HANDOUT 7 Flashcards
Constant variance CLRM assumption
V(€i I Xi) =sigma^2
NO i subscript = homoscedastic
Variance if heteroscedastic
V(€i I Xi) =sigma i ^2
i subscript = varies across individuals = heteroscedastic.
How does heteroscedasticity affect unbiasedness?
It does NOT
E(b1) = B1 only needs CLRM assumption 1 to hold: E(€i I X) = 0
V(b1) for homoscedasticity
V(b1) = sigma^2 / sum[(xi - x bar)^2]
V(b1) for heteroscedasticity
V(b1) = sum wi^2 sigma i^2
V(b1) = sum[(xi - x bar)^2 x sigma i ^2
/ [sum(xi - x bar)^2]^2
So what is the problem with OLS when we have heteroscedasticity?
incorrect variance estimate = wrong SE = wrong t-ratios = CANNOT do hypothesis testing even tho coefficients are OK.
Variance formula simplified White
V(b1) = sigma^2 v / [sum(xi - x bar)^2]^2
where vi = (xi - xbar)€i
and sigma^2 v = sum(xi - xbar)^2 €i^2
How does heteroscedasticity affect the F statistic?
The F statistic ONLY holds for CONSTANT variance = we cannot use it now. Stata will give the correct F stat using a variance-covariance matrix, but we cannot calculate by hand using the RSS formula.
Regression to detect heteroscedaticity
V(€i) = d0 + d1Z1i +…+ dpZpi
€i^2 = d0 + d1Z1i +…+ dpZpi + Ri
where Ri = well-behaved error term
H0 and H1 for heteroscedasticity test
H0: d1 = d2 =…= dp = 0: V(€i) = do = CONSTANT
H1: any dj ≠ 0 - V(€i) = f(Zi) = NOT CONSTANT
2 Problems with heteroscedasticity test and solutions
- €i unobserved –> use residuals ei
2. Zi unknown –> find alternatives
White’s alternatives for Zi
Z1i = X1i,…, Zki = Xki
Zk+1 i = X1i^2,…, Zpi = Xki^2
- use original explanatory variables and squares
- But NOT cross-products
Breusch Pagan alternatives for Zi
Z1i = yi^
use fitted values
ARCH alternatives for Zi
ARCH = autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity
Z1i = ei-1 ^2 … Zpi = ei-1 ^2
- Today’s variance is a fucnction of yestedays
Good for time-series & particularly financial such as ER, stock prices
Problem with heteroscedasticty test
We use proxies for Zi = LOW POWERED TEST
We often do not reject H0 when we should
We often find homoscedasticity when actually the variance is NOT constant.