Great Depression Review Flashcards
Test Review
While the Great Depression began in 1929, which group of Americans was in depression in the 1920s? Why was this so?
Farmers, because overproduction of crops led to lower prices.
What caused the Dust Bowl? What were its effects?
Farmers plowed land in the Great Plains. When a drought came there was no vegetation to protect the soil and it blew away. People known as “Okies” left the Great Plains for California and urban, industrial areas to find work.
In what phase of the business cycle was the US economy during the 1920s?
Expansion (Boom!)
What weaknesses in the US economy helped lead to the Great Depression?
The uneven distribution of wealth, easy credit , farmers were already in a depression
Why were weaknesses in the US economy hidden in the 1920s?
Easy credit (borrowing) for consumer goods hid these weaknesses for a while.
What event was given the name Black Tuesday?
The stock market crash of Oct. 29, 1929 – 16 million shares were sold and billions of dollars were lost
Why did the stock market crash in 1929?
People lost faith in the market’s ability to make a profit
Why did the US Great Depression spread worldwide?
The US quit lending money in Europe and withdrew money from the European economy. The US also raised tariffs.
What caused the collapse of international trade during the Great depression
The Hawley-Smoot Tariff
What caused rapidly increasing unemployment during the Great depression
reduced consumer spending and business closings
What caused bank runs during the Great depression
People believed that banks would close and they would lose their money
Contrast the policies of Hoover and Roosevelt in responding to the Great Depression. Why did they react so differently?
Hoover – believed in laissez–faire policies and that state and local governments should solve the problems of the Great Depression. Roosevelt believed the Great Depression was a national problem that required a national solution.
Hoover believed the country suffered from a lack of credit. What did he urge Congress to create to create credit?
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Why did Hoover’s volunteerism fail?
Businesses and individuals did what was in their best interest (lay-off workers, cut spending), which was not in the best interests of the country.
Why did the Bonus Army march on Washington? What was the response of the Hoover Administration to the protest?
For early payment of a bonus promised them in 1945. The US military forced them to disperse.
Which was the first bill passed by Congress after FDR’s inauguration? Why?
Emergency Banking Bill – to restore faith in the banking system and stop bank runs
Describe the differing views of opponents of the New Deal. What group organized in opposition to the New Deal?
Some thought that Roosevelt was making the government too powerful and destroying freedom. Others thought he did not go far enough and favored banks and businesses. The Right (the too far people) formed the American Liberty League.
What is another name for the Fair Labor Relations Act?
Wagner Act
What was a consequence of the economic downturn of 1938?
The Republicans made gains in Congress
What was the response of the UAW when General Motors refused to recognize them?
The UAW participated in a sit-down strike
What precedent did the Federal Art Project set?
Federal funding of the arts
What flaw was in the original Social Security Act?
Domestic workers and farm workers were excluded
How did New Deal programs benefit the West?
Irrigation and dam projects provided electricity and water for farmers and cities
During the Great Depression the US economy declined severely. Identify two problems that resulted from the Great Depression and describe a solution attempted for each problem. (four points)
The NRA aimed at reducing production and raising wages and prices. AAA was there to try to help raise crop prices.