Harmony Chapter 10, 12, 13 Flashcards
simple modulation
Movement to a closely related key.
diatonic seventh sequence
When the 7th of a diatonic 7th chord resolves regularly with the remainder of the chord sustaining, a new diatonic 7th chord is created.
mediant seventh
Is a min 7 in major keys and a maj 7 in minor keys. In major it occurs in root position, first or third inversions. In minor it occurs in root position, or first inversion.
subtonic seventh
It is a dom 7 chord. It occurs in root position, first or third inversion. It must progress to the III.
tonic seventh
Is a maj 7 in major keys and a min 7 in minor keys. In major it occurs in root pos. of first inversion. In minor it occurs in all positions.
subdominant seventh
It is a major 7 in major keys and a min 7 in minor keys. In major it appears primarily in root pos. In minor it appears only in root pos.
submediant sevent
Is a min 7 in major keys and a maj 7 in minor keys. In major it appears in root first or third inversion. In minor it appears in root pos. or first inversion.
super tonic seventh
It is a min 7 in major keys and a min 7 (b5) in minor keys. In major it appears in root pos. and all inversions. In minor it appears in root pos. first and third inversion.
subtonic triad
Only occurs in minor and has an unusual character.
group 4 chords (fourth classification)
The mediant chord, it may have a tonic or dominant function.
group 1 chords (first classification)
The major dominant and diminished leading tone chords and have a dominant function.
dominant relationship
The association of 2 chords whose roots are a P5 apart. It prevails when the chord groups are assembled from group 4 - group 1 and then the tonic.
normal chord progression
Occurs after an established tonic chord. when chords progress from left to right through each successive group.
Occurs when chords move from right to left on the chord chart.
secondary triads
Reinforce modality.
Used in harmonic progressions to create variety.
leading tone triad
Often called a dominant 7th with root omitted.
3rd is normally doubled.
Used exclusively in first inversion.
intermediate cadence
Occurs with a vii*6 to I(i) progression at a cadance point.
neutral tonic chord
Occurs when a tonic chord appears between any two chords in a progression or between two positions of teh same chord.
supertonic triad
Occurs primarily in first inversion with doubled 3rd.
leading tone seventh
It is a min 7 (b5) in major keys and a dim 7 in minor keys.
It may appear in root pos. resolving to a root pos. tonic chord.
establishing keys
Chords on each side of a pivot chord.
V(7) / IV or V(7) / iv
Becasue the V/IV is the tonic chord, the V(7) / IV must be used in major to have a chromatic alteration in the tonic. In minor, the triad or seventh maybe used because both are altered tonic chords.
secondary dominants
Triads of domiant 7ths.
Occurs in major or minor as a chormatically altered supertonic chord.
Used in any position in major, and position but 2nd inversion in minor.
V / ii or V7 / ii
Occurs in major as a chromatically altered submediant chord.
Used in all positions except 2nd inversion.
V/vi - V7/vi - V7/VI
The V/vi or V7/vi occurs in major as a chrmoastically altered mediant chord. Used in all positions except 2nd inversion.
In minor the secondary dom. 7th must be used so that a chromatic alteration occurs on the mediant chord. Occurs in all positions.
V/iii - V7/iii - V/III - V7/III
In major it occurs as a chrmoatically altered leading tone chord and is used in all positions except 2nd inversion.
In minor it occurs as the subtonic triad or 7th.
Occurs in minor as a chromaticallly altered subdominant chord. Usedin all positions except 2nd inversion.
secondary leading tone chords
Constructed using the key of the moment.
secondary chords
Relate to the key of the chord which follows but do not effect modulation.
Contains at least one chromatically altered note → never doubled.
Usually dominant function.
analysis of secondary chords
2 Roman numerals separated by a slash.
The 1st numeral shows the function and quality in relation to the following chord.
The 2nd numeral shows the following chord.