H&P Midterm MSK UE Flashcards
What are the types of synovial joints?
Spheroidal (ball and socket) (shoulder/hip)
Hinge (IP joints, elbow)
Condylar (Knee, TMJ)
What are the types of joints?
Cartilaginous (intervertebral joints)
Fibrous (skull sutures)
What is a bursa?
Sac filled with synovial fluid, providing smooth movement of muscles and tendons over other MSK structures.
What defines acute and chronic MSK?
Acute is < 6 weeks.
What is myalgia vs arthralgia?
Myalgia is muscle pain
Arthralgia is joint pain
What are some associated symptoms with MSK?
Decreased ROM
Cracking/popping (crepitus)
“Giving out”
How is muscle strength graded?
0 is no contraction.
5 is normal strength.
What do I palpate for TMJ?
What does a shoulder exam check?
Height of shoulder, scapula, and clavicle bilaterally.
Bony deformities
Muscle atrophy
Skin color change
Swelling of joint capsule anterior
Bulge in subacromial bursa under deltoid
What does the apley scratch test check?
Adduction and internal rotation (bottom scratch)
Abduction and external rotation (top scratch)
What are the nerve impingement tests for the shoulder?
Hawkins-kennedy (arm like a hawk will land on it)
Neer (near to the ear, arm straight up)
Rotator cuff tear
What is the empty can/jobe test?
Pouring out a can vs resistance.
Supraspinatus/infraspinatus tear/tendonitis.
What is the drop arm test?
Patient lifts arm up and drops it steadily.
+ is pain between 60-120 deg.
What is the crossover test?
Adduction of arm across chest.
+ is pain in AC joint, inflammation/arthritis
What is the sulcus sign?
Arm at rest on side, pull arm down.
+ is a depression in front of acromion, inferior glenohumeral instability.
What is the apprehension test?
Externally rotate humerus, then push posteriorly
+ shoulder pops, anterior instability or laxity or recent shoulder dislocation.
What do I palpate the elbows for?
Medial/lateral epicondyles, olecranon process
What is tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow?
Tennis elbow is lateral epicondylitis, + when pain is from extending wrist
Golfer’s elbow is medial epicondylitis, + when pain is from flexing wrist
What do I palpate the wrist and hand for?
Distal radius/ulna
Anatomic snuffbox
Thenar/hypothenar eminences
What is finkelstein’s test?
Thumb on top of fist pointing forward, then ulnar deviate.
+ is pain, indicates de quervain’s tenosynovitis.
What is phalen’s test?
Prayer sign
+ is pain, carpal tunnel syndrome.
What is tinel’s test?
Percussing carpal tunnel on wrist
+ is pain, carpal tunnel syndrome