hammer27 Flashcards
What is the difference between thoracic outlet syndrome and subclavian steal syndrome?
Subclavian steal syndrome has posterior neurological signs plus vascular symptoms
What can cause thoracic outlet syndrome?
anterior scalene muscle, Cervical rib, elongated transverse process of C7
What is the treatment of Barrett esophagus without dysplasia? With low grade dysplasia? high grade?
Endoscopy every 3-5 years. Endoscopy every 6 - 12 months. Endoscopic ablation within 3 months.
What is the treatment for a breast mass with infiltrative ductal carcinoma > 4 cm?
Mastectomy (too big for lumpectomy >4cm) and axillary node sampling
What coag profile is seen in von Willibrand disease?
Elevated bleeding time AND PTT
What are the urine findings in allergic interstitial nephritis?
WBC, RBC and white cell casts
What are specific findings for Graves disease?
Exopthalmos periorbital edema, pretibial myxedema
For which lung masses do you use bronchoscopy?
For centrally located pulmonary masses. IF not helpful, use CT
What are ocular findings to confirm brain death?
Absent corneal reflex, non responsive pupils, absent oculo cephalic or vestibulo-ocular reflex when pouring ice cold water in the ear
What is the medical treatmet for Rosacea?
Topical metronidazole and oral tetracyclines
What is the most common inherited cause of bilirubin glucoronidation?
Gilbert usually presents with mild asymtomatic unconjugated bilirubinemia
What is the most common cause of death from scleroderma? Which antibodies are elevated?
Lung fibrosis and pulmomnary HTN. Anti topoisomerase I, anti centromere, anti RNA polymerase III
WHen do you treat for Listeria in a suspected meningitis?
Age > 50
What is the treatment for septic arthritis with a negative gram stain?
Ceftriaxone plus vancomycin
What are the findings of anemia of chronic disease?
Normocytic to microcytic, high ferritin, low TIBC, low serum iron levels
What is the presenting symptom of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria? What is found on testing?
Reddish urine in the morning from hemolysis. Flow cytometry shows deficiency of CD59 or CD55 on RBCs.
What size colonic polyp is recommended for removal?
greater than 1 cm
What should you suspect in UC patietns with elevated alkaline phosphatase? What deficiency do they have?
PSC. Bile salt deficiency leading to steattorrhea, vitamin malabsorption
WHat should you suspect in severely ill patients in the ICU who have been intubated, coagulopathy, burns, cranial trauma?
Stress gastritis leading to upper GI bleeding with large black stools. Treat prophylactically with PPIs or H2 receptor antagonist (Rantidine, Cimetidine, Famotidine)
What is the best management for sinusitis?
Do supportive treatment and observe upto 10 days, CT scan to confirm but after that you can do antibiotics, etc
Which side does the tongue deviate in hypoglossal nerve injury?
Same direction as the injury