HANDOUT 10 Flashcards
How does non-normality affect OLS?
Our estimators are NOT t-distributed anymore
What tests do we do when €i is not normal? Why?
We can do approx. normal tests via central limit theorem if n > 30 instead of t-tests.
Do chi-squared tests instead of F tests.
Does non-normality affect E(bj) and V(bj)?
NO - E(bj) = Bj as only needs CLRM 1
V(bj) = same as normal as only needs CLRM 1,2 and 3.
How can we test for non-normality?
Test the skewness and kurtosis of the residuals.
Define mj =
mj = 1/n sum (ei^j) for j=1,2,3,4
Skewness formula
S = m3 / m2 ^3/2 S = 0 for normal distribution.
Kurtosis formula
K = m4 / m2^2 K = 3 for normal distribution
Jarque-Bera Test of normality
JB = n/6 [S^2 + (K - 3)^2]
H0: JB = 0 - normal
H1: JB ≠ 0 - not normal
What other problem can make the error term appear non-normal?
Outliers - to solve this include impulse dummy variables.