board vitals Flashcards
diagnostic test to record involuntary movements of the eye
dx for vertigo, dizziness, balance dysfunction by testing vestibular system
Dx for acoustic neuroma
MRI with gadolinium
dizziness that comes and goes - lasts less than a min
-lack of hearing loss
vertigo: mins to hours
hearing loss
Acoustic Neuroma
Vestibular schwannoma
hearing loss, tinnitus, dizziness
Vestibular Neuritis
abrupt severe dizziness
Epley maneuver
rotate head 45 degrees to side that causes worst vertigo
lie pt down while maintaining the head position so that head hangs over table
rotate head to 90 degrees
hold position for 30 secs or until vertigo stops
turn head to opposite side and hold again for 30 seconds
magnesium for:
Bromelain for:
MSM for:
CoQ10 for:
decrease muscle hypertonicity and associated spasm
reduce pain if inflammation present
pain relief with osteoarthritis
CoQ10: fatigue, CV disease and reduce deficiency with statin therapy
what test is most indicated to evaluate urethritis caused by gonorrhea or chlamydia
NAAT: nucleic acid amplification test
or dNA probe: but dna probe without amplification requires more invasive testing with a urethral swab
what is indicated to diagnose syphilis
dark field microscopy
chlamydia v. gonorrhea v. syphilis v. candida balanitis
chlamydia: often asymptomatic, can cause urethral inflammation, dysuria, and clear meatal discharge in men
gonorrhea: purulent meatal discharge
syphilis: hard chancre, which later becomes a painless ulcer
candida balanitis: beefy red rash and white patches on the penis with a lot of burning and itching
what is used to tx chlamydia
what is drug of choice for syphilis
Benign prostatic hypertrophy
enlarged prostate on DRE
increased urination and urgency
low back pain
tender and BOGGY prostate
Prostate cancer
avg age 66
induration and asymmetrical nodules of prostate
fatigue, bone pain, weight loss, hematuria, hematospermia
alpha-adrenergic blocking agent
SE: dizziness, headache, rhinitis, abnormal ejaculation
headache, stuffy nose, and hypotension
type 2 diabetes
insulin-sensitizing drug
SE: digestive upset,B12 deficiency, and lactic acidosis
Prostate HERBS
Serenoa repens (saw palmetto): 5-alpha reductase inhibitor used in BPH *5-alpha converts diT to testosterone*
Urtica dioca: prostatic agent used in BPH
Hydrangea: BPH and prostatis
soothing demulcent for urinary tract
prostate size is correlated with
fasting glucose levels
reducing sugar intake and stabilizing blood glucose could be helpful
most helpful * limit caffeine and alcohol*
Acute CLOSED-angle glaucoma
Acute OPEN-angle glaucoma
closed: medical emergency : immediate tx to prevent blindness
unilateral eye pain, blurred vision, halos around light and a dilated and unresponsive pupil
open: no eye pain
blind spots in peripheral or central vision
often affects both eyes
Acute conjunctivitis
profuse tearing
normal pupillary response
mild-burning pain
no change in vision
*eye culture could be helpful
Anterior Uveitis
diminished vision moderate-severe pain redness photophobia pupillary constriction rather than dilation
slit lamp
used to estimate the width of the angle by shining light beam on the peripheral anterior chamber of the eye
*closed angle glaucoma
measures intraocular pressure
in open-angle glaucoma
*not typically used for closed-angle
Amslers chart
macular degeneration
*open angle glaucoma
to reduce intraocular pressure
prostaglandin f2alpha analog: increases aqueous fluid outflow
Supplement for glaucoma after stabilized
tyrosine kinase inhibitor that relaxes the trabecular meshwork tightening ciliary muscle
can prevent recurrence of glaucoma
tx for plantar fasciitis
ultrasound: decreased inflammation, breaks up adhesions and promotes healing
cold laser treatment
arthritic pain
promotes tissue healing
healing after injury
pain reliever
Lontophoresis with mag sulf
herbs for uncomplicated cystitis
zea mays
althea officianalis
arctostaphylos uva-ursi
eupatorium perfolatium
diaphoretic and immune and digestive stimulant
affinity for repiratory and gastro system
vitamin A toxicity
hair loss, liver damage, bone loss
congenital birth defects
beta carotene safer for pregnancy
Actinic keratosis
- can spontaneously disappear or remain stable fo years without progression
- SCC can occur! when penetrates through dermoepidermal junction and into the dermis
60% of SCC develop from AK
sedative and hypnotic
- dont take 5-HTP (precursor for serotonin)
can have CNS depressant effects
Acne vulgaris
multiple open and closed comedones with erythema and scarring
face and back
Acne rosacea
inflammatory condition
affects middle aged adults
erythema and telangiectasis on the face as well as papules and pustules
central area of the face and face flushing
*alcohol aggravates
acne, scarring
synthetic retinoid that reduces sebum reduction from sebaceous glands
salicylic acid
Hepatoprotective and alterative herbs indicated for inflammatory and hormonal skin conditions (acne)
Articum Lappa
Berberis Aquifolium
Rumex Crispus (yellowdock)
demulcent and vulnerary
indicated for dermatitis, wounds, and ulcerations but not best for acne
topically for wound healing
“golden rod”
antimicrobial and anticatarrhal
upper URI and urinary tract infections
herpes zoster
50% of pts have prodrome can begin a few days, up to 3 weeks before SHINGLES vesicles become visible
prodromal symptoms include pain, burning, tickling, itching, tingling
elevated temp, lethargy, hyperesthesia
most common ddx to rule out: contact derm
Erythema infectiosum
“fifth disease”
Parvovirus b19
school-aged children
malar rash—> pink lacy rash on trunk and upper extensor surfaces
DECREASES risk of ovarian cancer
oral contraceptive use and multiple pregnancies
-decreased ovulation(?)
INCREASES risk of ovarian cancer
increased age
nulliparous repro history