Chapter 5 - Flight Ops - Preflight Flashcards
When must the Captain start a new log page?
The Captain shall start a new log page:
- At the beginning of a trip (i.e. after a crew change).
- After the Airworthiness Release has been signed.
- After any discrepancy has been written up and then cleared (with the exception of visual inspections required by the MEL).
- If the trip number changes.
What documents are required to be on board?
- Flight plan/release + Charter advisory
- Aircraft Flight Log (M-16) or Journey Log Book
- Cargo Manifest
- Hazmat/NOTOC
- Weight and Balance
- Aircraft Loading Checklist
- Aircraft Security Search Forms
- COMAT shipping invoice (if required)
- US govt bill of ladding (as required)
- General Declaration
- Permit to Proceed (if required)
- Crew members declaration
- Certificate of Disintefection
What do DMI’s Category A, B, C, D mean?
- A - as required
- B - 3 calendar days
- C - 10 calendar days
- D- 120 calendar days
You’ve DMI’d a component, can you use the parts that are still operational?
Unless the MEL includes guidance in the form of a NOTE that reads, “Any mode which functions normally may be used” you may not use the operational part of a DMI’d component.
Can MELs be extended past their expiry date?
Categories B and C can but the FAA must be notified in 24 hrs.
Can Categories A and D be extended?
Yes, but need FAA approval
When can the captain make handwritten addition to the MELs listed on the flight plan?
What needs to be put on the flight plan?
When it doesn’t result in a performance penalty factor. Along with the new MEL, add the FF initials and date
What is the procedure for a failure after pushback?
- Run QRH
- Check the MEL
- IF there’s a (M) associated with the failure and unable to correct by FME, must return to the gate, if only a (O), you may be able to continue if you can perform the O procedure, then write it up when you arrive at destination
- Call the Company - MX and FF
- Write it in the logbook/ start a new log page once it’s been signed off or MEL’d
- Get new Flight release if necessary
If you see a failed restraint system, what do you do?
Call MX
When do you need a takeoff alternate?
Wx or some other reason would preclude you returning to the departure airport
What is the max distance a takeoff alternate can be?
2 hours still air cruise
If weather is good at your destination airport, can you leave without an alternate?
no, need an alternate for each destination.
When do you need a second alternate?
WX at destination and 1st alternate is marginal
Weather is considered “marginal” if the TAF contains weather conditions that are forecast to be at (or below) the lowest authorized CAT I approach minimums (destination airport) or at (or below) the lowest authorized CAT I approach minimums adjusted to alternate weather minimums (alternate airport)
What weather is required to be legally released to a destination airport?
Weather must be above landing minimums at ETA
You’re flying along an hour from your ETP. The weather at your enroute alternate goes below alternate minimums and is forecast to be like that for the next 8 hours. Can you continue?
No flight shall be continued to the airport to which it was released unless the weather conditions at the
alternate and en route alternate airports are forecast to be at or above the required alternate minimums at
the ETA at the alternate airport, or if any other condition should arise that the PIC determines will not allow
the flight to safely proceed.
Is weather in the RMK section of a METAR controlling?
You’re looking at the weather forecast and you see BCMG 2323/01 0500. For planning purposes when does the 500’ visibility become effective?
at 2300z on the 23rd
The TAF has FM0400 0500 BCMG 010500/0700 CAVOK. When does the 500’ visibility no longer affect weather planning?
At 0700z
Weather shows PROB40 1/4SM. Do you need to account for this in planning?
Yes, need to assume it will be 1/4 SM on arrival so CAT II capability
Weather shows FM0100 1/4 PROB40 0400 3SM. Your ETA is within the PROB. Do you need Cat II capability?
Yes, where PROB shows an improvement in wx conditions, you can’t use them for planning.
What about TEMPOs?
Same as PROB, use worst case scenario
What weather do you need for your destination alternate?
Mins are derived from approaches:
- 1 straight in approach = add 400’ and 1 SM to approach minimums (height mins value)
- 2 straight in approaches = add 200’ and 1/2 sm to highest app mins (Height minimums value)
- Aiport with CAT II mins = weather above 3/4 sm and 4000 RVR to mins. Must be above 300 HAT
- CAT III approach available = weather is above 1/2 SM and 1800 RVR
You’re flying along, you pull up the weather for your destination and alternate. The weather is below mins at your alternate. What do you do?
Call FF and try to get another alternate filed.
What is the min fuel that could be planned to land with?
12,000 lbs
What are the fuel requirements for US domestic flight?
Fuel from:
- Departure to Destination
- Destination to Alternate
- Hold for 45 min at Normal Cruise
What are the fuel requirements for a standard international flight?
Fuel from:
- Departure to Destination
- 10% of Dep to Dest trip fuel
- Destination to Alternate approach and land
- Hold for 30 min at 1500’
What are the fuel requirements for a flight released under OPS B043?
Fuel from:
- Departure to Destination
- 10% of Class II Navigation trip fuel
- Destination to Alternate
- Hold for 45 min at normal cruise
What are the fuel requirements for a flight released under B044?
Fuel from:
- Departure to Destination
- 10% of trip fuel from Release point to Destination
- Destination to Alternate
- Hold for 30 min at 1500’
When operating under B044. What sort of deviations require you to contact FF?
- 100 nm deviation
- 4000’
- 15 min change in ETA