H&N Flashcards
location of right common carotid
behind right SC joint
common carotids bifurcate at
carotid massage purpose
can alleviate supraventricular tachycardia
where and what is carotid body. innervation
CN IX innervation. O2. outside at carotid bifurcation
where ICC enter skull
carotid canal
branches of external carotid
superior thyroid, ascending pharyngeal, lingual, facial, occipital, post auricular, maxillary, superior tempora
parotid vasculatur
artery - maxillary and superior temporal
vein - retromandibular vein
what foramen does vertebral arteries go through
whats in carotid triangle and its borders
borders - digasrtic, SCM, omohyoid
inside - larynx, pharynx, thyroid, cervical plexus, vagus and hypoglossal
layers of scalp
skin, loose ct, aponeurosis, loose CT with vessels, periosteum
blood supply of scalp
occipital, superior temporal, posterior auricular from ECA, supratrochlear and supraorbital from ICA. all anastamose
dura and skull blood supply
cavernous sinus location and contents
above pterygoid plexus
contains ICA and abducens. In lateral wall CN3, 4, 5a, 5b
position of IJV and EJV in neck
IJV goes under SCM. EJV goes on top
where does thoracic duct and right lymphatic duct enter veins
thoracic duct - left IJV and left subclavian junction
innervations of extraocular muscles
innervation of LPS and constrictor pupillae of eye
LPS - somatic
constrictor - PS ciliary ganglion from edinger westphal nucleus
CN3 palsy
down and out, dilated pupils, ptosis
CN4 palsy
diplopia on looking down and in
CN 6 damage how?
increaes ICP
motor innervation of CN V c
temporalis, masseter, medial pterygoids, digastric - mastication muscles
innervation of CNVb
upper lip, mucosa of nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, palate
innervation of CNVc sensory
temples, cheek, chin, inner cheek, anterior 2/3rds of tongue
CN 7 innervation
taste anterior 2/3 (chorda tympani), facial expression, stapedius
PS of lacrimal, submandibular and sublingual glands
course of facial nerve
travels through IAM to facial canal to stylomastoid foramen
what is sensorineural hearing loss
damage to inner ear or nerve
what is conductive hearing loss
problem with conducting sound waves to cochlea
what is calorix reflex and used for
cold or warm water into EAM causes nystagmus if not brain dead
innervation of CN IX
stylopharyngeus, parotid (PS), carotid body, carotid sinus, pharynx, middle ear, posterior 1/3 tongue taste
CN IX test
gag reflex
CN X sensation
external ear, EAM, eardrum, palatopharyngeus, salpingopharyngeus, pharyngeal constrictors, laryngeal muscles, palatoglossus, PS of heart and abdomen
CN X motor
intrinsic larynx and pharynx (cricothyroid, salpingopharyngeus, levator veli palatini, palatoglossus, palatopharyngeus), bronchi and GI smooth muscle
acessory innervation
SCM and trapezius
hypoglossal innervation
genioglossus, hypoglossus, styloglossus, intrinsic muscles of tongue
what side does tongue and uvula deviate to
tongue towards uvula away
What are the 3 extra classes of special cranial nerves? What do they do?
Special visceral efferents – muscles derived from pharyngeal arches (CNV, VII, IX, X)
Special somatic afferents – equilibration, hearing, and sight
Special visceral afferents – taste
give PS ganglia and nuclei and what they innervate
COPS - 3977
Ciliary ganglion - edinger westphal nucleus - sphincter pupillae, ciliary muscle
Otic ganglion - inf salivatory nucleus - parotid
pterygopalatine - sup salivatory nucleus - lacrimal, nasal, nasopharynx, palate
submandibular - sup salivatory - submandibular and sublingual
what is horners
damage to symp trunk. Miosis, ptosis (superior tarsal innervation), enophthalmos, anhydrosis
what are symp ganglioa of head and neck
sup mid and inf cervical ganglions
where is philtrum and palpebral fissure
philtrum between nose and mouth
palpebral fissure between eyelids
what is TMJ made of
mandibular fossa and articular tubercle and condyle of mandible
ligaments of TMJ
stylomandibular, lateral ligament, sphenomandibular ligament
muscles in mandible elevation and depression
elevation - temporalis, masseter, medial pterygoid
depression - digastric, mylohyoid, geniohyoid, lateral pterygoid
muscles in mandible protraction and retraction
protraction - masseters, lateral and medial pterygoid
retraction - temporalis, digastric