HANDOUT 8 Flashcards
Equation showing mis-recorded X variable
Xi* = Xi + Ui recorded = actual + an error term
What do we assume about the misrecordings?
That they are purely random
Ui - N(0, sigma^2 u)
Average mistake is zero
Constant variance in mistakes across all i.
What is the issue with measurement error in the explanatory variable?
New error term = €i - B1Ui COV(Xi*, (€i - B1Ui)) = COV(€i, Xi*) -B1 COV(Xi*, Ui) First covariance is 0, second we have -B1(+VE) ≠ 0 --> biased coefficients E(b1) < B1
What is COV(Xi*, Ui)?
COV(Xi, Ui) = E(Xi x Ui) = E(Xi x Ui) + E(Ui^2) = sigma^2 u ≠ 0
Solution to measurement error in the explanatory variable
- use whenever we have a non-zero covariance between explanatory variables and the error term
Is measurement error in the dependent variable an issue? Why/why not?
NOT AN ISSUE as long as Ui is PURELY RANDOM. Because Xi is still unrelated to the error term (€i + Ui) so E(b1) = B1 –> UNBIASED