Ground Operations/Takeoff+Departure/Enroute Flashcards
What is the definition of a contaminated runway?
a runway is considered contaminated when more than 25 percent of the runway surface area (within the reported length and the width beingused) is covered by frost, ice, and any depth of snow and slush, or water in a depth greater than 1/8”
Is ceiling controlling for takeoffs?
If it’s listed on the takeoff mins Jepp chart, then it is.
What’s standard takeoff mins?
1/2 SM (747)
You’re 200lbs overweight for takeoff. You’ll easily burn this before liftoff. Can you takeoff knowing you’ll be below max takeoff by rotation?
The Captain must determine that the weight of the aircraft at the start of the takeoff roll is below max takeoff wt. (structural, perf limit, landing wt + burn)
What are all the things you are looking for during a GE engine start?
- duct pressure greater than 25 psi
- N1
- Oil pressure increase
- N1 and oil pressure must be indicated by idle N2
Corrective action for:
- No oil pressure
- No N1
- engine fire
What is the definition of a “hung start”?
Engine fails to accellerate 90 seconds after fuel control switch to RUN
What FL does MNPS include?
FL280 - FL420
What are the procedures if you need to deviate for wx and can’t get a clearance in the NAT?
offset 30 degrees min, maintain altitude for 5 nm then South Climb 300’, North Descend 300’
When does a change in speed require you to notify ATC?
+/- 5% International
in the US +/- 5% or 10 kts..whichever is greater
What are some of the requirements for RVSM airspace?
- AP used for level off
- must not overshoot altitude by more than 150’
- AP must be engaged
- Altitude alerting operative
- Altimeter check every hour
- PFD altimeters may not be off more than 200’
- Equipment required for operations in RVSM airspace:
A. Two (2) independent altitude measurement systems.
B. An altitude alerting system.
C. An automatic altitude control system (Autopilot).
D. An operating transponder (required in most RVSM airspace).