Haemophilus Influenza Gram Neg Flashcards
- shape of H. infl
- Virulent factor ?
Haemophilus Influenza is the smallest bacteria
nearly round (coccobacilli) its most virulent strain is a capsule.
Tiny Gram-Negative coccobacilli
- cocobacilli
- polysaccharide capsule
- required cultivating factors for H. infl.
- which type of bacterial colony does H. inf grow ?
Requires hematin which is found and in enriched blood because of EXOGENOUS hematin and/or nicotinamide adenine NAD which are PRESENT in ERYTHROCYTES
- Hematin and/or NAD
- Staph Aureus
- what are the two types of H. Inf
- What do we call the capsule of Hib ?
Six serotypes of H. influenza are based on CAPSULAR polysaccharide (a-f) the rest have no capsule
1.Hib and NTHi
2.Hib expresses a capsule and NTHi doesnt have a capsule
3.Polyribotol phosphate (PRP)
- what are some adherence factors of H. infl
only capsular H. influenza can be invasive
- Pili HMW
A. What are some diseases that manifest from H. influenza
B. True or False: H. influenza is strictly a human pathogen
1. Meningitis 50%
2. Otitis media
3. Sinusitis
4. Bronchitis
4. epiglotitis
5. Arthritis
6. Chancroid
- Which strains of H. influenza are invasive
- What percentage of H. Inf is mostly found world wide roughly 80% ?
- Common places of colonization of H. Inf is where ?
- Capsular ones
- H. Influenza Type B
- Nasopharengeal colonization
Describe the features of EPIGLOTTITIS in H. Inf
Inflammed epiglottis
swollen CHERRY RED
obstructed airway
sudden onset muffled cough
Important: affected children have inspiratory stridor with each inspiration (air hunger)
Describe Cellulitis and Arthritis manifested by H. Inf
Bacteremia can be prsent in both Cellulitis and Arthritis
Cellulitis is usually facial
redish-blue swelling in the cheek, may follow upper resp and otitis media ear infection
- Gram smear is usually sufficient to make diagnosis of H. Inf. What is the most important thing to remember when making a diagnosis ?
- Which type of test is useful in systemic H. Inf infection ?
- The dx must be confirmed by isolation of the organism from the site of infection or from the blood
- Blood cultures
Bacteriologically, small coccobacillary G neg rods that grow on choc-agar but not blood agar STRONGLY suggest Haemaphilus
- what is the X factor in this topic ?
- what is the V factor
- What factors are need by H. Influenza
2. NAD
3. Factor X and Factor V