ARDS Flashcards
Qual é o objetivo principal ?
evitar secondary lung damage
Quais medidas principais nessa estratégia ?
VC baixo ( 4-8ml/kg )
Pressão de plato baixa ( <30)
e manter a VENT-MINUTO
Tidal Volume 4-8 ml/kg PBW, starting with 6 ml/kg
Respiratory Rate Higher, often > 20 breaths per minute
PEEP ≥ 8 cmH2O, avoiding overdistention
FiO2 Decrease as tolerated, SpO2 ≥ 92%
Qual é a definição de MINUTE VENTILATION ?
min vent = volume corrente x FR
Como manter a ventilação -minuto em paciente com ARDS se acharmos necessa’rio ?
ventilação- minuto OU minute -ventilation =
VCorrenteX FR
se temos de diminuir o VC
aumentamos a frequência respiratoria
Quais seriam os 4 critérios diagnósticos da ARDS?
A: aguda ( < 7 dias )
D: dois pulmões acometidos ao Rx
R: responsável n é o EAP ( edema agudo de pulmao )
S: PaO2/FiO2 < 300 mesmo numa Peep >= 5
Qual é a relação entre escolha de Pplatô e Peep?
a P de platô pode ser melhrada por um ajuste otimo da PEEP -»> a PEEP otima aumenta o compliance complacencia
mas a PEEP também pode elevar demais a P platô
Qual é o conceito de driving pressure ?
P plateau - Peep = driving pressure
pressao necessaria p expandir
Studies have shown that a driving pressure of < 15 cmH2O is associated with better outcomes in patients with ARDS.
Quando existe dissincronia , o que fazer ?
A recent trial, published in 2019, did not find improved mortality with neuromuscular blockade use in ARDS.
However, neuromuscular blockade was also not associated with increased harm.
As such, it can be considered in patients who remain dyssynchronous with the ventilator despite appropriate sedation.
Derecruitment é uma causa comum de hipoxemia!
O que fazer ?
manobras de recrutamento
Quais sao os possiveis efeitos adversos das manobras de recrutamento ?
temporario -> aumento pos carga do VD
diminuição da pre carga VD
Depois de estabilizado , deve-se realizar um compliance pep trial : “recruitment maneuver and the best PEEP can be determined, using a decremental compliance PEEP trial”
Como deve ser feito ?
1) ( bloqueio nm)
2) FiO2 should be set at 1.0 and
3 ) sedaçao
4) modo Pressao Controlado ; FR 10 ; t insp 3seg ; PC= 15
5) Then, increase PEEP 3 cmH2O every 5 breaths until the applied PEEP is between 25 to 35 cmH2O and the maximum PIP is between 40 to 50 cmH2O.
6) Ventilate at this level for 1 min. If the patient desaturates or becomes hypotensive at any point, stop, and return to the prior PEEP.
7) From here, the best compliance decremental PEEP trial should be performed. The next step is to change to volume control ventilation (VCV) at 4-6 ml/kg PBW and set PEEP at 20 to 25 dependent on patient severity of lung injury. The respiratory rate should be set to a rate that does not result in autoPEEP, usually 20 to 30 breaths/minute.
8) Measure dynamic compliance, then decrease the PEEP by 2 cmH2O, holding for 30 seconds at a time, and reassessing dynamic compliance each time. Initially the compliance will increase as PEEP is decreased, but with derecruitment, compliance will decrease.
Quando a PRONA é recomendada ?
ARDS grave PaO2 / Fio2 < 150