Growth And Development Flashcards
Fetal nutrition is best determined by assessing
Subcutaneous fat on the anterior thighs and gluteal region
White populous on nose and cheeks
Congenital with infinite borders buttocks and base of spine, predominantly an African American and Asian infants
Mongolian spots
“Stork bite”, pink red capillary on face or neck
Nevis Symplex
Port wine stain anywhere on malformation body
Nevus flammeus
Fontanelles are normally described as
Soft and flat
When does the anterior fontanelle close
9 to 18 months
When does the posterior fontanelle close
2 to 3 months
What is hypertelorism
Eyes set wide apart
If the baby has low-set ears what kind of indicate
Renal issues
A web snack may be associated with
Turner syndrome
What is the respiratory rate for a newborn
40 to 60 breaths per minute
What heart condition makes you check femoral pulses
Coartation of the aorta
How long should a mother breast-feed their infants
Up to six months of age
How long should you delay complementary foods or solid foods
4 to 6 months of age
May reduce the risk of a topic dermatitis and a topic sensitization
What type of food should be introduced first to an infant
Rice cereal
When can food just be given to an infant
Six months of age but no more than 4 to 6 ounces per day
At what age can cows milk be given to an infant
One year old
When can finger foods be introduced to an infant
8 to 10 months of age
When should fluoride supplementation start for an infant
Six months of age
What vitamin does breast-fed babies need
Vitamin D
What type of vitamin does exclusively breast-fed babies of strict vegetarian or vegan mothers need
Vitamin B 12
What test is the corneal light reflex called
Hirschberg test
And one week old infant does not have a red reflex in his right eye. What might this indicate?
Congenital cataracts
At what age should Eye alignment occur?
Two to four months of age
When two eyes don’t focus on the same object, the brain ignores information from one of the eyes. If this is not corrected it can result in loss of vision called
The corneal light reflex and cover/uncover tests are used to assess
Start at 6 months to 3 years
At what age should vision screening start with Snellen chart
3 to 4 years old
At what age does a child have 2020 vision
Six years old
When is the best time to do a vision screening
Periodically after a growth spurt is the best time to check Eye vision
What is the Moro reflex
Startle reflex
Checks hearing from newborn to three months of age
At what age does a baby stop and listen to a new sound, stops crying with hearing parents voice
3 to 6 months
At what age does a baby respond to their own name
6 to 12 months
At what age does a baby follow directions without cues
12 to 18 months
50% of speech intelligible to strangers
18 to 24 months
Pediatric hearing loss is associated with which abnormality
Speech delay
What is the purpose of pneumatic Otoscopy
To assess TM mobility
When do central incisors erupted
6 to 10 months
The best way to examine the oral cavity of a small child is
To lie a child on his back on an exam table
What is the purpose of measuring blood pressure’s in all four extremities in the newborn.
To assess for coarctation of the aorta
Higher blood pressure in the upper extremities and lower blood pressure in the lower extremities is indicative of
Coarctation of the aorta
When should routine blood pressure screening begin for children
Three years of age
What is the order of an abdominal exam
Inspect, auscultation, percuds, light palpation then heavy palpation
What is it called when Bilrubin levels increase and there is no treatment for Bilirubin so the Bilirubin goes to the brain and then leads to neurological delays and damage
When does the Bilirubin level peak in a full-term neonate
On the third or fourth day
What to examinations are used to assess dysplasia of the hip in an infant
Barlow’s and Ortolani’s maneuvers
Which examination for dysplasia of the hip includes external rotation of the hip and you hear a click or a clunk
Ortolani’s maneuver
What examination for dysplasia of the hip in an infant includes the butt and flexing the hip interiorly
Barlow’s maneuver
Where should the examiner second To fifth fingers be placed to perform Ortolani’s test
On the greater trochanter
Which test for hip dysplasia produces unequal knee height
Positive Galeazzi test
What is talipes equinovarus
Club foot
Urgent ortho referal
What is the test for scoliosis
Adams forward bend test
What type of x-ray do you order for scoliosis
Full length PA and lateral standing views C7 to the sacrum and iliac crest
If you find CVA tenderness upon examination of an infant it is indicative of
The correct order of maturation of Nails in Tanner staging is
Pubic, axillary, and then facial hair
People growth occurs in what tanner stages in girls
Stages two through three
Pubertal growth occurs in which tanner stages in boys
Stages three through four
The earliest secondary sexual characteristics characteristic in girls is
The onset of breast development, thelarche
The earliest stage of male maturation is
Testicular volume
Female visits the NP because she has a symmetry of her breasts. She is in tanner stage III. The NP knows that this
Will probably resolve by tanner stage five
What causes gynecomastia
Obesity, pot, Tagamet, aldactone
What finding is abnormal in a two month old child
A closed anterior fontanelle
In most children the primary teeth have completely erupted by
24 months or two years old
Normal vision in a child is expected by
Six years of age or first grade
At what age can infant Focus on her face, grasp a rattle if placed in hand, smiles, Coos, able to lift head 45°
Two months
At what age can an infant hold and control their head while held up right, no head lag when pulled up right, raises body on hands, rolls prone to supine, follows like 180°
Four months
At what age can an infant place an object in the opposite hand and in mouth, sit with support maybe unassisted, rolls supine to prone, bears weight, recognize his parents, says dada or baba, babbles, smiles squeals, laughs, imitate sounds
Six months
At what age can an infant pull to stand, bangs, shakes, drops, and throws objects, able to feed self with finger foods, response to own name and understands a few words, stranger anxiety, Crawls, creeps, and scoots
Nine months
At what age does an infant pull to stand, may take a few steps, uses pincer grasp and able to point, says 2 to 4 words, looks for dropped or hidden objects, response to own name and understands a few words, feed self and drinks from Cup, waves and says bye-bye, dada, mama, imitates vocalizations
12 months
At what age does an infant walk well and is able to stoop, Can point To a body part, says 3 to 6 words, stacks two blocks, follow simple commands, points, grunts, pull off to show what he wants, listens to a story
15 months
At what age does an infant walk backwards, can throw a ball, says 15 to 20 words, imitate words, uses two word phrases, points to multiple body parts
18 months
At what age does an infant walk up and down stairs one step at a time, can kick a ball, says at least 20 words, imitates adults, follow two-step commands, Stacks five blocks
Two years
At what age can a child jump, stand on 1 foot, able to ride a tricycle, says name, age, and gender, knows gender of others, able to copy a circle, Cross, able to recognize colors
Three years