H580/02 - Gender Inequalities Flashcards
What is the source of inequality for FUNCTIONALIST thinkers?
Biological differences
Why does MURDOCK say women are located in the home?
Due to their biological function.
Bearing of children
Physique meant they were unable to perform tasks like men.
Why is the GENDERED DIVISION OF LABOUR evident in all societies?
They’re functional
What are PARSONS key concepts?
“Expressive Role”
“Instrumental Role”
What does PARSONs say about differences?
They are innate and ascribed at birth and they contribute to a smooth running society.
What does RASTOGI’S ‘Human Capital Theory’ suggest about the pay gap?
It is justified, and it reflects how men have more ‘human capital’
What does RASTOGI say about women staying home?
They do it to fit with their maternal instincts
What is the source of inequality for the NEW RIGHT thinkers?
Biological and Innate differences
What did MURRAY discuss?
Rising birth rates outside of marriage, crime and youth employment were all signs of irresponsible attitudes in underclass.
Blames single parent mothers,
Functional for women to be a housewife
What do DENNIS & ERDOS state?
Fatherless children less likely to be successfully socialised.
What did DENNIS AND ERDOS study?
1000 children born in Newcastle in 1947.
Greater statistical chance of having poor physical health, low IQ and a criminal record.
What does SCHLAFLY acknowledge?
Marriage can be hard but sees it as the most fulfilling role for women.
What is the source of inequality for MARXISM?
What is the key argument for ENGLES?
“The exploiter-exploited relationship”
Occurs between bourgeoisie and proletariat, translated into the household.
What did ENGLES argue?
Under capitalism men gained control over women. They wanted to pass on private property
What other THEORETICAL perspective would support ENGLES and why?
Marxist feminists
Both interested in the role of women in supporting capitalism and as a reserve army of labour.