HANDOUT 12 Flashcards
4 different names for models when Y is not continuous
- Limited dependent variable models
- Binary choice models
- Dummy dependent variable
- Qualitative choice
What is the observed variable?
Yi = 1 if vote Yi = 0 if do not vote
What is the latent variable?
Yi* = net-utility from undertaking the activity
Y* =
Y* = Xi’B + €i in short form
What is the problem with Y* the latent variable?
- we do not know an individual’s net utility from undertaking an action
How do we related Yi and Yi*?
Yi = 1 if Yi* >=0 Yi = 0 if Yi* < 0
E(yi) based on bernoulli trial
E(yi) = p(Yi = 1) = pi
V(Yi) based on bernoulli trial
V(Yi) = pi (1-pi) = P(Yi = 1) x P(Yi = 0)
How can we rewrite E(Yi)?
E(Yi) = P(Yi=1) = P(Yi* >=0) = P(Xi’B + €i >=0)
= P(€i >= -Xi’B) = P(€i <= Xi’B) = F(Xi’B)
Distribution of €i
Normal distribution - symmetric
F(Xi’B) refers to
The cumulative distribution function - probability of being less than or equal to Xi’B under the distribution of €i
Our Model in 2 equations
- E(yi) = F(Xi’B)
- Yi = E(Yi) + Ui
- this is always the case: y = its expected value + some error term
What is F in a linear probability model?
F = a UNIFORM distribution F(Xi'B) = U(L, U)
3 facts about uniform distribtuion
- centered at zero
- distributed between lower and upper limit
- all shocks equally likely
Under a uniform distribution, what is F(Xi’B0?
F(Xi’B) = Xi’B
Therefore, what is our model for LPM & how do we estimate it?
E(Yi) = F(Xi’B) = Xi’B
So: Yi = Xi’B + Ui
Estimate by usual OLS
Unless Xi endogenous –> IV estimation
Interpret coefficient on X1 under LPM
B1 = change in P(Y=1) for a unit increase in X1, ceteris paribus.
100B1 under LPM=
100B1 = percentage point change in P(Y=1) for 1 unit increase in X1
B1 if X1 is a dummy variable under LPM
B1 = change in P(Y=1) for having the characteristic vs not having it, ceteris paribus
3 advantages of LPM
- easy to estimate - OLS
- easy to interpret coefficients
- easy to solve endogeneity issue - IV
3 problems with LPM
- Ui is not normal
- Ui is heteroscedastic
- Pi is NOT bounded [0, 1]
Why is Ui not normal under LPM?
If Yi=0, Ui = -Xi’B
If Yi = 1, Ui = 1 - Xi’B
Only takes 2 values = cannot be normal