Hauling Aloft Flashcards
What knots are used to haul aloft a short extension ladder?
Clove hitch at foot or ladder around on string
Half hitch at head of ladder around one string (diagonally opposite clove hitch)
What must the firefighter ‘up top’ do white end of line when dropping it?
Hold onto kit firmly, or secure it.
How should a line made up in a figure of 8 be carried?
One arm through each hoop.
Order given by person on ground just before the equipment being hauled reaches the sill?
How big is the night in the hose when tying a rolling hitch and clove hitch to haul it aloft?
6meters of hose
What knot is usually used to secure a hose in a building?
Round turn and 2 half hitches
How is a 9m ladder hauled aloft?
Clove hitch around one string at foot of ladder.
Half hitch at head of ladder, around both strings because of wall roller.
(Tied at one third of ladders length from top to help lever over sills)
How is a ceiling hoof hauled aloft?
Split clove hitch and half hitch
How to haul aloft Dutch rolled hose?
Personal line doubled and passed through Center of rolled hose.
Bight formed in line using to haul aloft.
Figure of eight tied in line, forming fixed loop.
Double sheet bend tied with personal line and fixed loop in line
Does a hose reel hose need to be secured with a line inside a building when working above ground level?!
Pull in sufficient amount of hose so it’s own weight will prevent it from falling back out
Lines being dropped buildinging shouldn’t be thrown,
Only when obstacles such as bushes etc need to be cleared
When HAUL ALOFT order is given from below, how should it be acknowledged by person up top?
How is an axe hauled aloft?
Clove hitch and half hitch
How is an extinguisher hauled aloft?
A rolling hitch and a half hitch
How to haul aloft hose reel hose?
Over hand knot tied just below the branch in hose, and a clove hitch tied over the overhand knot with the line
Order given when equipment reaches the ground and hauling can stop?
Why is hauling aloft used in the way it is?
Because it’s:
And safe.
Method of transporting equipment to higher level
How is a sledge hammer hauled aloft?
Split clove hitch and half hitch
When wearing BA, how should a line bag be carried?
Same as line bag, one arm through each strap.
When vision or movement is obscured, remove line and use loose line method
What does firefighter shout and do when when line is being dropped from building?
Order, CLEAR THERE, and point to safe area to drop line
How should a line without a bag, (continuous loop) be carried?
Diagonally over one shoulder
Minimum length of tail?
0.5 meters
How far below the sill must the rolling hitch on a hose be once hauled aloft?
0.5 meters
Order given firefighter drops a line to another on ground level?
Stand from under
How should a loose line, not made up be carried up a ladder?
Overhand knot at end of line over one shoulder.
As soon as hose has been hauled aloft, AND line has been secured, number 1 can order, WATER ON.
How should the person below acknowledge the HAUL AWAY FROM BUILDING command?
Only when this call has been received can lowering begin
How is a shovel hauled aloft?
Split clove hitch and half hitch
How to attract those working above or below you?
Hauling aloft?
Above ground level
Pulling equipment to a place above ground level by attaching it to a line
How is a crow bar hauled aloft?
Rolling hitch and half hitch
How should a line be carried?
Both arms free to climb a ladder
Safe working practices of hauling aloft?
Minimum 0.5m tail
Keep hands well clear of window Sill or balcony when hauling or lowering equipment
Pull or pay out line hand over hand
Don’t allow line to run through hands, glass and debris can injure
Always wear gloves
Make effort to prevent line becoming damaged when it’s passing over sills or ledges
Order given when items are lowered from a building after use?
Haul away from building
What is the maximum distance the clove hitch around the beach should be, from the rolling hitch on the hose?
0.5 meters.
Try to get as close as possible