team psychology.It founf that when people work in teams and feel like they are apart of something important they are more productive and have a higher job satisfaction.This is provided that the teams or groups are balanced and everyone is engaged in the task at hand.
While learning process is different in every person, there is a general guide line that can be observed and applied to most individuals
behaviours studies observable behaviour, idea that we learn habits, problems are solved by trial and error.
studies mental processes, we learn cognitive processes problems are solved by insight and understanding
cognitive studies mental processes, behavior is determined by memory and expectations, we learn cognitive processes problems are solved by insight and understanding.
What is Leadership and good and bad leadership?
Different leadership styles explicit different working conditions and different levels of motivation from the employees.
Good leaders: encourage, set clear goals and give good examples of work ethics.Think lead by example
Bad leaders: Set unrealistic goals, do not value employees time, do not have healthy work place boundaries.
FIELDERS CONTINGENCY MODEL what are the 3 conditions?
three set of conditions, structures/unstructured, the leader position of power, leader-member relations.
Different combinations create different leaders, the most optimal being task-oriented and relationship-oriented.
PAVLOV AND SKINNERIAN what is it each on?
- Pavlovian conditioning a technique for associating an established response or behaviours with a new stimulus- REWARD BASED
- SKINNERIAN conditioning a technique for associating a response or behaviour with its consequences- CONSEQUENCE BASED
Herseyand blanchard situational leadership(1969)
Situational leadership entails determining most effective style of influencing considering two dimensions:
1. Task behavior: from delegation to specific instructions
2. Supportive behaviour: from limited communication to listening/facilitating
LMX (leader member exchange) theory
Theory try that focuses on dynamic (two way) relationships between a leader and a follower instead/follower/environment.
Based on the social exchange theory: which is a cost benefit analysis determining the risks and benefits the social behavior of two parties.
Indirect and direct costs of bad leadership?
1. high turnover
2.Legal issues
3. decreased productivity
1.Reputation damage
2.Low morale
3. Impact on customer satisfaction
The psychology of power, the big 5 and the darl triad:
The overall concept that power corrupts, specially with leaders that display dark trial behavior such as narcisism, manipulation and psycopathy, bad leadership comes from these traits and it is what(when at extremes) is the cause of both financial and moral cost. This could be in the form of fines, high turn over, and disfunction within the employee/managment relationship. This is where the real of magical thinking comes to play. A cognitive bias where individuals engage in unrealistic and irritional beliefs/expectations, or wishful thinking with no actual basis. All of these are dangerous to a company.
Advancing technology, like AI, will automate some jobs, especially in factories, improving working conditions for former workers who can find safer roles. However, it will also disrupt the job market, creating challenges for those whose jobs are replaced. While automation offers efficiency and opportunities, it may lead to unemployment if new jobs are scarce. This shift brings both benefits and risks.
Conflict power and politics
Basic premise that an overuse of power, mismanagment in conflict, and organizational politics can cause a toxic work environmenr with low moral.
Within conflict, frame of reference is an important factor in the resolution process. Unitalist: believes that it should be solved higher ups.
Pluralist; sees conflict as an endemic.