HANDOUT 2 Flashcards
How many OLS conditions for multivariate analysis?
1 for intercept
K for K slope coefficients
DOF for multivariate analysis
DOF = n - (k + 1)
3 stages of partitioned regression to find coefficient on X1 only
- regress Y on X2–>Xk and save residuals
- regress X1 on X2–>Xk and save residuals
- regress Y tilda on X1 tilda = we’ve extracted the effects of X2–>Xk on both variables
What does partitioned regression do?
Partial derivatives
b1 formula
sum(yi tilda - y tilda bar)(x1i tilda - x1 tilda bar) / sum(x1i tila - x1 tilda bar)^2
v(b1) formula
sigma^2 / sum (x1i tilda - x1 tilda bar)^2
How does v(b1) compare in bivariate and partitioned regression case?
bivariate: denom of v(b1) = TSS
partitioned: denom = RSS
So V(b1) smaller in bivariate case
Interpret B1 if linear in X and Y
dYi/dX1i = B1 = change in Y for unit increase in X1, ceteris paribus
Interpret B1 if linear in Y, non-linear in X
B1/100 = change in Y for 1% increase X1
or B1 x ln(1+g) if g>0.1
Ceteris paribus
Interpret B1 if non-linear in Y, linear in X
100B1 = %change in Y for 1 unit increase X1 or 100(e^B1 - 1) = " Ceteris paribus
Interpret B1 if Y = alpha + B1X1i + B2X1i^2 + …
dY/dX1 = B1 + 2B2X1 B1 = change in Y for 1 unit rise X1 when X1=0
Why is R^2 bad?
Can increase it by adding irrelevant variables
Because the coeff on that variable will always be ≠ 0 due to statistical variation.
So it increases ESS = higher R^2.
R^2 bar formula
1 - [(RSS/DOF)/(TSS/n-1)]
More variables = RSS falls = R^2 bar rises
But DOF also falls = R^2 bar falls
Punishment factor
Akaike info criterion
AIC = 2k/n + ln(RSS/n)
Weakest punishment of 2/n for additional variables.
Schwarz Bayesian
BIC = kln(n)/n + ln(RSS/n)
Strongest punishment as long as n>=8