Chapter 5 -Absolute Monarchs Flashcards
Charles V’s Brother.
Inherited Austria and the Holy Roman Empire.
Charles V
Divided empire Between son and brother.
Phillip II
Charles V’s Son. Inherited Spain, Spanish colonies, and Spanish Netherlands.
Phillip II’s accomplishments
Claimed Portugal Fought ottomans Fought and lost to England Weakened Spain. Made money off sugar, brought in gold and silver. Tons of wealth.
Why was Portugal such a good country to claim
Explain the fight of Phillip II against Elizabeth I
Brought entire Spanish Armada. Lost. Weakened Spain.
Two Artists of the Spanish Golden Age
El Greco (The Greek) Velazquez
El Greco
The Greek
Brilliant colors, distorted human figure
The Greek
El Greco
Wrote Don Quixote
Don Quixote
First modern European novel
Two separate views of the motive of Cervantes with Don Quixote
Makes fun of Middle Ages and how simple it was and how everyone fought OR Missed the time of chivalry and fighting for honor
Value of money goes down, price goes up.
Tax structure of Spain
Screwed up. Only taxes the lower class.
Guilds in Spain
Group for each trade/skill
Control the entire trade/skill
Control the number of tradesman in a town.
Control quality of work and prices.
Process to work your way up in a guild…
Then you must create something of the same quality of a master’s work. (Masterpiece)
Three things holding Spain back
Tax structure
Tax structure
Three things holding Spain back
Spanish have the Spanish Netherlands which turn into the..
Spanish Netherlands and The United Provinces of the Netherlands
The United Provinces of the Netherlands was.. (Religion)
Spanish Netherlands were.. (Religion)
What was unique about The United Provinces of the Netherlands?
They were a republic and had no dukes etc. They had a middle class.
Artist. Depicted a Wealthy Middle Class & Use of light to focus.
Artist. Depicted domestic indoor settings. Painted women.
Absolute Monarchs
Believed they had Divine Right
Divine Right
The belief that god created the monarchy and that the monarch acted as Gods representative on earth.
Henry IV
King of France
Bourbon Dynasty
Brings France to richest point
How does Henry IV die?
When Henry IV gets assassinated who takes over?
Cardinal Richelieu
Takes over for Louis XIII.
Forbids walls in Protestant cities
Nobles must tear down their fortified castles
Nothing can be known for sure
Creates the essay to express thoughts and opinions
Creates scientific method
Edict of Nantes
Declaration if religious toleration in France for the Huguenots
French Protestants
Who takes over when Louis XIII dies?
Louis XIV
Why can’t Louis XIV rule?
He’s not old enough
Because Louis XIV can’t rule, who takes his place?
Cardinal Mazarin
Cardinal Mazarin
Terrible ruler, stirred up anti-Mazarin riots.
Anti-Mazarin Riots
Riots protesting Mazarin
Outcome of the Anti-Mazarin Riots.
They failed.
Why the Anti-Mazarin Riots failed?
Nobles leading distrusted each other more than Mazarin
How old is Louis XIV when Mazarin Dies?
When Louis XIV took over at the age of 22, who did he choose to help him lead?
Jean Baptiste Colbert
Jean Baptiste Colbert
Minister of France (understood finance)
Led well.
People to collect taxes and administer justice.
Who did intendants replace?
The nobles
When Colbert dies what happens?
Louis XIV takes back over
What are two things that happen under Louis XIV’s rule?
Cancels edict of Nantes.
Builds Versailles and makes nobles live there.
Was Louis XIV a good ruler?
Edict of Nantes
Declaration of religious tolerance in France
Specifically for Huguenots aka French Protestants
William Of Orange
King of England, joined League of Augsburg
What caused the war of succession?
Charles II dies and promised throne to Louis XIV’s grandson, Phillip of Anjou. France now owned Spain and France, the two greatest powers in Europe and other countries didn’t like that.
Who won the War of Spanish Succession
The League of Augsburg
What was the verdict after the War of Spanish succession?
Phillip of Anjou could keep his throne in Spain as long as Spain and France were never united.
Which two countries win land in the War of Spanish Succession?
Austria and Brittain
What land does Britain claim after the War of Spanish Succession?
Gulbralter, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland
What land does Austria claim after the War of Spanish Succession
The Spanish Netherlands and land in Italy
What kind of legacy does Louis XIV have when he dies
A mixed Legacy
What two groups do the German Princes create?
The Protestant Union and the Catholic League
What caused the formation of the Catholic League
The formation of the Protestant Union
Head of Hapsburg.
Everyone had picked sides so now it was only a matter of time before..
A spark set off another war
What caused the 30 Years War
Ferdinand, a foreigner and catholic, closed a few Protestant churches.
Did Ferdinand II really hate Protestants or was he tolerant.
Did Ferdinand II want to start a war
What two phases can the Thirty Years War be divided into
The Hapsburg Triumphs and the Hapsburg Defeats.
What caused the Hapsburg Defeats to occur
France Joined the Protestants.
Why would France join the Protestants if it was catholic?
