hammer6 Flashcards
What is the associated disorder with Hirschsprung disease? Where is the obsturction usually located? How is the consistency of teh meconium? What is teh “squirt sign”?
Down syndrome. Rectosigmoid. Normal meconium consistency. Positive squirt sign
What is the associated disorder with Meconium ileus? How is the consistency of the meconium? What is the “squirt sign”?
CF. Inspissated. Negative squirt sign.
What is the treatment for sickle cell patients presenting with stroke symptoms?
Exchange transfusion
What is the management of duodenal obstruction 2/2 duodenal hematoma?
NG suction with parenteral nutrition
What is the presentation of Zenker’s diverticulum? What is the test of choice?
Dysphagia, regurgitation, foul smelling breath, aspiration, palpable mass. Contrast esophagram is the test of choice.
What is ppx treatmetn for renal transplant patients?
Oral TMP-SMX for preventing PCP, flu vaccine, pneumoccocus vaccine and Hep B vaccine
What is the renin and aldosterone levels for patinets with hypertension and hypokalemia in secondary hyperaldosteronism? What are some causes?
Both are elevated. Renovascular HTN, Malignant HTN, Renin secreting tumor, diuretic use
What is the renin and aldosterone levels for patinets with hypertension and hypokalemia in PRIMARY hyperaldosteronism? What causes it? Why is there not significant hypernatremia?
Renin is low, aldosterone is high. Aldosterone-producing tumor, bilateral adrenal hyperplasia. Aldosterone escape
What is the most common complication of nephrotic syndrome? What can it lead to?
Hypercoagulability 2/2 urinary loss of antithrombin3, altered protein C adn S levels, increased platelet aggregation. Renal vein thrombosis.
What are other complications of nephrotic syndrome?
Protein malnutrition, iron-resistant anemia, Vit D deficiency 2/2 cholecalciferol binding protein deficiency. Decreased thyroxine level due to loss of TBG.
What is a feared complication of antithyroid drugs? What are presenting signs? What is teh next step?
Agranulocytosis (WBC
What is the workup for abnormal uterine bleeding?
Endometrial biopsy. IF no atypia or kids desired, progestin therapy. IF no kids desired or complicated, hysterectomy
What is the most common congenital cyanotic heart disease in neonates? What are findings? What is treatment?
Transposition of great vessels. Single S2 +/- VSD. Egg on a string (narrow mediastinum). Prostaglandinss
What are the findings for TOF?
Harsh pumonic stenosis murmur, VSD, boot shaped heart
What are the findings for Tricuspid atresia?
Single S2, VSD murmmur, minimal pulmonary flow
What are the findings for Truncus arteriosus?
Single S2 ,systolic ejection murmmur, increased pulmonary blood flow, edema
What are the findings for Total anomalous pulmonary venous return with obstruction?
severe cyanosis and respiratory distress. Pulmonary edema ( snowman sign) and enlarged supracardiac veins and SVC
What are the symptoms of borderline personality disorder? Treatment?
unstable relationships. mood lability, anger, impulsivity, recurrent suicidal behavior. Tx is psycotherapy with dilaectical behavior therapy. Other tx are 2nd gen antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, antidepressants.
What is the presentation of diamond black fan? What is seen on peripheral smear? Treatment?
Macrocyutic pure red aplasia associated with short stature, webbed neck, cleft lip, shielded chest, triphalangeal thumbs. No hypersegmaentaiton of neutrophils. Corticosteroids
What is the presentation of Fanconi anemia?
AR disorder with pancytopenia, macrocytosis, cafe au laits spots, microcephaly, absent thumbs, horsehsoe kidneys, microphthalmia