Grieg Notturno Flashcards
Describe the title.
Derived from the word ‘nocturnal’ and is inspired by the evening mood after a busy day. They are often calm and tranquil.
What genre is it?
It’s a character piece.
How long is section A?
34 bars.
What happens in the first 4 bars (introduction)?
Sets a peaceful tone in 9/8 with the pianist having to cross his hands in bar 1 to 3 (right over left) to reach the bass clef notes. Bars 2 and 4 start with an acciacatura or grace note and bar 4 is a variation of bar 2.
The left hand has 2 features- repeated and tied quavers on C and E and chromatically descending dotted crotchets.
Describe the first melodic theme.
It starts on bar 5 with a rhythmic challenge of two against three. The melody rises by step to a strong dissonance on the first beat of bar 6 (c# is an accented passing note resolving to a D) with the right hand moving chromatically from an A to Ab.
What happens in bars 7-8?
Exact repeat of bars 5-6 sequenced a tone lower.
What happens in bar 9-14?
The phrase builds towards an Eb in bar 10 and towards an E natural in bar 12, increasing the intensity. Bars 13 and 14 ends the A section on an imperfect cadence with a suspension just before it.
How long is section B?
12 bars.
What happens in bars 15-17?
Bird-like trilling starts, sounding like a nightingale at a high registered pitch which slips from semiquavers to tuplets to trills followed by two bass notes.
What happens in bars 18-20?
They are exactly the same as bars 12-17 just sequenced a minor 3rd higher.
What happens in bar 21-33?
A specific rhythmic pattern is heard 10 times against a flowing arpeggio accompaniment, heard at ever increasing pitches, leading to the most intense part at bars 29-31.
What further reinforces the programmatic writing of the piece?
Build up in tone, register, and ever-changing dynamics to show a sunset with slower notes in bars 31, 32 and a silence in bar 33 reinforcing descending darkness.
What are the harmonies of bars 21-32?
Bars 21-22 = E7 add 9th Bars 23-24 = E7 add 9th, 11th Bars 25-26 = Ab7 add 9th Bars 27-28 = D7 add 9th Bars 29-32 = Dm7 add 9th
What happens at the end of section B (bars 31-33)?
It shows a release in tension with slower moving quavers, a diminuendo, and poco rit followed by a 3/8 bar of silence (bar 33).
What happens at the start of the returning A section (bars34-42)?
They are the exact repeat of bars 1-9.