H. 10 Performance Flashcards
Steiner’s ‘law’ of group productivity
ActualPerf = PotentProductivity – ProcessLosses (AP = PP – PL)
Social facilitation vs Social interference
Social facilitation is an improvement in the performance of tasks when people work in the present of others (this happens only with dominant deeds, that are at the top of someone’s response-hierarchy. Often simple tasks, like driving, running, talking, dressing).
Often this is just the other way around = Social interference (happens with tasks that aren’t dominant, behavior that doesn’t happen often (Zajonc)).
Social Orientation Theory
People differ in their orientation to social situations, and these differences predict who will experience improvement, and who a deterioration. (positive orientation: confidence: challenge; negative orientation: threatened by others)
Ringelmann effect
: People work less efficient when they work with others. This becomes less so when the group becomes smaller = lower coordination, less motivation.
Karau & Williams’ Collective effort model (CEM)
theoretical explanation of the productivity of the group, that tracks productivity loses by lowering its expectations of success and low values of goals (explanation social loafing).
Maximizing task
task or project that demands a high speed of productivity.
Optimizing task
a task that has the best results. Thus the quality of the performance of the group can be judged by comparing the product with a certain standard.
Additive task
task or project that can be finalized through collaboration (divisible and maximizing, putting only your own input with the groupsinput → final product).
Compensatory task
task that can be finalized through individual solutions or through the intermediation of recommendations (mathematical)
→ wisdom of crowd effect: the average of the individual guesses in a group. This almost always happens to be the right answer (by easy statements!)
Disjunctive task
generating one solution that presents the outcome of the group (can thus not be divided into smaller tasks, and it is optimizing)
→ best solution (truth) wins; truth supported-wins rule; Eureka problem (where the answer is clear), and noneureka problem (unsatisfying answer).
Conjunctive taks
the members are coupled to each other and only in that way there can be an outcome. (The speed of the group is determined by the slowest group member.)
Intellectual task
like some Eureka tasks, where the solutions can be viewed and be judged as either right or wrong.
Judgemental task
demands evaluative judgements. No correct answer is known
Discretionary task
relatively unstructured task that can be accomplished by using various social combination – procedures, and by determining yourself whether they should be combined.
Crew resource management (CRM)
higher efficiency of cooperation in a crew, by a structured training in teamwork, communication skills, time and workload management.
Köhler effect
effect where individuals try to keep up with better and faster working team members (rare effect of increasing the motivation of the group).
When the outcome of a group is bigger, than when all the individual outcomes are put together. (This doesn’t happen often, because the outcome of the group is often lower because of social loafing and free riding. If it happens, this is often through extremely high motivation.)