Harm Minimisation and the Role of Pharmacist Flashcards
What is harm minimisation?
Build safe, healthy and resilient australian communities through preventing and minimising alcohol, tobacco and other drug-related health, social, cultural and economic harms among individuals, families and communities
What are the three pillars of harm minimisation?
national drug strategy 2017-2026
- Demand Reduction
- Supply Reduction
- Harm Reduction

What does psychological mean in terms about drug dependence?
- user feels they cant go without the drug –> marijuana, LSD, MDMA
What does physical mean in terms about drug dependence?
also termed dependence
- physical withdrawal and tolerance e.g. narcotics, BZD, alcohol and tobacco
What is the dopamine hypothesis of addiction?
High levels of dopamine may actually be at the origin of the adaptive changes that underlie dependence and addiction
What are the reasons for drug taking?
- Curiosity
- Peer group pressure
- Medical
- Availability
> starting at an early age and poly drug user = common denominators in a drug dependent person
What is contributing to the changing pattern of drug use?
- Misuse of prescription medicines
- Misuse of OTC medicines
- Pharmacists should play an important role in addressing the problem
What is the most common opioids prescribed in general practice?
Oxycodone = 7th most common drug prescribed in general practice followed by bupernophrine and fentanyl
What has been done for some BZDs to manage misuse
Flunitrazepam and alprazolam to schedule 8
Removing temazepam capsules from the market
What pharmaceuticals are the fourth most detected drug after cannabis, amphetamines and MDMA?
Anabolic steroids, BZDs, narcotics, dexamphetamine, methyphenidate
What are THREE profiles of consumers?
- Dependent patient
- Misuser
- The selelr

What is project stop used for?
Assist in reduction pseudoephedrine diversion
- assist pharmacists in decision making and aids with record-keeping and reporting obligations
What are the two types of models of pharmacy reporting requirements?
Legislative-based mandatory reporting and voluntary reporting
> victoria, tasmania, NSW operate under voluntary reporting systems
Why did codeine get rescheduled?
got rescheduled to prescription only medicine in feb 2018
- pateints became addicted to it without realising
- low dose is associated with high health risks
- no more effective than non-codeine medicines when it is combined with paracetamol or NSAIDs
What is the pharmacists’ role?
- Watch for patients with abnormal beahviour
- Watch for doctor shopping
- Keep check on patient histories regarding BZD/narcotics and reasonable time intervals between scripts
- Cotntact prescriber if necessary
- Be aware of signs of intoxication
- Be available and empathetic to anyone asking advice and keep up date with knowledge of illicit drugs and where to refer for help
What are some harm minimisation services in pharmacy?
Opioid substiution services
- Methadone
- Buprenorphine
- Buprenorhpine/naloxone
> needle and syring supply services
refer to PSA PPS Standard 16: Harm minimisation
What are some useful resoruces and training?
Mental Health Comission (MHC)