Ch.6 - International Ops Flashcards
Where are country entry and exit requirements found?
- Jepp manual
- Ops
- Charter advisory
When is disinfecting an aircraft required?
When indicated in Jepp Entry/Exit requirements
Is it necessary to use the EOP in VMC?
When do you need 2 VHF transmitters?
When VHF is required, overwater more than 30 min, or 100nm
What do you do if you lose HF communications?
Use Satcom
What defines a GNE?
25nm deviations or
10nm OCA
What should be especially be noted when
“cleared direct” in other countries?
CLass II navigation. What do you do 2min from a waypoint in Class II navigation?
Verify the coordinates of the subsequent 2 waypoints
When is a plotting chart required?
Class II navigation service volumes between navaids exceeds 725nm
What codes are you looking for on the flight plan before an oceanic crossing?
When the flight is planned for a North Atlantic Track, prior to departure, the flight crew must to review the flight plan strip to confirm that it contains the equipment codes J7 and D1, and the remark PBN/L1
What do you check when you “coast out”
RNP is 4.0
What else do you do when you hit the OEP?
SLOP - 1,2 or 0 nm offset
If offset function of the FMC were not available what do you do?
no offset
What is the difference between course reversals in the US and course reversals ICAO?
Course reversals ICAO only allow direct entries within 30 degrees of the outbound course otherwise a holding pattern is required
What is considered “established” ?
1/2 scale deflection or +/-5 degrees on a NDB
What is the max speed in the intermediate phase of the missed approach?
185 kts
If you’re flying empty somewhere, what FARs are you operating under?
Pt 91