Hand surgery Flashcards
Scaphoid fracture most common localisation
80% are im middle 1/3
Perilunate dislocation
Needs reinsertion of ligaments and K-Wire temporary arthrodesis
De Quervain’s Fracture Dislocation
Fracture of scaphoid and lunate dislocation (motorbike)
Triquetrum avulsion fracture
typically dorsal
often with perilunate injuries
needs osteosynthesis
Hamatum fracture
often with carpo-metacarpal dislocation
Screw Osteosynthesis and K Wire temporary Arthrodesis
Winterstein fracture
palmar multifragmentary zone
OP if > 30° with LCP T Plate
Bennett fracture
partial articular with ulnopalmar fragment
fragment stays in place because of intact bands
rest of metacarpalia pulled by APL towards radial proximal
OP if > 1mm
- ideally with 2 lag screws if fragment big enough
- if too small Kwire through Trapezium and Metacarpal II
Undisplaced : Scaphoid Cast for 6 weeks
Rolando fracture
Y or T fracture
ORIF unless undisplaced
T plate via dorsal approach
Metacarpal basis II-V
isolated (except V) very seldom
OP if : >1mm articular step/gap or dislocation
Metacarpal shaft oblique or spiral
OP if :
- rotation
- palmar tilt :
- > 10° for II and III
- > 20° for IV and V
- lateral tilt > 20°
- shortening > 2mm
Ideally 2 screws for spiral if length = 2 shaft
if not, 1 Screw + dorsal plate 2,0
Metacarpal shaft transverse
2,0 compression plate
very high pseudarthrosis risk
Metacarpal subcapital fracture
OP if palmar tilt : V : >30° IV : 20° III II : 10° Rotation
2 K Wires from proximal (endomedular)
mobilisation with removable splint
K Wire ex at 8 weeks
conservative : 3-4 weeks intrinsinc +
Metacarpal capital fractrues
OR if > 1mm
subcondral screws
Phalanx fracture Basis P1
Basis P1
- Iselin or functional
if displaced : dorsal plate
Phalanx fracture Shaft P1 P2
Shaft P1 P2
- conservative if not dislocated (single finger for P2)
- screw or plate if dislocation
Phalanx fracture Subcapital
- if displaced : K Wire or Screw
- bicondylar : T plate
Phalanx fracture Basis P2
dorsal fragment : extensor avulsion fracture by palmar dislocation
- > 2mm : ORIF
palmar fragment : flexor avulsion by dislocation or hyperextension
- undisplaced : fingersplint nights
- displaced or big fragment : screws
Mallet finger
Osseus >40% : screws
undisplaced < 2mm : conservative hyperextension splint