H&N - Neck Flashcards
Anterior surface marking of C1 to C7
C1 Hard palate
C2 Angle of mandible
C3 Hyoid bone
C4 Thyroid notch
C5 Thyroid
C6 Cricoid
C7 Upper tracheal rings
Level of common carotid bibfurcation
Level of end of pharynx/larynx start of oesophagus/trachea

Where do you do a tracheostomy
Emergency situation: Cricothyroid membrane
Normally: 2nd tracheal ring
Fascia in neck
Carotid sheath

Layers that cut through for a tracheostomy
Subcut fat
Investing fascia
Strap musclues (usually pulled away: eg sternohyoid and thyrohyoid)
Pretracheal fascia
Fascial spaces
Prevertebral layer

Which vessels form external jugular vein
Posterior retromandibular and posterior auricular

Course of external jugular vein
Passes down in the superficial fascia, superficial to sternocleidomastoid
Pierces invesiting fascia, superior to clavicle, posterior to sternocleidomastoid
Enters subclavian

Vessels tributing to external jugular vein
Posterior external jugular
Transverse cervical
Supra scapular

Anterior jugular vein
Form at hyoid level,
Pierces investing fascia
Drains into subclavian

Anterior neck triangles

Submental triangle boundaries
Mandibular symphysis
Anterior belly of digastric
Body of hyoid bone

Content of submental triangle
Submental nodes
Tributaries forming anterior jugular vein
Submandibular triangle boundaries
Lower border of mandible
Anterior belly of digastric
Posterior belly of digastric

Submandibular triangle content
Submandibular gland
Submandibular lymph nodes
Hypoglossal nerve
Mylohyoid nerve
Facial artery and vein
Carotid triangle boundaries
Posterior belly of digastric
Superior belly of omohyoid
Anterior border of sternocleidomastoid

Carotid triangle content
Common, internal and external carotid arteries
Internal jugular vein, Common facial vein
Cervical branch of facial, CN10,11,12, ansa cervicalis transverse cervical nerve
Muscular triangle boundaries
Superior belly of omohyoid

Muscular triangle content
Muscles: Sternohyoid, omohyoid, thyrohyoid
Thyroid, Parathyroid
Suprahyoid muscles

Function of suprahyoid muscles
elevate hyoid bone
Innervation of stylohyoid
Innervation of digastric muscle
Anterior: mylohyoid (V3)
Posterior: facial nerve
Innervation of mylohyoid
Mylohyoid nerve (V3)
Innervation of geniohyoid
C1 ( carried along CN11)
Infrahyoid muscles
AKA strap muscles
Attachment of omohyoid muscle
hyoid to scapula
Has an intermediate tendon which runs through a sling attached to clavicle
Action of infrahyoid muscles
depresses hyoid
Strap muscles blood supply
Segmental supply from both superior and inferior thyroid arteries
Innervation of infrahyoid muscles
Ansa cervicalis (C1-C3)
Ansa cervicalis roots
Which muscles does ansa cervicalis innervate
GHost THought SOmeone Stupid Shot Irene
Superior Omohyoid
Inferior Omohyoid
Ansa cervicalis relations
Superior part crosses internal carotid
Inferior part crosses internal jugular

Vertebral level of hyoid
Vertebral level of thyroid
Vertebral level of cricoid
Lower border of cricoid landmark significance
Junction of:
Larynx and trachea
Pharynx and oesophagus
Inferior thyroid artery and thyroid gland
Thyroid gland relations
Enclosed in pretracheal fascia with trachea and recurrent laryngeal nerve
Lateral: carotid sheath Internal carotid, Internal jugular, Vagus
Accessory lobe: pyramidal from isthmus

Arterial supply to thyroid gland
Superior thyroid artery (external carotid artery)
Inferior thyroid artery (thyrocervical trunk artery)
10% of people: Thyroid ima a. (branch of brachiocephalic)

Venous drainage of thyroid
Superior and middle thyroid veins (Into IJV)
Inferior thyroid vein (into brachiocephalic vein)

Path of the recurrent laryngeal nerve
On right: loops around subclavian
On left: loops around aortic arch

Posterior traingle subdivisions
Occipital triangle
Omoclavicular triange

Nerves of posterior triangle
Accessory nerve
Phrenic nerve
Three trunks of the brachial plexus
Branches of the cervical plexus: Supraclavicular nerve, transverse cervical nerve, great auricular nerve, lesser occipital nerve
Blood vessels of posterior triangle
External jugular vein
subclavian artery
Cervical plexus

Termination of lymphatic trunks
Subclavian vein

Lymph nodes of the neck

Atlas Axis articulation
Dens inserts anterior to spinal cord

Which cranial nerve lies anterior to the carotid sheath
Position of cervical sympathetic chain
between carotid sheath and prevertebral fascia

Muscles of the back of neck
Note splenius (from spinous process c7 to t3 to posterior mastoid process)
What is Erb’s point
Half way along the length of sternocleoidmastoid where cervical plexus emerges through the prevetebral fascia
The point used to find accessory nerve: great auricular disappears behind this point and CN11 is found 1cm above it (need to identify in level 5 neck dissection)
How many neck dissection levels
Omohyoid a useful landmark in neck dissection
Between level 3 and 4
Unilateral vs bilateral damage to recurrent laryngeal nerve?
Unilateral: Difficulty speaking
Bilateral: stridor/difficulty breathing
Consequence of damage to the external laryngeal nerve
Loss of low pitch voice
Parathyroid gland position
Both usually lie posterior
Superior found at level of 1st tracheal ring posterior to thyroid
Inferior position less reliable. Sometimes behind inferior pole, sometimes within thyroid gland itself sometimes within the mediastinum
Parathyroid gland arterial supply
All 4 glands receive blood from the inferior thyroid arteries
Superior glands also receive from superior thyroid arteries
Parathyroid venous drainage
Superior middle and inferior thyroid veins.