Haematology Flashcards
What is the most commonly inherited clotting disorder and its mode of inheritance?
Von Willebrand’s factor
Mostly autosomal dominant
What would coag results look like in haemophilia?
1) Prolonged APTT
2) BT, TT and PT all normal
What do blood parameters look like in DIC?
↓ platelets
↓ fibrinogen
↑ fibrinogen degradation products
High D-dimer
What would coag results look like in Von Willebrand’s disease?
1) Prolonged bleeding time
2) APTT may be prolonged
Normal platelets
What is the most common inherited thrombophilia?
Factor V Leiden
What would blood tests show in tumour lysis syndrome? Prophylaxis?
High potassium
High phosphate
Low calcium
Management: allopurinol or rasburicase
Why use irradiated blood?
To avoid transfusion-associated graft versus host disease
FBC results in sickle cell anaemia?
Low Hb
Normal MCV
Raised reticulocytes
What is the single most important factor in determining whether cryoprecipitate should be given?
A low fibrinogen level
What are signs of hyposplenism on a blood film?
Hyposplenism (post-splenectomy, coeliac disease)
target cells
Howell-Jolly bodies
Pappenheimer bodies
siderotic granules
What are the signs of IDA on blood film?
target cells
‘pencil’ poikilocytes
if combined with B12/folate deficiency a ‘dimorphic’ film occurs with mixed microcytic and macrocytic cells
What is the sign of myelofibrosis on blood film?
‘tear-drop’ poikilocytes
What is the sign of intravascular haemolysis on blood film?
What is the sign of megaloblastic anaemia on blood film?
hypersegmented neutrophils
What is the blood film feature for multiple myeloma?
Rouleaux formation
What are blood film signs of APML?
Auer rods
What is in cryoprecipitate?
Factor VIII
Factor XIII
What is the blood film sign associated with AML?
Acute promyelocytic leukaemia- Auer rods (seen with myeloperoxidase stain)
What is the management of antiphospholipid syndrome fpr pregnancy?
1) Low-dose aspirin once urine pregnancy test confirmed
2) LMWH once fetal heart rate on ultrasound
What are the causes of warm AIHA?
1) idiopathic
2) autoimmune disease: e.g. systemic lupus erythematosus*
3) neoplasia (lymphoma,
chronic lymphocytic leukaemia)
4) drugs: e.g. methyldopa