They wanted to be the biggest catholic country so they needed to crush their competitor
What three things describe the reasons for the 30 years war.
Religion, Territory, Power
What ends the 30 Years war?
Peace of Westphalia
Peace of Westphalia
•Ends 30 Years war •Austria and Spain weakened •Strengthened France •German Princes Independent of HRE •Last religious war •New method of Peace negotiation •
New method of Peace Negotiation vs Old one
Old–Winners sit and decide treaty. Losers sign or more war.
New–Everyone sits. Winners/losers/neutral
Maria Theresa
Leader of Hapsburg. Had Austria. Retook Bohemia. Retook Hungary
New nobility-centralized gov-standing army
Frederick the Great
Frederick William
Fought Maria Theresa for Austria in Silesia
Prussia + Austria
(Maria Theresa + Frederick William)
War of Austrian Succession
War of Austrian Succession
Maria Theresa Vs Frederick William.
MT asked Hungary & Brittan to help.
Outcome of War of Austrian Succession
Frederick William II won land
Maria Theresa proves herself
Explain the switch between allies for Austria and Prussia
Austria, Hungary, England–>
Austria, France, Russia
Prussia, France–>
Prussia, England
What does the switch of allies of Austria and Prussia cause? (New friends =…)
New war. FWII attacked Saxony.
Seven Years War
Outcome of the Seven Years war.
Nothing changes
Ivan IV
Ivan-the terrible. Wife Anastasia. Good ruler at first, she dies–> bad period.
What causes the bad period of Ivan IV’s rule?
Anastasia, his wife, dies
What occurs during the bad period of Ivan IV’s rule?
Secret police, new nobles, killed oldest son.
Officers in the army (Prussia)
Nobles in Russia
Ruler in Russia
Who leads after Ivan IV
How long does Romanov rule?
300 years
Peter I
Peter the great. Of Russia. Looked to Europe. Changes perception.
Grand Embassy
Journey Peter I went on through Europe
Using Europe as a model for Change to make russia stronger
How did Peter I westernize Russia?
- Brought church under state control
- reduced power of land owners
- hired Europeans to train army
- into potatoes, newspapers, raised women’s status, western styles, education
- St Petersburg on Baltic Sea to house nobles
St Petersburg
On Baltic Sea. Build by Peter I of Russia to house nobles like Versailles.
King James I
James Stuart
James Stuart
King James I
King James I’s two struggles were over…
Money with parliament and religion.
Charles I
Son of James. Fights parliament. Money, dissolve, money, dissolve
parl refused until petition if right signed. After he agreed, ignored&dissolved.
Petition of right
- would not imprison without cause
- would not levy taxes without parliament grant
- would not house soldiers in homes
- would not impose martial law in peacetime
What happens after Charles I agrees, lies and dissolves Parliament?
Tried to make Anglican Prayer book. Made puritans mad and Presbyterians In Scotland.
=English Civil War
What does King Charles do when parliament refuses to help him calm things with Scottland.
Orders parliament to be arrested.
What is the major problem with trying to have parliament arrested?
It didn’t happen. And weakened him as a leader
Two teams in English Civil War
Cavaliers (army in north) vs Roundheads (puritans)
Oliver Cromwell for puritans won.
Beheaded Charles with a vote.
Cromwell’s rule..
Abolished monarchy, House of Lords, created common wealth, republican government form, drafted constitution, put down rebellion in England.
How did Cromwell show his Puritan morality?
By abolishing all sinful (fun) things for Christians.
John lambert
First written draft of any European country
Who rules when Cromwell dies?
Charles II
What does Charles II do?
Restores the monarchy, passed Habeus corpus.
Habeus Corpus
You have to be brought in front of a Judge so he may determine wether or not you need a trial.
James II
Flaunted religion. Appointed Catholics. Son and a daughter named Mary
James II’s daughter
Mary. Married to William of orange. Invited to overthrow James II.
William of orange.
Married to Mary. Invited to overthrow James II
What happened during William of orange and Mary’s reign
Glorious revolution
What was the glorious revolution?
Constitutional monarchy
What was so important about this constitutional monarchy?
It was the first one.
What did the constitutional monarchy do?
Limit rulers powers.
What was the constitutional monarchy called?
The glorious revolution
What did the bill of rights do?
Limited rulers powers
Which king created a bill of rights
William of Orange
What did the bill of rights list?
•no suspending parliaments power
What system did William and Mary develop?
A cabinet system
What did cabinet system do?
Worked between parliament and monarch and Became the center of power and policy making
Who was the head of the cabinet?
Prime minister
Prime minister
Leader of the cabinet
Very important
Will eventually lead country
Dutch revolt
Crushed Protestantism
Influential French writer. Denied absolute rule.
Bartholomomeus day massacre
In Paris. Huguenots die at wedding of Henry of Navarre
Henry IV
converted from Protestantism to catholic
Louis XIV
Invaded Netherlands. They opened dikes and flooded
Drives Muslims from Spain
Tied to land. Hereditary
Becomes absolute. Took Bohemia. Took Hungary. New nobility, centralized gov, standing army