GSTS: Midterms reviewer Flashcards
It is Aristotle’s best-known work on ethics: the science of the good for human life, that which is the goal or end at which all our actions aim. It consists of ten subsections.
Nicomachean Ethics
Two types of Good
Instrumental good
Intrinsic good
Examples of instrumental good
Desire and pleasure
Examples of intrinsic good
Something that leads to the ultimate good
Something worthwhile not because it leads
to something else but for its own sake
Intrinsic good
What is the ultimate good?
Happiness/ Happiness with virtues/ Eudaimonia
Subsections of eudaimonia
- Good spirit
- Happiness
- Welfare
- Human flourishing
- Prosperity
- Living well, doing well
Subsections of hedonism
- Pleasure
- Wealth
- Fame and honor
It means morally good in behavior
It describes something that si excellent and valuable quality
Define the level of eudaimonia of living beings
1. Plants
2. Animals
3. Humans
- Non-rational
- Partially rational
- Rational, theoretical, practical
means excellence; or “is made possible by
living a life of virtue”
Means excellence and moral virtue
A virtue is what makes one function well
It is made possible by Arête
Enumerate the four kinds of intellectual virtual
- Education
- Time
- Experience
- Practice
It guides out ethical behavior; Understanding-scientific endeavor and
What are the two types of virtues
- Intellectual virtue
- Moral virtue
It means being repeatedly unselfish
It is the repeatedly resistance and foregoing of every inviting opportunity
it means repeatedly exhibiting the proper action and emotional response in the time of danger
is virtue acquired or in born
Virtue is like a skill, it is acquired through repeated practice. Moral and intellectual virtue are innate, yet not everyone can acquire.
It is the mediator between the two extremes of excess and deficiency
Golden mean
it is the ultimate good
______ is living a virtuous life
It is the State of being happy, healthy, and prosperous in the way we think, live and act.
The good life
So, should we refuse ST? What should we do in order to keep ST safe?
No, ethical and moral standards should be imposed on ST.
Enumerate the 7 dangers to human virtue
- Wealth
- Pleasure
- Knowledge
- Commerce
- Science
- Worship
- Politics
What happens when ST and development works with human rights?
Eudaimonia/ good life
What is article 27?
What are the subsections of article 27?
Universal declaration of human rights
a. Participate in and benefit from scientific advances
b. Be protected from scientific misuses
c. Examined through cultural rights perspective
What is article 4?
What are the subsections of article 4?
UNESCO Recommendation on the status of scientific researchers- 1974
a. All ST knowledge should be geared towards the welfare of global citizens
b. Develop the necessary protocol and policies
c. ST should be integrated into policies that aim to ensure a more humane and just society
What is article 33?
What are the subsections of article 33?
UNESCO Declaration on the use of scientific knowledge
a. ST and its applications are indispensable for development
b. Encompasses issues on pollution-free production, efficient resource use and biodiversity protection and brain drains
c. Research programs are indispensable foundation for economic, social, cultural and environmentally sound development
What is the function of human rights in ST?
- Golden mean
- Protects the weak, poor and vulnerable from the excesses and deficiencies of ST.
- Gaps the poor and rich counties
- Source of human flourishing
What happens when human rights-based approach is applied to ST?
- Sustainable futures
- Good life
- Eudaimonia
Who wrote “Why the future Does not need us?”
Bill Joy
Provide Bill joy’s reasons why the future doesn’t need humanity
What can GNR lead to?
Accidents, threats, abuses
Give examples of the potential threats of GNR.
- Self replicating
- Computers can become more intelligent than humans
- Machines can decide on their own, makes the future unpredictable
- Can get out of control
The natural law that states that “If anything can go wrong, it will go wrong”
Murphy’s law
Who are the critics of Bill Joy?
John Seely Brown
Paul Duguid
What is John Seely’s critique on Bill Joy?
Bill Joy failed to consider social factors and focused on one side of the picture.
What is Paul Dugui’d critique on Bill Joy?
Neo-luddite, technophobic
It is a combination of sounds and message
According to (Chaisson, 2006; Ben-Naim,
2015) These are informed words
Words and information are meant to convey _____
It is the ability to make sense of nature; it is the scientific search for truth; it has power
According to the Greeks, it is an object worthy of admiration
one kind of knowledge the the Greeks wanted to understand
It is useful in the pursuit of knowledge; the act of pursuing knowledge
it is when the use of digits or numbers as a code for various information is prevalent
Digital Age
It is when information is read by computers
Computer Age
It is when the utilization of digital platforms were prevalent, unlike the traditional media such as radio, television, and newspapers
New Media Age
It is known as the structure of communication; and is subject towards transmission,
interpretation, and processing.
It is one of the most valuable
assets today; It is considered the “new oil”
Defined as an electronic device
that stores and process data
The one who led to the origin of the internet who was considered as the “Father of Information Theory”
Claude F. Shannon
It is a world
wide system of
networks that facilitate
data transmission
among innumerable
In the early days, the
internet was used
mainly by _____to
communicate with
other _____.
is an information system that enables content sharing over the Internet through user-friendly ways
World Wide Web
It is defined as a period starting in the last
quarter of the 20th century; Also called the Digital Age and the New Media Age.
Information Age
Invented the Printing Press in 1440
Johannes Gutenberg
Broke the Enigma
Code in 1936
Alan Turing
invention of Personal
_________ in 1970
Steve Wozniak
Steve Jobs
Company platform in 1976
Apple Inc.
1973- present
Social Media
What are the defining characteristics of information age?
- change in focus from industry to information
- Growth of technology
- Explosion of information
Number of people in the Philippines who uses internet
76.01 Million or 68% of population
Number of active social media users in the Philippines
92.05 Million or 82.4% of population
Total population of the Philippines
111.87 Million
a situation where there is an
overabundance of data due to the rapid
increase in the amount of information
being published.
Information Explosion
occurs when information users
become overwhelmed with
the excessive flow of
information which usually
affects their psychological,
effects, and physical well-being.
Information Overload
Biggest source of misinformation
Internet/social media
and television
In what sectors of the community does the information age has its impact?
Economy and commerce
Private life
Government and politics
Positive impacts of Social media
- improved entertainment and communication
- Networking
- Interactivity
- Glocalization
- Empowerment
of Social
- increase in cyber crimes
- Invasion of privacy
- Online pornography
- Threat to security
- Plagiarism
- Fake news
- Digital divide
The theory and development of computer
systems able to perform tasks that
normally require human intelligence, such
as visual perception, speech recognition,
decision-making, and translation between
Artificial Intelligence