Changes to the Pharmacy Practice Landscape Flashcards
Define the following terms: professionalism, trust, registration and obligation
p: refelected in relationship of trust between pracitioner and person who received advice/services
t: reflected in requirements to register to practice
r: pharmacists are registered health professionals, registered with AHPRA and have an obligation to comply with code of conduct
o: pharmacsists have an obluigation to exercise reasonable care and skill
Community pharmacy has a commodity to trade and is influenced by the condradictory retailing versus professional services.
How is it different to other normal retailers?
- Many products are not ordinary items of commerce but needs considerable discretion regarding recommendations and purchasing
- Medicines not only do good if used properly but also great deal of harm if used improperly
- In many cases, there is ‘value added’ in the course of providing a product through advice given
What is there been a move towards in the past one to two decades?
Move towards patient care services
- down-scheduling of medicines
- NMP and QUM policy framework
- Increased generic prescribing
- Development of professional services
- Changes in consumer behaviour
What has there been a paradigm shift of in pharmacy practice?
Product-based only –> medication-related needs and patient-centred services
What are services that were included in the 5th CPA?
- Patient Service Charter
- Pharmacy Practice Incentives
- MEdication management
> HMRs
> RMRs –> increased funding
> MedsCheck
> Diabetes MedsCheck
- ePrescribing
- ATSI health and rural and remote services
- Medication continunance
- medication charts in RACFs

What are THREE reasons there has been a total funding envelope 1.26bn?
Professional programs and services
- 613 mil = 5CPA, 6CPA, medication adherence programs, clinical interventions, HMR, rural support programs, eHealth and more
- 50 mil = trial the cost effectiveness of new and expanded pharmacy programs
- 600 mil = if trials are succesful and proved to be cost effective, a further 600 mil will be rleased for new and expanded programs inlcuding 122m earmarked for DAAs and staged-supply
What are some other 6CPA processes?
- AHI (administration, handling and infrastructure) fee to replace pharmacy mark up
- CSO to remains tatic
- Dangerous Drug Fee increase
- Location Rules
- Premium-free dispensing incentive
- Dispensing fee increased
- Dispening fee inreased
What are the aims of PBS reforms?
> announced by government 2006, separated to CPA
To protect patients from higher out of pocket costs, get better value from market competition among brands of generic (off-patent) medicines and recognise the importance of world class life-enhancing drugs to patients
What is the impact of the PBS on practice?
- Determines dispensing fees
- Compliance requirements have increased
- Payment for professionals services
- PBS reforms –> generic substiution
- Changes to financial sustainability
What are some other reviews that will impact pharmacy practice?
- WA sustainable health review
- Review of community pharmacy ownsership in Western Australia
What are some new roles for pharmacists?
- Pharmacist led vaccinations
- Pharmacist prescribing
- Pharmacists in GP practices
> intergrating non-dispensing pharnacists within general practices as part of a GP led multidisciplinary health team could go a long way to addressing these problem, improving patients health and cutting costs.
- Aboroginal Health Services (AHS) Pharmacists
What are some other specialisations?
- Pharmacist diabetes educator
- P secialising in aged care
- P specialist in veterinary medicines
- P as lactation consultants
- P specialising in womens health
- P specialising in sterile compounding and manufacturing
- P specialising in cancer treatemnt
- Antimicrobial stewardshup pharmacists
What does the road ahead consist of?
- More paid professional services
- E-health: My Health Record
- Phamracists working across various practice settings
- Advanced practitioners: advanced pharmacy practice framework
- Pharmacist prescribing?
- Expand pharmacist vaccinations?