Harrison's 9wk Test Flashcards
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
9 weeks study guide
Harrison WH Honors
George Hardtner
9 weeks study guide
Harrison WH Honors
George Hardtner
What kind of person represented the ideal of the Renaissance Man?
Example: Da Vinci
How did Italy’s location help it become the birthplace of the Renaissance
Thriving cities, wealthy merchant class, Rome ruins and Greek heritage
What was the effect of the invention of the printing press?
Made books affordable. Assisted in the spread of the bible.
Why was block Printing more useful in Europe than in China
Because Europe had a small number of letters in their alphabet
What were the major reasons for the Reformation?
Northern merchants resented paying taxes
Corruption in the church
What were Luther’s main beliefs?
- People had a predefined path.
- Pope & traditions are a false authority
- All people with faith were equal, interpret bible on own
Why did Henry VIII split with the Catholic Church?
He wanted to divorce his wife
What were the decisions of the Council of Trent?
- Church interpretation of the bible is final
- Need faith and good works for salvation
- bible and church tradition = powerful authority
- Indulgences valid expression of faith but not selling them.
The Peace of Augsburg ended a war between the supporters of which two groups?
Protestant and Catholic princes of Germany
Which of Luther’s ideas most influenced Calvin?
That people can not earn salvation
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
How are ghazi and janissaries similar?
They are both highly trained Islamic soldiers
Which leaders were religiously tolerant?
Suleyman, Shah Abbas, Akbar
Why did the Mughal rulers turn against the Sikhs in India?
The Sikhs sheltered the Sultan’s treacherous son
What caused the cultural blending in the Ottoman Empire?
Suleyman was tolerant and invited foreigners to his empire
Which Mughal ruler was most like Shah Abbas in his views on cultural blending?
Why did Shah Jahan ignore his people’s needs?
He was busy building monuments
What did Ismail do that enraged the Ottomans?
Killed the the Sunni Muslim population in Baghdad
What language, meaning from the soldiers camp, was an example of cultural blending during the Mughal Empire?
What did Suleyman the Lawgiver and Akbar have in common?
They were geniuses at cultural blending.
What did Aurangzeb accomplish during his reign?
Made the Mughal Empire reach its greatest size
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
What were European’s main motives for making voyages of exploration?
God, Gold, Glory
Why was Zheng He important?
He led all seven voyages of China
Why was the introduction of firearms in Japan successful?
It helped unite the country. Would help daimyo have an advantage over rivals.
What were China’s main reasons for rejecting British offers of trade?
They would not perform the kowtow ritual.
How did Prince Henry of Portufal influence exploration?
Founded a navigation school
What was the attitude of china’s forbidden city and how was it used?
As a palace for Yonglo, it was to show power and might.
What major barrier hindered effective centralized government in Japan?
The daimyo and Japanese feudalism
Why was Tokugawa Ieyasu upset by the success of Christian Missionaries?
They scorned traditional Japanese beliefs
What was the purpose of the Treaty of Tordesillas signed by Portugal and Spain?
To divide the new world between the two countries
Spain and Portugal
What two main reasons kept China from becoming highly industrialized?
Idea of commerce offended Confusion beliefs.
Economic policies favored agriculture.
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
What helped increase slave trade in Africa during the seventh century?
The need for people to work plantations and mines in the Americas
What aided the Spanish in conquering the Aztecs? (3)
Diseases, better weapons, and help from natives
On what assumption was the encomienda system based?
The Spanish had a right to demand the natives’ labor
Why did the English want to take control of New Netherland?
Because it separated their northern and southern colonies
What was the result of the loss of native lives to disease?
The demand for Africans went up
How did slavery in Muslim society differ from slaver in the America’s?
It was not hereditary in Muslim society
What was the effect in Europe of the financial success of the American colonies?
Rise of capitalism
How did Bartoleme de Las Casas affect race relations in America?
He helped get the encomienda system abolished
According to the policy of mercantilism, how could a nation increase its wealth?
By exporting more than it imports
How was Africa affected by the Atlantic Slave Trade?
Lost generations, families torn apart, guns introduced into continent.
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
What issues weakened the Spanish Empire?
Their economy couldn’t keep up with the rest of Europe
How did the United Provinces of the Netherlands differ from neighboring states?
- religious tolerance
* republic government
How did Cardinal Richelieu work to increase the power of the bourbon monarchy?
Forbade Protestant cities from having walls
Nobles must tear down fortified castles. (weakened nobles)
What event led to the War of Spanish Succession?
Death of Charles II, who promised Philip of Anjou (Grandson of Louis XIV) the throne. Which would cause France and Spain, the two main powers, to be ruled by one.
What was the Thirty Year’s War a conflict over?
Religion, power, and territory
Why did strong states form more slowly in Central Europe than Western Europe?
They had different economies, restricted the serfs, blocked development of strong Kings
What was the significance of the English Bill of Rights?
Limited Rulers Power
What things did Peter the Great do to westernize russia?
Potatoes, newspaper, raised women’s status, western styles
Why was Ivan IV called Ivan the Terrible?
He killed many boyers
How did the Puritans finally win the English Civil War?
They had help from Cromwell and new model army