Hamato plus Onko Flashcards
CML Treatment ?
50j, hepatomegalie, undeveloped cells in blood
Heparin-induced ________________ (HIT)—development of ___ antibodies _____ heparin bound to platelet factor __ (____).
_______-heparin-PF4 complex _________ platelets → thrombosis and thrombocytopenia.
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT)—development of IgG antibodies against heparin bound to platelet factor 4 (PF4).
Antibody-heparin-PF4 complex activates platelets -> thrombosis and thrombocytopenia.
PAM is horny (Horner). What it is ?
PAM is horny (Horner).
Ptosis (superior tarsal muscle), anhidrosis, and miosis (rhyming).
\_\_\_\_\_\_ pathway coagulation defect, Defect in \_\_\_\_\_ plug formation: ↓ \_\_\_ → ↓ defect in platelet-to-vWF \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. Autosomal \_\_\_\_\_\_. Mild but \_\_\_\_\_\_ common inherited bleeding disorder. Diagnosed in most cases by \_\_\_\_\_\_\_-cofactor assay ( _ agglutination is diagnostic).
Intrinsic pathway coagulation defect, Defect in platelet plug formation: ↓ vWF → ↓ defect in platelet-to-vWF adhesion.
Autosomal dominant. Mild but most common
inherited bleeding disorder. Diagnosed
in most cases by ristocetin-cofactor assay
(↓ agglutination is diagnostic).
von Willebrand disease, Treatment: d________, which releases vWF stored in endothelium.
! aPTT may also be normal in von Willebrand disease. !
Wichtige Nebenwirkung: Hypo______
Treatment: desmopressin, which releases vWF stored in endothelium.
! aPTT may also be normal in von Willebrand disease. !
Wichtige Nebenwirkung: Hyponatriämie
Platelet disorders
_____ in platelet ____ formation → _ bleeding time (__).
Platelet abnormalities → __________: mucous membrane ______ , epi______ , pet______,
pur____, ↑ bleeding time, possibly _______ platelet count (PC).
Platelet disorders
Defects in platelet plug formation → ↑ bleeding time (BT).
Platelet abnormalities → microhemorrhage: mucous membrane bleeding, epistaxis, petechiae,
purpura, ↑ bleeding time, possibly decreased platelet count (PC).
Be____-So___ syndrome
Defect in platelet plug formation. ____ platelets.
_ GpI_ → defect in platelet-to-___ adhesion.
__ agglutination on _______ cofactor assay.
Bernard-Soulier syndrome
Defect in platelet plug formation. Large platelets.
↓ GpIb → defect in platelet-to-vWF adhesion.
No agglutination on ristocetin cofactor assay.
G___mann _________nia
Defect in platelet ____ formation.
↓ Gp__/III_ → defect in platelet-to-_____ aggregation.
Labs: blood smear shows __ platelet ______.
yes , ________ with ristocetin cofactor assay.
Glanzmann thrombasthenia
Defect in platelet plug formation.
↓ GpIIb/IIIa → defect in platelet-to-platelet aggregation.
Labs: blood smear shows no platelet clumping.
Agglutination with ristocetin cofactor assay.
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), life threatining.
Widespread activation of clotting → ________ in clotting factors → ________ state !. which causes ?
(STOP Making New Thrombi).
Widespread activation of clotting → deficiency in clotting factors → bleeding state.
Causes: Sepsis (gram-negative), Trauma,
Obstetric complications, acute Pancreatitis,
Malignancy, Nephrotic syndrome,
DIC (Diss. intravascular coag.)
Labs: _______, ↑ fibrin split products (_-dimers), ↓ fibr____, ↓ factors _ and __.
Labs: schistocytes, ↑ fibrin split products (d-dimers), ↓ fibrinogen, ↓ factors V and VIII.
DIC is a ___, life-________ condition that prevents blood from clotting normally. The blood-clots ______ blood flow and can _______ blood from reaching bodily organs. This increased clotting can use-___ the blood’s platelets and ______-factors.
_____ platelets and clotting factors available result in → ________ bleeding.
DIC is a rare, life-threatening condition that prevents blood from clotting normally. The blood-clots reduce blood flow and can block blood from reaching bodily organs. This increased clotting can use-up the blood’s platelets and clotting-factors.
Fewer platelets and clotting factors available result in → excessive bleeding.
____-Sternberg cells
Distinctive tumor ___ cell seen in ______ disease; binucleate or __lobed with the _ halves as mirror images (“owl eyes” A ). RS cells are CD__+ and CD__+ _-cell origin. Necessary but __ ______ for a diagnosis of Hodgkin disease.
Merke → 2 owl eyes × 15 = 30 :)
Reed-Sternberg cells
Distinctive tumor giant cell seen in Hodgkin disease; binucleate or bilobed with the 2 halves as mirror images (“owl eyes” A ). RS cells are CD15+ and CD30+ B-cell origin. Necessary but not sufficient for a diagnosis of Hodgkin disease.
Merke → 2 owl eyes × 15 = 30 :)
______, _____ group of nodes; extranodal ___; _________ spread (____ is strongest ______ of prognosis). Prognosis is much _____ than with ___-Hodgkin lymphoma.
__modal distribution: ______ adulthood, and
> __ years; more common in ___ except for
______ scl____ type.
Localized, single group of nodes; extranodal rare; contiguous spread (stage is strongest predictor of prognosis). Prognosis is much better than with non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Bimodal distribution: young adulthood, and
> 55 years; more common in men except for
nodular sclerosing type.
No_____ sclerosing-form _____ common (affects women and men ____). Lymphocyte-____ form has ___ prognosis. Lymphocyte _____ or dep____-forms (verbraucht) have _____ prognosis.
Strongly associated with ___ ?
Nodular sclerosing form most common (affects women and men equally). Lymphocyte-rich form has best prognosis. Lymphocyte mixed or depleted forms have worse prognosis.
Strongly associated with EBV