Growth & Development - Unit 1 (Babies) Flashcards
Head to toe growth =
Center to periphery growth is referred to as =
Head to toe = cephalocaudal
Center to periphery = proximodistal
Little babies - gain about __ to __ ounces of weight every week.
Double birth weight by age ___ months.
Triple Birth Weight by age ___ year.
6 months.
1 year
Height increased by 1 inch per month for 6 months for little babies. T/F?
Babies - grow gradually. T/F?
FALSE - they grow in spurts.
When does the anterior fontanel close?
12-18 months.
When does the posterior fontanel close?
6-8 weeks.
Anterior fontanel - what does it mean if it sinks in? What if it is big and hard?
Sinks in = dehydrated.
Big & hard = increased ICP.
Babies - repiratory track is prone to inflammation because it’s so big. T/F?
FALSE - it’s prone to infection because it’s so small.
Can babies easily fight off infection?
Liver - most advanced in little babies. T/F?
FALSE - it is most immature.
Can babies shiver?
Nope - that’s why they have brown fat - it helps them regulate their temps.
Trachea is close to ___, which predisposes babies to respiratory infections.
Short & straight eustachian tube in babies causes a higher risk for ear infections. T/F?
Mucosal lining produces IgA, which reduces risk for infection in babies. T/F?
What occurs in a sinus arrhythmia for an infant?
The heart rate increases with inspiration and decreases with expiration
What is the parachute reflex? When is it present?
They stick their hands out when you hold them head down - like they’re going to fall. Present at 7-9 months.
Most reflexes are not present at birth. T/F?
FALSE - they are.
What is stereopsis? When does it begin?
Depth perception - begins at 7-9 months.
If it occurs at less than 3 months, it’s a reflex. T/F?
Newborns can fixate on objects within __ to ___ inches.
Binocular (both eye) vision begins at __ to __ weeks.
Babies look at hands at __ to __ weeks.
Babies - adjust posture to see object at __ weeks and also develop hand-eye coordination.
20 weeks
The startle (moro) reflex is present at birth. T/F? What is the reflex?
True - it’s the reflex where they bring their hands in and are startled!
Babies - can turn head at __ to __ weeks and then can turn the head and look in the direction of sound at __ to __ weeks.
Babies - can respond to own name by 24-32 weeks. T/F?
Babies - know several words by weeks __ to __ weeks.
40-52 (age 1)
If babies aren’t following the auditory maturation schedule, what might be wrong?
They might have hearing issues.
What is the crude pincer grasp? When does it come in?
6-8 months - they use the whole hand.
What is the neat pincer grasp? When does it come in?
Uses fingers - it’s a safety risk here! Think about what they can get into. Happens at 9-11 months.
“I can grasp my feet and put them in my mouth. How old am i?”
6-7 months.
” I can hold a cube in each hand and I can transfer objects from hand to hand. How old am I?”
~ 8 months.
“I can deliberately let go of objects and I can offer items to someone. How old am I?”
~10-11 months.
Head control for babies - well established at __ to __ months.
At what age can a baby roll over? Which way is it usually?
5-6 months, typically belly to back.
A baby can sit alone at age ___ months and can move from prone to sitting position at age __ months.
7 months & 10 months.
Babies can grasp objects at __ to __ months, transfer objects between hands at __ months, do the pincer grasp at ___ months.
2-3 months, 7 months, 10 months.
Babies can remove objects from containers at age __ months and then build towers of two blocks at age __ Months.
11 months and 12 months.`
Babies can crawl at age __ to __ months, can creep at age __ months, walk with assist at __ months and can walk alone at __ year.
6-7 months.
9 months.
Walk with assist - 11 months.
walk alone - 1 year
Erickson’s Stages - Infant - age - what is it?
0-12 months, Trust Vs. Mistrust. If they don’t get the basic needs met, they will have issues with mistrust later in life. Don’t give in right away to their needs tho….teach delayed gratification.
Erickson’s Stages - Toddler - age? what is it?
1- 3 years - Autonomy vs. shame and doubt - if they can’t learn to do things in their own, they might be shameful and doubtful later in life.
Erickson’s Stages - preschooler - ages - what is it?
Ages 3-6 - Initiative vs. guilt - if they don’t start doing things on their own, they will feel guilty.
Erickson’s Stages - School Age - what age? What is it?
6-10 - Industry vs. inferiority - they need to focus on school stuff and friends or they’ll feel inferior.
Erickson’s Stages - Adolescent - What is it? Age
13-18 - Identity vs role confusion - if they don’t find their own way, they’ll have confusion in life.
How long is Piaget’s Sensorimotor Phase?
Birth to 2 years
What are the 4 phases of the Sensorimotor Phase?
Reflex Stage (birth to 1 month), Primary Circular Reactions (1-4 months - begin to see self as separate being), Secondary Circular Reactions (4-8 months, separation anxiety and object permanence - meaning they can do peek-a-boo), and Coordination of Secondary Schema’s - 9-12 months (comprehend meanings - you put on a coat, know what time it is!)
Should we be open and honest with kids when getting ready to leave?
By end of first year, babies recognize they are distinct from parents. T/F?
2 months - babies can say single vowels. T/F?
3-4 months, they add ____ to their language.
6 months - Da-Da - T/F?
__ to __ words of meaning by age one.
When does the social smile appear?
6-8 weeks - it’s the smile showing they recognize you!
Which type of play is characterized by an infant?
Solitary Play
Pacifier - bad things for babies. T/F?
FALSE - it’s a great thing, it satisfies a need.
Should we mess with the pacifier?
Does the pacifier help prevent SIDS?
Age of child in months - 6 = how many teeth they should have. T/F?
True - so 8-6 = 2 teeth.
By month ___, they should have their 1st tooth and by __ years they should lose their 1st tooth
6 Months & 6 years (Both 6)
Introduce solid foods at what age?
6 months
Introduce foods at intervals of __ to __ days to allow for identification of food allergies.
Start with rice cereal and then replace one feeding at a time when switching from breast or bottle. T/F?
Honey is okay for kids to have - T/F?
FALSE - risk of botulism is high!
Breastmilk can be stored in the fridge at ___degrees for __ days. Can it be microwaved?
38 degrees for 7 days - but it CANNOT be microwaved. It could be too hot and it also breaks down the milk.
How much sleep does an infant need?
~ 16 hours a day. Stimulate during the day since they can be somewhat nocturnal.
What is VAERS? VIS?
Vaers - vaccine adverse event reporting system…very sever effects.
VIS = Vaccine information statements, given out before EVERY vaccine.