gynecology Flashcards
Tx for gonococcal urethritis
Cefritaxone (250 mg IM) once (and also treat for Chlamydia)
Tx for non-gonococcal urethritis (chlamydia)
Azithromycin once (OR) Doxycycline x 7 days
what does PCOS do to LH and FSH
increases pituitary synthesis of LH (and decreases pit synthesis of FSH) (LH:FSH ratio > 2)
PCOS effects of LH and FSH
- increased LH increases ovarian synthesis of androgens –> hirsuitism
- androgens aromatized to estrogen in adipose –> increases risk of endometrial Cancer
- increased estrogen has positive feedback on LH (and negative on FSH) –> suppressed FSH causes follicle degeneration (anovulation)
- fluid accumulation creates subcortical cysts that enlarge ovaries
if premenopausal is still menstruating, what day of cycle to test FSH
day 3 (if FSH increased, best marker of menopause)
in what stage of syphilis do widespread mucucutaneous lesions occur
secondary stage, 4-10 weeks after chancre appeared
what are the stages of syphilis
primary, secondary, latent, and tertiary
what forms in tertiary syphilis
gummas (necrotic nodules)
- also neurosyphilis affects CNS
- aortic syphilis affects CVS (aneurysm)
- 3-10 years after initial infection
Tx for trichomoniasis
trichomoniasis phys exam finding
red “strawberry” spots on vaginal walls and cervix