H_Obstructive Flashcards
Qual seria a relação entre Ppico , Pplateau e um acometimento de DPOC / Asma ?
Checking the plateau pressure (Pplat) confirmed that this was a resistance problem, rather
than a pure compliance problem.
Her PIP was 39 at the time the inspiratory hold was
performed, but her Pplat was only 28.
The delta between 39 and 28 indicates a significant
resistance component.
Quais seriam os settings ideais do ventilador para asmático ?
Com relação ao pH , o quao baixo o mesmo pode ser ?
I: E -> > 1:3 or less
6 - 14 breaths/minute, allowing for
permissive hypercapnia
Tidal Volume -» 6-8ml/kg
permissive hypercarbia ->
PaCO 2 > 40 mm Hg and a pH > 7.20
to 7.25
Paciente com DPOC de espectro bem enfisematoso. Houve falha no uso de CPAP e agora ele foi intubado.
Como devem ser os parâmetros da VM?
6-8 ml/kg PBW
Respiratory Rate 6 - 20 breaths/minute, allowing for
permissive hypercapnia
FiO 2 Decrease as tolerated, SpO 2 target 88-92%
PEEP 5 - 15 cm H 2 O - may need to match
autoPEEP for patients with significant
emphysematous physiology !!!!