H&S ch9 Flashcards
Wilhelm von Osten trained…
Clever Hans
Behaviorism was a break with both…
structuralism and funstionalism
Watson studies…
observable behavioral acts - positivism
Watson rejects all…
mentalistic concepts and terms - consciousmess
Science of behavior that…
viewed humans as machines
Jacques Loeb developed…
theory and animal behavior based on the tropism
Lobe believed in…
animal consciousness - associative memory
Thorndike branched out into…
educational psych and mental testing
learning is based on connections between situations and responces
Thorndike used…
objective quantitative measures of behavior
Thorndike presents…
his idea of the law of effect
Law of effect
Acts that produce satisfaction become associated with that situation: when the situation recurs the act recurs
Law of use and disuse
The more an act is used in a situation, the more strongly the act becomes associated with that solution
Pavlov worked on…
nerves of the heart, primary digestive glands, and conditioned reflexs
salivation at the sight of food is a…
conditional reflex